Originally posted by Common Sensei
Your asking for something beyond the Power graph correct?
Your asking for something beyond the Power graph correct?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: I was pointing out an inequity... a bias for the AI... a nonlinearity in the game that makes it nearly impossible to play a peaceful civ. The AI has a much better guage on my military than I do on the AI's. Arguably, the AI needs all the help it can get, but this seems like more of a lazy workaround to avoid strengthening the AI. The game would be a *LOT* more enjoyable if these cop outs were avoided, which is a point I think everyone will agree on while Firaxis is pulling its hair out (AI programming is not easy). But if there was just one thing I could ask Firaxis to do, it'd be this: instead of telling the AI which civs are weakest, make them work for it, and make it more chancy. The AI will devote __% of resources to scouting (an overly simplistic view I realize), and that's it. And if it notices a weak civ, well hey score one for the AI. If it doesn't find a weak one, it can build more scouts or just sit tight. That's the way it works with me and all other human players.
Now the power graph does provide this information, which is an argument for another day.
Perhaps this is also tied into zabrak's point about the naturally competitive nature of the game's players?