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1.61Patch out!

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  • 1.61Patch out!

    At least according to Voodoo Extreme it is. It's got links to hosts for it too.

    Edited by Locutus:

    Download here:

    v1.61 Patch (47.9MB)
    Pitboss (3.6MB)
    SDK (6MB)

    Low-res Intro movie (71.4MB)
    Low-res Victory movies (42.1MB)
    Low-res Wonder movies (284.2MB)

    3D Max 6 tools (2.7MB)
    3D Max 7 tools (2.7MB)
    Documentation for tools (1.0MB)
    Examples for documentation/tools (10.9MB)
    Last edited by Locutus; April 13, 2006, 20:06.
    Radeon 9600 XT 256MB, Soundblaster Live! 5.1, WinXP SP2, 2.4GHz P4, latest Catalysts, Civ4 DX9

  • #2
    Link to the article.

    Radeon 9600 XT 256MB, Soundblaster Live! 5.1, WinXP SP2, 2.4GHz P4, latest Catalysts, Civ4 DX9


    • #3
      Just in time for easter, just like the last one was just in time for Christmas. Perfect.
      Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
      Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
      We've got both kinds


      • #4

        - randomized processing order when multiple players try to move on the same turn slice...
        - only the host can set the admin password...
        - Horseback Riding now a classical tech...
        - Kremlin now gives -33% hurry production cost...
        - can't airlift from foreign cities...
        - expanded subject for PitBoss e-mail...
        - lightened the color of some civs' text...
        - mp retire fix...
        - less hammers from chops the farther away from a city...
        - reduced hammer yield from forest chops to 20…
        - Mathematics increases forest chop yields by +50%...
        - SDI cannot be built before the Manhattan Project...
        - increased SDI cost...
        - marines and SAM Infantry now upgrade to Mech Infantry...
        - better AI-to-human diplo in team games...
        - no more diplo penalty for helping to end wars...
        - city production popups stay on city when entering/exiting...
        - can now set units to Sleep and Intercept in wbs...
        - Continents map script now produces large continents
        - game options and victory conditions now saved in ini file...
        - invalid buildings now removed from city queues...
        - Free Trade: Medium Upkeep
        - State Property: Low Upkeep
        - Representation: +2 happy in X biggest cities
        - Hereditary Rule: Low Upkeep
        - Representation: Medium Upkeep
        - Slaver: Low Upkeep
        - Nationhood: No Upkeep
        - firepower is now average of curr and max strength...
        - Gunships now move faster over rails...
        - No Cheating option renamed to Lock Modified Assets...
        - city management no longer uses "forced" specialist states when not automated...
        - Expansive: +3 Health
        - Financial: No longer give production bonus for Banks
        - Prompt for admin password when loading a game containing one in LAN, Internet, or Pitboss play
        - Don't allow players to play non-playable civs in Pitboss
        - Do not display SP only mods in Pitboss
        - Allow hotseat/PBEM scenario host to select which civ s/he will play
        - Force non-playable civs to be AI in Hotseat/PBEM games
        - Allowing for AI slots in player defined scenarios for Hot Seat, PBEM, and Pitboss games
        - Do not display duplicate buddy request popups from the same guy
        - Peer address handling improvements
        - Number keys perform leaderhead actions on Civilopedia leader screen.
        - Custom game SP screen remembers difficulty level last played
        - Reduced rounding error for population and land victory condition test
        - Loading a multiplayer game as a PBEM/hotseat converts it to non-simultaneous turns
        - When the city names of your civ are all taken, choose a default name from a random civ
        - Timelines more uniform across game speeds
        - Military Advisor shows Barbarians
        - Tech chooser screen now observes CvGameInterface.cannotResearch() and shows the tech in a red pane if the function returns true
        - Fixed American Revolution scenario to work with Pitboss
        - PBEM password reminder popup no longer disappears when the game starts
        - Wonder description on Wonder Movie screen more legible
        - Top Civs screen no longer appears in online multiplayer
        - Civilopedia main page sorted in columns rather than in rows
        - Pressing escape when selecting goto points now cancels the goto waypoints
        - Military advisor now works like foreign advisor: clicking on leader buttons clears previous leader selections unless you hold down the shift key.
        - Teams in multiplayer once again share all the players' starting techs, not just the last player's
        - Great person point generation from Wonders continues after Wonder has become obsolete
        - quicksave doesn't prompt for overwrite


