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A response to a sub par start

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  • #16
    2440 BC - finish Warrior, begin Warrior. We send our new warrior out to secure our second city site. Since we're Financial, we love rivers, so it will be along the river unless we find Copper.

    2200 BC - finish Warrior, begin Settler.

    2160 BC - second floodplain cottage finished. Research is 16 beakers / turn, twice base level. Demographics says we're #1 in GNP, 60% ahead of the #2 nation. Worker now begins another cottage on a river plains square.

    2000 BC - our warrior encamped along the river defeats a lion.

    1975 BC - Worker completes the third cottage. Our research is now 18 beakers / turn, twice our nearest rival's. Worker now begins a few roads.

    1950 BC - our Warrior encamped along the river defeats a panther and takes Woodsman I. A Wolf shows up, but we're not scared.

    1925 BC - discover Bronze Working. New priority is a library, so we begin researching Writing. We don't see any copper, darn.

    1600 BC - discover Writing. New priority is the Oracle, for Civil Service if we can get it, or something else good if we can't. Begin researching Mysticism. All 3 cottages are now Hamlets, and research 21 beakers / turn. Our GNP is 50% better than the #2 civ. Worker completes our road to the second city site, and returns to build some mines and chop some wood.

    1575 BC - our Warrior which we sent to picket the northeastern woods defeats a panther.

    1525 BC - finish Settler, start Library.

    1500 BC - found New York, start Warrior. I place New York so as to make sure we'll work lots of river tiles. I don't try to include the Rice because this site has plenty of food.
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    • #17
      1500 BC - found New York, start Warrior. I place New York so as to make sure we'll work lots of river tiles. I don't try to include the Rice because this site has plenty of food.

      1475 BC - discover Mysticism, begin Meditation.

      1300 BC - discover Meditation, begin Priesthood.

      1275 BC - New York finishes Warrior, begins Warrior.

      1175 BC - discover Priesthood, begin researching Code of Laws to unlock Civil Service.

      1150 BC - our northeastern picket defeats a lion and takes Woodsman I.

      1050 BC - New York finishes a Warrior and begins a Worker.

      850 BC - Washington finishes Library and begins Oracle. Growth stagnates as we move a worker to a mined plains hill. This is quite late, but I'm feeling confident due to the low difficulty level and our high research. Our GNP is 27, 50% more than our nearest rival. Our research is 33 beakers per turn.

      740 BC - New York finishes a Worker and begins a Settler. New York's settler begins making cottages.

      660 BC - discover Code of Laws and found Confucianism in New York. Don't switch to Confucianism because we don't want to delay the Oracle. New priority is Archers for defense, so start researching Hunting.

      600 BC - Discover Hunting, begin Archery. Washington finishes the Oracle, discovers Civil Service. Revolt to Bureaucracy and Caste System. Washington starts Monastery.

      580 BC - Convert to Confucianism.

      540 BC - Return from anarchy. Washington's population growth resumes. GNP is 45, 130% more than nearest rival's. Research is 54 beakers / turn.

      500 BC - discover Archery, begin Animal Husbandry. No horses either. Maybe we'll have Iron when we get to that.

      440 BC - discover Archery. Our new goal is the Great Library, so we start researching Polytheism. Contact made with the Chinese.

      380 BC - discover Polytheism, begin Alphabet.

      320 BC - monastery complete in Washington, start Temple. Our GNP is 47, 110% better than our nearest rival. Research is 60 beakers / turn.

      220 BC - our first Barbarian Warrior shows up on the borders of New York.

      180 BC - our Woodsman I warrior taunts the Barbarian into attacking him in the woods, and wins of course.

      160 BC - discover Alphabet, begin Literature. The Chinese have some techs we want, but don't like us because they founded Judiasm, and won't trade.

      140 BC - New York finishes Settler and starts Archer.

      120 BC - Washington completes temple and begins Archer. Boston founded.
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      • #18
        80 BC - Washington finishes Archer and starts Settler.

        40 BC - discover Literature. Our new goal is Pacifism. Begin researching Philosophy. Our GNP is 49, 150% better than our nearest rival. Our research is 63 beakers / turn.

