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Couple questions

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  • Couple questions

    Hey everyone;

    I let video games go for a while, but recently have returned and have found myself helplessly addicted to Civ4. I haven't been able to put it down for a about a week.

    I completed my first game on Noble with a space race victory and am going to start a new game soon. I had a couple questions about a few things I couldn't find perusing the boards here:

    1. Irrigation: how exactly does it work? I think the idea is that you can chain farms together to provide more locations where you can build farms. Do the farms have to be right next to each other to chain them?

    2. Gold: I've heard it said here that in Civ4, "gold is everything." Having gold, or generating gold? I obviously see how generating it is important; the last game I won, I was generating loads of it and using it all for research: I kept handing out free treats here and there for the other civs to keep them from warring with me because I was 600-800 points ahead for the bulk of the game and over 1000 ahead by the end (I finished the space ship with about 50 turns to go). I always had very little gold; it went straight to 100% research. The only reason I can see the need for it is to a) upgrade units, which I didn't need last game, or b) use gold with one of the civics (can't remember which) to assist production.

    3. Culture slider: really that helpful? Doesn't seem to have much of an effect once the bulk of your cities are over 5000 unless you're really stretching for a culture victory.

    4. Not generating units/buildings, but wealth/culture/research instead: Every time I've tried this it seems to contribute almost nothing. Am I better off cranking out new military units? What are the actual upkeep costs of those things anways?

    5. What to do with old units: I've got old units hanging around as the game progresses; what do I do with them (see the gold question... is it worth it to have money to upgrade, or should I just delete and build new ones)? Sometimes I like to throw cavemen at marines and such just for a laugh.

    6. Navy, and starting new cities abroad: Is there a right time to do this? I have done much better on pangaea and terra maps with few continents because I tend to neglect my navy - the fact that ships can only bombard seems strange to me, and it takes so much time to build ships that can transport units and then actually get them there. Is it wise, once you have tech enabling global sailing, to get some settlers out there if there's room for new cities?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    1. Irrigation: how exactly does it work? I think the idea is that you can chain farms together to provide more locations where you can build farms. Do the farms have to be right next to each other to chain them?
    You can irrigate (build farm) any tile that has access to fresh water. Fresh water is provided by rivers,oasis and freshwater sea. Resources that need a farm (wheat,grain) dont have to have access to water in order to build the required farm on them.
    Required: Agricultre

    These farm-chains you are referring to are important if you want to irrigate a tile that has not access to fresh water.
    You can irrigate a tile that has a farm (irrigated tile) next to it and build a "road of farms" to the tile you want to have irrigation.
    Required: Civil Service

    You can irrigate wherever you want
    Required: Biology

    2. Gold: I've heard it said here that in Civ4, "gold is everything." Having gold, or generating gold? I obviously see how generating it is important; the last game I won, I was generating loads of it and using it all for research [...]
    Well, I guess what is meant is not gold but commerce.
    Anyway, it makes little difference...commerce is what drives your income, your research. You need income/gold to cover the empire's expenses and still have a reasonable research% (I guess 70%+ is an accepted rule of thumb).
    So, you need commerce (->gold) to expand (rising costs for every new city), to research, maintain units etc...
    Thats why it is all about commerce

    3. Culture slider: really that helpful? Doesn't seem to have much of an effect once the bulk of your cities are over 5000 unless you're really stretching for a culture victory.
    Yep, you either play for culture or you dont. Your choice. In some cases you might find it useful though to generate happy faces via it (theatre, colosseum).Apart from that dont touch it.

    4. Not generating units/buildings, but wealth/culture/research instead: Every time I've tried this it seems to contribute almost nothing. Am I better off cranking out new military units? What are the actual upkeep costs of those things anways?
    Wealth/Culture and Research are very useful.
    Well, I am not a fan of research and if you want produce culture is situational also but Wealth definetely is a nice one to keep your science%-slider up / break even.
    Upkeep costs of what ? Units ? Depends on civics.

    5. What to do with old units: I've got old units hanging around as the game progresses; what do I do with them (see the gold question... is it worth it to have money to upgrade, or should I just delete and build new ones)? Sometimes I like to throw cavemen at marines and such just for a laugh.
    Upgrade. Though laughing is said to be healthy but I would prefer to upgrade them the moment they are needed.

    6. Navy, and starting new cities abroad: Is there a right time to do this? I have done much better on pangaea and terra maps with few continents because I tend to neglect my navy - the fact that ships can only bombard seems strange to me, and it takes so much time to build ships that can transport units and then actually get them there. Is it wise, once you have tech enabling global sailing, to get some settlers out there if there's room for new citie
    I dont use navy a lot too but I try to found cities abroad.
    It depends a little bit if you can afford new cities (upkeep) but if you can , settle.

