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Babarians or not Babarians

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  • Babarians or not Babarians

    It seems to me that barbs is very tough in Civ4, if you try
    to play Prince or higher

    How do you deal with Barbs (any good suggestions)

    Im working on a gamestorie that will post later in
    Civ4-Stories/Reviews, i want to play it

    But if i have Barbs turned on, its a risky thing
    my storie might be a little short, and my winning probs will be rather bad
    Raging Barbs
    Barbs (standart)
    No barbs
    Only Barbs in banana skirts
    Hmm........Is this a good idear ?

  • #2
    To deal with marathon barbs make archer an extremely high priority, going for bronze working first will result in certain death if you fail to get very easy copper.

    Also, don't train workers at the tart. Their hard work just gets ripped up. Just focus on wonders and expansion, lakes and seafood are very good. On highlands you can often use mountain ranges to create safe areas for terrain improvement.

    Also, it'll suck if you don't get copper or Iron. But it's not an insurmountable difficulty, just found on hills and have plenty of archers.


    • #3
      Thanks for Your advise

      I better start a new "storie"
      Got no copper in sight, havent got Archers, and
      i feel that very soon the barbs will start comming in strong

      Why do you want me to build on Hills ?
      Hmm........Is this a good idear ?


      • #4
        +25% defense, and another +25% for archers.


        • #5
          On Prince I have barbarians disabled. Playing on Marathon just spawns way too many barbs, even when I'm building units at full speed. Last game I tried to have it on, the barbarians arrived with 3+ axemen around the same time I finished researching archers. I haven't even researched bronze working yet, so all I had was warriors
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            Voted Barbs (standard)
            However, I wish that standard would really mean standrard! Currently I feel it is more at random.

            Sometimes there seem to be almost no barbarians at all.
            Then at other times they appear at every turn from all directions and in infinite numbers and this does not seem to have a connection to how much unoccupied land there is near by. Nor does it have anything to do with barbarian cities.
            GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
            even mean anything?


            • #7
              How I deal with barbs: risky

              Make having a road between your settlements a high priority. Have a warrior in each city. Station other warriors just outside of your cultural boundrys on forested hills - even better if your warrior can get woodsman promotion.

              Having your warriors stationed outside your cultural boundry and on a hill rids the most fog possible. This means that barbs must spawn farther from your cities. They are usually going to attack the first unit they see. A fortified woodsman 1 warrior on a forested hill has an adjusted strength of 4.5 (2 + 125% 25 for fortified, 25 for hill, 50 for woods, 25 for woodsman)

              Your warrior will not take axemen, but by the time that barb axemen start to come around, surely you have been able to get horses, copper, or iron. If you dont have either of those three, You better get to fudelism quick for the lowbows.
              Early to rise, Early to bed.
              Makes you healthy and socially dead.


              • #8
                Yeah, the trick is to put as many archers as possible on forested hills just inside and outside your territory. They will rake in promotions (give them hill defense) and easily be able to take out barb axemen and swordsmen. I usually only leave 1 or 2 archers in the city itself. (This is very different from previous Civs where the majority of my troops just stayed in the city where they were built. Call it agressive defense.)

                But barbs are a real p in the a... quite realistic when you think about classical history, I supoose.
                ...and I begin to understand that there are no new paths to track, because, look, there are already footprints on the moon. -- Kerkorrel


                • #9
                  Raging barbs. Always.
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • #10
                    I rather have Barbarians rather than Babarians.
                    "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                    "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                    Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                    "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The keeper
                      If you dont have either of those three, You better get to fudelism quick for the lowbows.
                      Just an Archer will do. Place it on a Hill and a Barb axeman is usually no match for it, though they occasionaly get lucky. I've seen Swordsman lose to a lowly Archer on a wooded Hill. I think Archers are the most underrated unit in the game, many people seem to overlook them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bill3000
                        I rather have Barbarians rather than Babarians.
                        Yeah... what are Babarians, anyway? Worshippers of the Baba Yetu song?
                        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The keeper

                          Make having a road between your settlements a high priority.
                          When playing Emperor, the last thing you want to spend early reserach points on is "The Wheel"
                          GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
                          even mean anything?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Saurus

                            When playing Emperor, the last thing you want to spend early reserach points on is "The Wheel"
                            You need The Wheel in order to get Pottery and build Cottages.


                            • #15
                              Bards Standard.

                              There is something about them old bears, lions and other vritters that I enjoy

                              and if my history is correct, then it is only this last century that humans have not had such issues - something about massive population growth etc etc

                              yeah let the roam and plunder...

                              and if I playing a game with my brother, then raging barbs are a requirement he is demented
                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.