        - exploit fix that allowed multiple players to extract the same gold/resources from the AI...
        - Don't set localhost address as public addr for peers on same computer
        - fixed gunships capturing cities bug...
        - game doesn't end on ties...
        - fixed mp UN voting bug...
        - Leaderheads on a radeon 9000 64mb - fix for strange skin shading.
        - Fixed crash that happened when a spy sabotaged an improvement outside cultural borders.
        - The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder.
        - Double-clicking on a save of a mod now loads the proper DLL.
        - fixed Out-of-Sync from exiting to main menu...
        - fixed anarchy/specialist resetting bug...
        - fixed bug where environmentalism doesn't affect new cities...
        - fix for missing head mission crash...
        - fixed stack attack bug with groups of units with more than one move...
        - fixed premature end-turn unit cycle bug...
        - fixed State Porperty cumulative effect in team game...
        - fixed plot list button scrolling for multiple resolutions...
        - fixed some AI attitude issues for team games...
        - Strip chat messages of color tags before displaying in Pitboss
        - Fixed logic bug that determines the number of open slots in a Pitboss game
        - Improving how the host determines if the game is full - number of connections rather than number of players - before, the host wasn't considering joining players when determining if the game was full
        - Set status to CLOSED when a computer player dies in the game
        - The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder.
        - Load proper DLL when a mod is specified in the ini file
        - fix for tech chooser showing known techs as unknown
        - Clear map data (like latitudes) when you exit to main menu
        - Fixed error in combat calculations when a zero-strength unit was involved.
        - Fixed bug in Info screen "rival worst" calculation
        - End of game sequence plays correctly for hotseat/pbem
        - Diplomacy screen no longer allows end-turn events to go through
        - Diplomacy screen gold popups respond to ESCAPE and RETURN
        - Right-click select-all no longer causes large stacks to slide off the screen
        - No longer possible to attempt to take over unplayable civs in multiplayer scenarios
        - Fixed PBEM infinite movement exploit
        - Fixed rush production per population for game speeds other than normal
        - GNP graph is now consistent with demographics table
        - Fix Gunship being almost invisibile in Frozen mode
        - fix mod name in progress bar
        - New DX9 code takes screenshot without requiring lockable back buffer
        - Fixed the vertically launching torpedo for the submarine unit
        - Movie playback optimized
        - Significant reduction in video and system memory usage
        - Fixed some memory leaks
        - Fixed crashes with modified SDK
        - Fixed XML failures with non-default locale
        - Many translation fixes
        - Memory related crash fixes
        - Fixed diplomacy crash fix (when expanding an empty tree control with space bar)
        - Internet lobby -> LAN fix
        - fixed pedia and menu buttons disappearing after leaving tech chooser
        - PitBoss no longer crashes on victory
        - can no longer see number of units in darkened tiles by moving the flag
        - No more Archers holding all their weapons and Workers holding all their tools
        - No more fog of war missing from the southern ice and from trees/jungle on the dateline
        - Pushing "go back" while joining a mp game, no longer causes background music to disappear
        - Wonder movie effect and zoom no longer happens when you have disabled Wonder movies
        - City billboards no longer choke on text formatting
        - Many tutorial issues fixed…
        - Fixed checksum folder order difference between NTFS and FAT32 filesystems
        - Many worldbuilder issues fixed…
        - Fix: Black eye shadows
        - Fix: Some leaderheads appear to have white eyes when the low-res textures option is on
        - fixing crack in huge globe view maps
        - fixes the problem where animals were not animating in the fog
        - Prevent Terrain crash when reloading EarthMap twice
        - fixed crash on too quick quickload
        - fixed city yields being revealed in FOW
        - fixed ability to see cities in FOW via defense modifiers
        - ICBM no longer flips upside-down when fortified/awaken
        - Fix for combat bug across a map seam