        60 AD - Washington finishes Settler, starts Great Library. One worker assigned as Priest.

        80 AD - another barbarian warrior shows up near New York.

        120 AD - barbarian killed by Woodsman I warrior, who upgrades to Woodsman II.

        160 AD - Philadelphia founded.

        260 AD - first Barbarian Axeman shows up. We move an archer out to lure him into attacking on bad terrain.

        270 AD - our archer kills the Axeman, but is killed by a follow-up Warrior.

        310 AD - Moses born in Washington, priest removed. We've had serious Barbarian problems, losing 2 more warriors as we seek to protect our Hamlets near New York.

        320 AD - Discover Philosophy, Taoism founded in New York. New goal is something better than Archers to deal with those Barbarian Axemen, so we start researching Iron Working. Confucian Shrine created in New York.

        370 AD - discover Iron Working. One of our mined hills near Washington has Iron, so we're set. New goal is to up our happiness limit, so we being researching Monarchy. We are now #1 for both GNP at 60 vs. 26, and #1 for hammers, at 35 vs. 30.

        390 AD - Washington completes the Great Library, and we revolt to Pacifism. Another Barbarian Axeman shows up.

        400 AD - Pacifism costs us 2 gold a turn, and in exchange we get +10 GPP / turn in Washington. Our research is 90 beakers / turn, and we're hoping for a Great Scientist soon.

        420 AD - the Chinese demand Code of Laws. We tell them to go fly a kite.

        430 AD - the Chinese cancel our Open Borders agreement. It's good money they plan war, but the seem fairly distant.

        440 AD - Discover Monarchy, and revolt to Hereditary Rule. Our new goal is Macemen, so we start researching Metal Casting.

        480 AD - Atlanta founded.

        540 AD - Metal Casting discovered, begin Machinery. Great Prophet born in Washington. We'd rather have a Great Scientist, but we'll take what we can get.

        550 AD - Taoist shrine created in New York.

        680 AD - Discover Machinery. Our new goal is a University for Washington, so we begin researching Paper. Our GNP is 75 vs. 47 for 2nd place, our hammer production is 42 vs. 34 for second place, and we produce 108 beakers / turn.

        770 AD - Great Scientist born in Washington, creates Academy. Research is now 153 beakers / turn.

        790 AD - discover Paper, begin Education.

        880 AD - Chicago founded.

        900 AD - Seattle founded.

        1010 AD - Discover Education. Next goal, free tech from Liberalism, so research Liberalism. Our GNP is 83 vs. 54 for 2nd place, production 53 vs. 52 for second place, research 138 beakers / turn.

        1020 AD - San Francisco founded.

        1035 AD - Great Scientist born in Washington, added as Specialist to Washington.

        1070 AD - Los Angeles founded.

        1105 AD - Discover Liberalism and take Printing Press as the free technology. Nationalism is tempting, but we have a lot of other techs to backfill, and we'll make up the 600 beaker difference by the time we're interested in Nationalism again. New goal: Optics for Caravels.

        1110 AD - Discover Sailing, begin Compass.

        1135 AD - Discover Compass, begin Optics.

        1155 AD - Houston founded.

        1165 AD - Discover Optics. New Goal: Free merchant from Economics. Begin Mathematics.

        1170 AD - Portland founded.

        1175 AD - Discover Mathematics, begin Currency. St. Louis founded.

        1180 AD - we discover our first Happiness resource, Gems, in the jungle.

        1190 AD - Great Prophet born in Washington. Added to New York as a specialist - with two shrines, it's a center of income already.

        1195 AD - Discover Currency, begin Feudalism. Our expansion has hurt our GNP, we're #2 at 77 vs. 80 for #1. We're still #1 for production at 93 vs. 87, and we're producing 203 beakers / turn.