    I let video games go for a while, but recently have returned and have found myself helplessly addicted to Civ4.
    Build something you believe in with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII. Available now on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch!

    They can help =P
    e4 ! Best by test.


    • #3
      Re: Couple questions

      Originally posted by walkern
      5. What to do with old units: I've got old units hanging around as the game progresses; what do I do with them (see the gold question... is it worth it to have money to upgrade, or should I just delete and build new ones)? Sometimes I like to throw cavemen at marines and such just for a laugh.
      I delete most of them. Upgrade your high experience units, upgrading your whole army is generally too expensive. And do remember that that marine is gaining experience while you're laughing


      • #4
        Re: Couple questions

        Originally posted by walkern
        3. Culture slider: really that helpful? Doesn't seem to have much of an effect once the bulk of your cities are over 5000 unless you're really stretching for a culture victory.
        Cities with a theater gain one happy face per 10% culture. It can be good to combat war weariness.


        • #5
          Re: Re: Couple questions

          Originally posted by Nacht

          Cities with a theater gain one happy face per 10% culture. It can be good to combat war weariness.
          Just turning up the Culture slider will add a happy face. Theatres only add to that effect.


          • #6
            Colisseums give one happy face per 20% culture.
            Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


            • #7
              Re: Re: Re: Couple questions

              Originally posted by Willem

              Just turning up the Culture slider will add a happy face. Theatres only add to that effect.
              Glad to learn something I guess the moment I start using the culture slider the phase of heavy micromanaging has long passed.


              • #8
                Re: Couple questions

                Originally posted by walkern
                5. What to do with old units: I've got old units hanging around as the game progresses; what do I do with them (see the gold question... is it worth it to have money to upgrade, or should I just delete and build new ones)? Sometimes I like to throw cavemen at marines and such just for a laugh.
                It is generally cheaper to disband them and build new ones. If you have units with high experience though, it can be worth it to upgrade them. I usually use 10XP as a general guide. A unit with 10+ XP I will upgrade if I can afford it, less than that I will not. It is easy enough to get one with 6XP, so you gain little upgrading a unit with less than 10.

                This is especially true when you go from Macemen to Rifles. Macemen have City Raider, which your Gunpowder Units will not have access to again. In my last game I actually put all of my cities producing Macemen with Barracks and a Vasselocracy(Vassalage and Theocracy). That gave me Macemen with 6XP and thus City Raider II. These were then upgraded to Rifles which had City Raider II, quite the offensive force. They then easily upgraded to Infantry.


                • #9
                  My barrackovasselocracymacemen have 8XP


                  • #10
                    Barrackovasselocracywestpointedmacemen would be 12 XP each, and City Raider III. mmmmm
                    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                    • #11
                      12 ! damn....too much to upgrade =P
                      e4 ! Best by test.


                      • #12
                        1. With Civil Service, farms can be link diagonnally too.

                        4. If you are late game and there is nothing more that is reasonable to build in a city, and you don't need more military, it helps to switch over to generating research. Remember to switch any specialists to scientist too. You can never have too much research!

                        5. If I am in that transition phase where I have some old units around, and if I have some money, and if I am spending all the production I have on new units because Monty just invaded me (again!), then I will immediately upgrade everything I can afford. However, if late game I have some axemen laying around they get tossed and new units built.

                        6. If you are on a small continent it is often advantageous to get some ships out and explore so that you have trading partners and your trade routes get cranking. If you find islands or an empty continent, by all means settle it. Don't forget that the first civ that circumnavigates gets an extra tile of movement for all ships for the rest of the game.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Quillan
                          Barrackovasselocracywestpointedmacemen would be 12 XP each, and City Raider III. mmmmm
                          Actually, just 10.

                          PentaBarrackovasselocracyWestPointed macemen is up to 12.

                          If you managed a

                          RedPentaBarrackovasselocracyWestPoint, then you'd get 12 + medic 1.

                          If you were Agg, and had a RedPentaBarrackovasselocracyWestPoint, then it'd be 12 + medic + combat 1.

                          Of course you won't be able to build West Point, Pentagon, or Red Cross while macemen are out really, so your best macemen are probably just

                          Barrackovasselocracy + agg, for 6 xp and free combat 1.


                          • #14
                            Barracks is 4
                            Vassalage is 2
                            Theocracy is 2
                            West Point is 4


                            Pentagon added would be 14. Of course, you'd only get the full amount for units built in the West Point city, while Pentagon adds 2 everywhere.
                            Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                            • #15
                              Arrg, was thinking barracks was only 2. I suck.