        - PitBossSleep ini setting...
        - unit cycling optimization...
        - Africa, Europe, East Asia, Eastern U.S., and South America maps
        - Fantasy_Realm, Fractal, and Shuffle map scripts
        - unit health bar for plot list buttons...
        - Require Complete Kills game option
        - No Movies is now a graphical option (instead of an ini option)...
        - Warn all users when a player with a different version of files joins the game
        - Display a popup warning the host when a joining player has different versions of XML/Python files so he can make sure this guy can be trusted
        - Indicate which players have an active turn in the Pitboss admin screen
        - Synch Logging now an .ini option
        - Able to load mods from the Pitboss
        - Hotseat and PBEM scenarios
        - Display name of peer you are contacting in join screen if available
        - Saving DirectIP join address
        - Added culture rate popup help to culture bar in city screen
        - Added Admin password field in PBEM/Hotseat staging screens
        - Added HideMovieBackground ini option for further movie speedup
        - Added HideOutOfVRamWarning ini option
        - Exposed many more functions to Python
        - Hooked up modern whaling boats
        - support for movies in customAssets folder

        Troubleshooting Connectivity

        If you are encountering problems when connecting to multiplayer games over the internet, chances are strong that you are not the cause of the problem. It is likely that players running firewall software that rejects incoming connection attempts may have already joined the game. Since these players do not have their firewall configured correctly, their computers are rejecting your attempt to connect. Therefore, it is vital that all players who wish to play multiplayer games ensure that their firewall is set up to allow Civilization IV to construct the necessary peer-to-peer network.

        If you are running firewall software, please verify that Sid Meier’s Civilization 4 is listed on the "Exception List" of your firewall, and that incoming messages will be accepted for this process. If your firewall software does not offer an exception list, please open port 2056 for UDP traffic on your firewall. This will allow the required traffic through.

        Although Civilization IV contains logic to negotiate around many firewalls and NAT devices (routers), it can run into trouble under certain circumstances. The solution Civilization IV employs works with a vast majority of routers, but does not work with all brands. Very old models may have more problems than newer ones. Additionally, Civilization IV will have problems negotiating through 2 levels of network address translation (ie. a router behind a router). Also, negotiation may fail if you or an existing peer is running the game on a very large and busy LAN.

        Python API

        For the Python coders, a list of changes to the Python API from v152 to v1.61 (many thanks to Solver; without his help this list would not have been possible):

        • In CvGameText:
          added int getNumLanguages()

        • In CvProjectInfo:
          added int getAnyoneProjectPrereq()
        • In CvTechInfo:
          added int getFeatureProductionModifier()

        • In CyCamera:
          added void ReleaseLockedCamera()