        1235 AD - Discover Feudalism, begin Guilds.

        1245 AD - Maimi founded.

        1250 AD - Germany discovered.

        1255 AD - India discovered. We trade Machinery for Drama, Calendar, and Masonry.

        1285 AD - discover Guilds, begin Banking. Trade Optics to India for Monotheism, Horseback Riding, and their map.

        1290 AD - India's map gives us the Circumnavigation bonus.

        1300 AD - Buffalo founded.

        1315 AD - we get Music from a Hut.

        1320 AD - Detroit founded.

        1325 AD - discover Banking, begin Economics. Revolt to Mercantilism and Free Religion.

        - Gus


        • #19
          The American Empire in 1365 AD:
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          • #20
            just looking at that last image most of your cities are only 1 tile from where i built cities. you are about 500 years in front of where i am although i have 4 religions with 3 shrines built. At 1758 i was researching replacable parts was 2nd in GNP to frederick, prod 2nd to china, 6th in mil power. Also just completed barbarian conquest in the north only to find a barb city near borders in south lost a settler finding it.

            Missed liberalism and circumnavigation bonus to frederick. the chinese are confucian my (state religion))

            I might have found something interesting. It needs confirmation but i think that the barbarians go after the last civ harder than the rest. when i was last or nearly last the barb pressure was the greatest(they came in stacks).

            i cant go into much more depth right now , i am upgrading my RAM ... computer fair is in town


            • #21
              Here's my game of the same year as the uploaded save.

              I have two acadamies and the conf shrine. There's a bit of unhappiness which is because I just obsoleted Archers (with the discovery of Machinery) and the crossbows are like 4x as expensive so I'm needing to use Catapults to make up the hereditary rule numbers.
              I've researched up to Liberalism but since I'm so far ahead I decided to go for Banking and pick up Economics as the free tech.

              The only wonder I built: Collosus (because it was cheap). The only wonder I might have wanted is Notre Dame since that's the only wonder that adds happiness, but I didn't bother with the Alpahbet path. Of course Broadway and friends would be high priority.

              Here's the save if you wanna look at it.
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              • #22
                6th in military power? no wonder you don't like war! Try a variation where you can only win a domination victory and cram LOTS of AI on a small Pangea.

                I believe that Vel called this the military wonder, building a unit or two every turn until you are ahead of the average soldiers, (even better if you are in the top4) This is still effective as a peaceful civ, speaking softly but carrying a big stick.
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • #23
                  that will be the next one 11 civs same size same difficulty and climate and washington. to me 11 is lots started one with 18 same settings war broke out at about 1500 BC agro civs.

                  thats an excellent series of posts

                  until now although i was aware of the chop hammers they didn't figure much in actively rushing buildings/settlers mostly if the wood was in the way i got rid of it for cottage / farm /mine.
                  BTW forrested hills give more hamers than flatland forrests

                  here is a screenshot my empire at 1758

                  The barbarian city will be facing cavarly once ive research it and the border towards china will be strengthened.
                  the jungle will be colonised.

                  cultral victory possible but its a bit late to start even with sistine chapel.
                  Domination unlikely some major wars will need to be fought and soon most difficult to try for
                  space or diplo most likely victories but these are easy if they come up or there is a race at the end then these can be interesting.

                  Cavraly + rifles are the next priority then possibly chemistry

                  i know it says 1724 on the file but it's 1758 in game
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                  • #24
                    I would be much more aggressive personally in expanding the number of cities early, Washington as a leader with financial, organized traits is very suited to fast expansion backe up by early Code of Laws for courthouses and lots of cottages for development into towns. Those traits benefit very little from the early wonders, therefore I would not build any before Statute of Liberty ( a great wonder for games with lots of cities)


                    • #25
                      Hoo boy gus, you sure were lucky with the barbarians. I had stacks of axemen everywhere and the barbarians were coming 3 or 4 per turn from abou 1000BC onward. I had some great upgrades for my troops though. Otherwise I played much the same game as you. I too found this map boring. It is a builders dream I guess, but I need other civs to play against. Give me a pangea map anytime compared to this.


                      • #26
                        Bulder maps are boring if you love conquest i ussualy go for continents tropical cause i dislike tundra and ice.

                        anyways this thread is dead

