You definitely take a hit in research when you switch from free market to State property. I have noticed a 20% reduction in beakers in most cases when I make the switch. However, once your empire grows past a certain size (usually about 10 cities +), the savings you get in maintenance will allow you to turn up your science rate to compensate for the loss of commerce. Therefore, just like Civ3, State Property ("Communism" in Civ3) is the best government for those large, expansive empires.
I do not think that the civic itself is too powerful, as is not available until fairly late in the tech tree, and it is only advantageous for large and spread out empires. However, I do not understand the logic behind the food bonus, given the widespread starvation that resulted when the early Bolsheviks "collectivized" the farms shortly after taking power.
As to the political discussion and the praising of so-called "regulated" capitalism, I will only quote a Roman proverb:"Once the members of the Senate realize that they can spend the Treasury to buy themselves public support, the Republic is doomed."
I do not think that the civic itself is too powerful, as is not available until fairly late in the tech tree, and it is only advantageous for large and spread out empires. However, I do not understand the logic behind the food bonus, given the widespread starvation that resulted when the early Bolsheviks "collectivized" the farms shortly after taking power.
As to the political discussion and the praising of so-called "regulated" capitalism, I will only quote a Roman proverb:"Once the members of the Senate realize that they can spend the Treasury to buy themselves public support, the Republic is doomed."