        • In CyCity:
          added void addProductionExperience(CyUnit, bool)
          modified bool canContinueProduction(Orderdata): added OrderData argument
          modified void chooseProduction(UnitType, BuildingType, ProjectType, bool, bool): added bool argument (bFront)
          added int conscriptMinCityPopulation()
          added int findPopulationRank()
          added int flatConscriptAngerLength()
          added ArtStyleType getArtStyleType()
          added CitySizeType getCitySizeType()
          added int getConscriptPopulation()
          added int getCurrAirlift()
          added int getDomainFreeExperience(Domaintype)
          added int getDomainProductionModifier(Domaintype)
          added int getExtraProductionDifference(int)
          added int getFeatureBadHappiness()
          added int getFeatureGoodHappiness()
          added int getFoodKept()
          added int getFreePromotionCount(PromotionType)
          added int getLargestHappiness()
          added int getMaxAirLift()
          added int getMaxFoodKeptPercent()
          added int getNumBuildings()
          added int getNumNationalWonders()
          added int getNumTeamWonders()
          added int getNumWorldWonders()
          modified int getProduction(): now returns int (was bool)
          added int getProductionExperience(UnitType)
          added CyPlot getRallyPlot()
          added int getTotalGreatPeopleRateModifier()
          added getUnitCombatFreeExperience(UnitCombatType)
          removed int getVisibleDefenseModifier()
          added bool isAirliftTargeted()
          bool isBuildingsMaxed()
          added bool isDrafted()
          added bool isEverOwned()
          added bool isFreePromotion(PromotionType)
          added bool isNationalWondersMaxed()
          added bool isProductionLimited()
          added bool isSpecialistForced()
          added bool isTeamWondersMaxed()
          added bool isWorldWondersMaxed()
          added void setAirliftTargeted(int)
          added void setBombarded(int)
          added void setDrafted(int)
          added void setFood(int)
          added void setNeverLost(int)

        • In CyGame:
          renamed bool GetWorldBuilderMode() from GetWorldBuilder2Mode()
          added int calculateOptionsChecksum()
          added bool canTrainNukes()
          added void cityPushOrder(CyCity, OrderType, int, bool, bool, bool)
          added int countHumanPlayersAlive()
          added int countHumanPlayersEverAlive()
          added int countTotalCivPower()
          added int countTotalNukeUnits()
          added void cycleCities(bool, bool)
          added bool cyclePlotUnits(CyPlot, bool, bool, int)
          added void cycleSelectionGroups(bool, bool, bool)
          added int getForceCivicCount(CivicType)
          added GameStateType getGameState()
          added int getImprovementUpgradeTime(ImprovementType)
          added int getNumDeals()
          added int getPitbossTurnTime()
          added int getPlayerVote(PlayerType)
          added int getProductionPerPopulation(HurryType)
          added int getProjectCreatedCount(ProjectType)
          added int getVoteOutcome(VoteType)
          added int goldenAgeLength()
          added bool hasSkippedSaveChecksum()
          added bool isForceCivic(CivicType)
          added bool isFOrceCivicOption(CivicOptionType)
          added bool isHotSeat()
          added bool isPbem()
          added bool isPitboss()
          added bool isProjectMaxedOut(ProjectType)
          added bool isSpecialBuildingValid(SpecialBuildingType)
          added bool isVoteTriggered(VoteType)
          added void makeSpecialBuildingValid(SpecialBuildingType)
          added void reviveActivePlayer()
          added void saveReplay(int)
          added void selectedCitiesGameNetMessage(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool)
          added void selectionlistMove(CyPlot, bool, bool, bool)
          added void selectionlistMove(CyPlot, bool, bool, bool)

        • In Cyinterface:
          added void clearSelectionlist()
          added void insertintoSelectionlist(CyUnit, bool, bool, bool, bool)
          removed bool noMovies()
          added void removeFromSelectionUnit(CyUnit)
          removed void removeSelectedCity(CyCity)
          added int selectionHotKeyUnit(int)

        • In CyMap:
          added void resetPathDistance()

        • In CyMessageControl:
          removed void sendEmphasize(list, list, list, int)

