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AI's Inexplicable War-Declarations, esp. in Mid-Game

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  • #61
    Bingo Blake. So the AI does "cheat"? Interesting, is this well-known? can others confirm? Thanks!


    • #62
      Originally posted by Azuarc

      The worst part about threats is not being able to say "well, what about this instead?" Typically a Civ demands a particular tech I have because they think they can either get it from me for free or they can't get it at all. I promptly trade them something they have - not necessarily something I want, but I'm usually pretty free-dealing with most techs - and still get the diplo penalty even though ultimately I gave them what they wanted.

      -1 vs +1 and some bonus to "Our trade relations have always been fair and forthright" is sometimes worth it.
      Also, "You gave us tribute" and its counterpart "You refused to give us tribute" seem to be relatively permanent diplomatic adjustments, which is something to consider.


      • #63
        I'd love to have an option that says.
        I'm tired of your wussy demands, prepare to die. Then destroy them and when another civ demands, the option would be,
        Didn't you see what I did to ......., reconsider, and if that's still your demand, then you can die too

        Someome told me that if you refuse their demand but then offer to trade and give them 10 bucks, you don't take the diplo hit. Can anyone verify or denounce this?
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #64
          Re: Re: AI's Inexplicable War-Declarations, esp. in Mid-Game

          Originally posted by Shaka II

          It sounds like those crazy AI invasions must work somewhat, if they cause you to lose.

          Count yourself lucky, on pangea, the AI can get you anytime, even close to 4000BC. Growing up next to Alex, you'd better have archery quickly or else copper.

          But, if you really don't like those invasions, then work on diplomacy, or else develop your military to achieve parity. Check the F9 power graph. They'll tend to leave you alone if you're as strong as they are, unless you've done something really bad like have a heathen religion. If so, switch to Free Religion or adopt one that won't anger the wrong people.
          If you're careful, it's not too bad being next to Alex, I was next to one of the russian leaders, had positive relation (though cautious) and they, for no reason declared war on me, and their army was only slightly stronger then mine.


          • #65
            Catherine is a bit on the agressive side.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #66
              Count me in as well on the "mad at the AI" side.

              In my current Noble, Epic, 11-civ game, I was attacked by Montezume (of course) for no reason I can figure. There were TWO civs between me and Monty, but for some reason I'm the target. Why on earth wouldn't he attack his immediate neighbours who didn't even share his religion?

              Is there a modifier that simply makes the AI more prone to attack a human player than other AIs?

              Anyway, I marched right back down Monty's throat (across two civs) and destroyed him. Yes, it felt good. Real good.


              • #67
                Originally posted by NFIH
                Is there a modifier that simply makes the AI more prone to attack a human player than other AIs?
                I'm fairly certain there is. I can count on one hand the number of inter-AI wars waged in the average game, and often on two the number of times I get involved. (Of course, that's not to say the AI starts that war.)

