Originally posted by rjmatsleepers
Are you sure about this? I have seen a post in another thread that suggests it is the source of the points that matters not the number. For example, if you are getting 2 points from (say) Stonehenge and 3 points from a scientists, you are getting 5 points per turn, but only a 50% chance of a great scientist. Adding a second scientist would get you a great person earlier, but not change the probabilities. Has anyone checked this?
RJM at Sleeper's
Are you sure about this? I have seen a post in another thread that suggests it is the source of the points that matters not the number. For example, if you are getting 2 points from (say) Stonehenge and 3 points from a scientists, you are getting 5 points per turn, but only a 50% chance of a great scientist. Adding a second scientist would get you a great person earlier, but not change the probabilities. Has anyone checked this?
RJM at Sleeper's
You have the stonehenge in a city without any stored GPP points.
You add a scientist and let it run until the GP pops out.
There was 1 prophet source, and 1 scientist source, so a 50% chance of each.
If instead you added 2 scientists:
1 prophet source, 2 scientist sources. 33% chance of prophet, 66% chance of scientist.
It is the ratio of sources that matters.
And this is why the Heroic/National Epics give so many lousy artists despite being only 1pt.