        • In CyPlayer:
          added int calculateResearchModifier(TechType)
          modified void chooseTech(int, string, bool): added bool argument (bFront)
          added int getBuildingClassCountPlusMaking(BuildingClassType)
          added int getCapitalCommerceRateModifier(CommerceType)
          added int getFeatureHappiness(FeatureType)
          added int getFeatureProductionModifier()
          added int getGoldPerTurnByPlayer(PlayerType)
          added int getImprovementUpgradeRateModifier()
          added int getLargestCityHappiness()
          added int getMilitaryProductionModifier()
          added string getNewCityName()
          removed CivicType getNextCivics(CivicOptionType)
          added int getNumNukeUnits()
          added int getPersonalityType()
          added int getSingleCivicUpkeep(CivicType, bool)
          added int getSpecialBuildingNotRequiredCount(SpecialBuilding Type)
          added int getStateReligionFreeExperience()
          added int getTotalLandScored()
          added int getUnitClassCountPlusMaking(UnitClassType)
          added int getWinsVsBarbs()
          added bool isCurrentResearchOption()
          added bool isExtendedGame()
          added bool isLateEra()
          added bool isNoForeignTrade()
          added bool isNonStateReligionSpread()
          added bool isNoResearchAvailable()
          added bool isSpecialBuildingNotRequired(SpecialBuildingType)
          added bool isSpecialistValid(SpecialistType)
          added void popResearch(TechType)
          added void setPersonalityType(LeaderHeadType)

        • In CyPlot:
          modified int calculateImprovementYieldChange(ImprovementType, YieldType, PlayerType, bool): PlayerType was TeamType
          added int calculateTeamCulturePercent(TeamType)
          added int calculateYield(YieldType, bool)
          added bool canHavePotentialIrrigation()
          added void changeForceUnownedTimer(int)
          added int changeImprovementDuration(int)
          added int changeOwnershipDuration(int)
          modified int defenseModifier(bool, bool): added bool argument (bHelp)
          added int getCityRadiusCOunt()
          added int getForceUnownedTimer()
          added int getImprovementDuration()
          added int getNonObsoleteBonusType(TeamType)
          added int getOwnershipDuration()
          added int getPlayerCityRadiusCount(PlayerType)
          added int getStolenVisibilityCount(TeamType)
          added int getUpgradeTimeLeft(ImprovementType, PlayerType
          added bool isActiveVisible(bool)
          added bool isBestAdjacentFound(PlayerType)
          added int isCityRadius()
          added bool isFlagDirty()
          added int isForceUnowned()
          added int isOwnershipScore()
          added bool isPlayerCityRadius(PlayerType)
          added bool isPotentialCityWork()
          added bool isRiverConnection(DirectionType)
          added bool isWithinteamCityRadius(TeamType, PlayerType)
          added void nukeExplosion(int, CyUnit)
          added void setFlagDirty(bool)
          added void setForceUnowned(int)
          added int setImprovementDuration(int)
          added int setOwnershipDuration(int)

        • In CySelectionGroup:
          added bool alwaysInvisible()
          added bool canDointerfaceMod(interfaceModeType, CyPlot)
          added bool canEnterTerritory(TeamType, bool)
          modified ActivityType getActivityType(): was int getActivityType(ActivityType)
          modified AutomateType getAutomateType(): was int getAutomateType(AutomateType)
          added bool hasCargo()
          added bool isAmphibPlot(CyPlot)
          added bool isFull()
          added bool isWaiting()
          added void setActivityType(ActivityType)

        • In CyTeam:
          added int countEnemyDangerByArea(CyArea)
          added int countEnemyPowerByArea(CyArea)
          added int countNumAIUnitsByArea(CyArea, UnitAIType)
          added int countNumUnitsByArea(CyArea)
          added int countTotalPopulationByArea(CyArea)
          added int getBuildingClassCountPlusMaking(BuildingClassType)
          added int getChosenWarCount(bool)
          added int getDefensivePactCount()
          added int getDefensivePower()
          added int getHasReligionCount(ReligionType)
          added int getNumNukeUnits()
          added int getResearchLeft(TechType)
          added int getSecretaryID(PlayerType)
          added int getUnitClassCountPlusMaking(UnitClassTypes)
          added int getWarPlanCount(WarPlanType, bool)

        • In CyTranslator:
          added string stripHTML(string)

