Just me, or do you notice how many times the AI settles their cities with a one-square tile space from the coast? I see about 9 of these types of cities to every 1 the AI settles on the coast. Continental maps, Pangea, Terra, etc.
What in the AI algorithm makes them think that it's of benefit to settle so that several workable tiles are on the coast, but the city isn't and thus cannot exploit coastal improvements? It's got to be a huge factor in why it's so easy to out-GNP the AI - not to mention that unless you're on Archipelago-type maps that seemingly force the computer to settle coastal, the AI navy is a complete nonfactor.
What in the AI algorithm makes them think that it's of benefit to settle so that several workable tiles are on the coast, but the city isn't and thus cannot exploit coastal improvements? It's got to be a huge factor in why it's so easy to out-GNP the AI - not to mention that unless you're on Archipelago-type maps that seemingly force the computer to settle coastal, the AI navy is a complete nonfactor.