        • In CyUnit:
          added int airBombBaseRate()
          added int airBombardCurrRate()
          added int airCombatDamage(CyUnit)
          added int airCombatLimit()
          added FLOAT airCurrCombatStrFloat()
          added FLOAT airMaxCombatStrFloat()
          added int animalCombatModifier()
          added CyUnit bestinterceptor(CyPlot)
          added bool canAirBomb()
          added bool canAirBombAt(CyPlot, int, int)
          added bool canAirlift(CyPlot)
          added bool canAirliftAt(CyPlot, int, int)
          added bool canBuildRoute()
          added bool canCargoAllMove()
          added bool canDefend(CyPlot)
          modified bool canHeal(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
          added bool
          modified bool canPatrol(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
          added bool canRecon()
          added bool canReconAt(CyPlot, int, int)
          modified bool canSentry(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
          added bool canSiege(TeamType)
          added bool canStealPlans(CyPlot, bool)
          added int cityAttackModifier()
          added int cityDefenseModifier
          added int collateralDamageMaxUnits()
          added void convert(CyUnit)
          added int currFirepower(CyPlot, CyUnit)
          added int domainModifier(Domaintype)
          added int featureDefenseModifier(FeatureType)
          added bool generatePath(CyPlot, int, bool, int)
          added int getDiscoverResearch(TechType)
          added int getExtraCityAttackPercent()
          added int getExtraCityDefensePercent()
          added int getExtraCombatPercent()
          added int getExtraDomainModifier()
          added int getExtraFeatureDefensePercent()
          added int getExtraHillsDefensePercent()
          added int getExtraTerrainDefensePercent()
          added int getExtraUnitCombatModifier()
          added int getGameTurnCreated()
          added int getMaxHurryPopulation(CyCity)
          added CyPlot getPathEndTurnPlot()
          added int hillsDefenseModifier()
          added bool ignoreTerrainCost()
          added bool isAttacking()
          added bool isAutomated()
          added bool isCombat()
          added bool isDefending()
          added bool isFighting()
          added bool isFortifyable()
          added bool isFound()
          added bool isInvestigate()
          added bool isMadeinterception()
          added bool isNeverInvisble()
          added bool isNukeVictim(CyPlot, TeamType)
          added void setMadeinterception
          added int stealPlanCost(CyPlot)
          added int stealPlanProb(CyPlot, ProbabilityType)
          added int terrainDefenseModifier(Terraintype)
          added int unitClassAttackModifier(UnitClassType)
          added int unitClassDefenseModifier(UnitClassType)
          added int unitCombatModifier(UnitCombatType)

        • In PBGameSetupData:
          added bool getVictory(int)
          added int iCityElimination
          added int iMaxTurns
          added int iNumVictories

        • In PBPlayerAdminData:
          added bool bTurnActive

        Disclaimer: this list may not be 100% complete, specifically there may be some functions which in v1.52 were not documented that have had their arguments changed. If you suddenly get any 'Python argument types in {x} did not match C++ signature: {y}' on any of your pre-v1.61 scripts, you probably found a function of which the arguments changed

        The Python API reference on this site will be updated later today or tomorrow, I need to get some other paperwork done first.
        Last edited by Locutus; April 13, 2006, 15:48.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          Yay, nice patch
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            It looks like expansive got a big boost, while financial and the kremlin were nerfed. Clear-cutting won't be as viable a strategy any longer (except for perhaps Expansive civs ).


            • #7
              Of course, this doesn't include the SDK and Pitboss, which have also been released.
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #8
                Originally posted by Locutus
                Of course, this doesn't include the SDK and Pitboss, which have also been released.
                But both where mentioned in the link proved in the second post
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #9
                  Not everyone reads external links
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #10
                    SDK .
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #11
                      I am chomping at the bit to see how the fixed memory leaks improve endgame performance on my laptop.


                      • #12

                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #13
                          Late does it come, but good timing anyway, I just have 3 weeks vacation ahead. I wanted to use them for Vanguard and Oblivion, but I'm sure I'll check out Civ4 as well.


                          • #14
                            I´m sure you´ll find something to complain about with the new patch as well, Sir Ralph
                            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                            • #15
                              I'm sure I will.

