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Alternate Pyramind Grab

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  • #31
    Another fail

    I rather think that this leaves the game more imbalanced than the CS-Slingshot. I failed again the other day, by two turns and couldn't really figure out any way of doing it much more quickly. I even had marble and about three workers out there so the Oracle was finished c 1100 BC in just two turns.

    I did get a library in the capital later to supplement the beakers and give a few more GP points but for a non-Philo leader, you have to wait forever for your first GP.


    • #32
      I did it on Noble the other day and 2 turns away on Monarch. Much easier on Noble, since I also built Stonehenge. In fact, on Noble, I didn't even need the GE rush for the Pyramids. No stone and no marble, either.

      At higher levels, I think it's better all around to just take it from whoever builds it (hopefully they're close). I agree with couerdelion. The time it takes me to build it always leaves me ripe for the picking by the early aggressors that are always on my borders. So far anyway... This may be better suited to maps where you're more isolated.

      I much prefer the Slingshot, though since it usually leaves me less crippled militarily. I've never viewed the Pyramids as one of those "must haves", but I guess it depends on your style. FWIW, I've just started playing on Monarch, so I generally refrain from most wonders early on (save Oracle), since I seem to get attacked pretty early when they're my focus.


      • #33
        Re: Alternate Pyramids Grab

        Originally posted by The_Paladin 5) As soon as forge is done assign an engineer. Now all you have to do is wait 17 turns for that great engineer... and when you get him build the pyramids instantly with him.
        OK, what am I missing here? I was fooling around with this on a start using Washington. All seemed well until Step 5, but I would have to wait FIFTY turns, not 17, at +3 GPP. [This is Epic and Monarch.]
        "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


        • #34
          I never played epic,just normal and marathon.
          At normal the 1st GP costs 100GPP,at marathon 300GPP.
          So,at epic...?
          Best regards,


          • #35
            This works only for philosophical leaders (17 turns on normal, 25 on epic). The original reasoning being, if i recall correctly, that you could only really rely on getting the pyramids with industrious leaders before this while philosophical leaders with an early specialist economy will be the ones that profit most of the pyramids anyways. and off course there is no philopsophical AND industrious leader

            but correct me to the motives, i was never good at this, only tried it a few times and i always liked the cs slingshot better since it works more often and i'm a sucker for cottages anyways. specialists are just too heavy on the MM side for me


            • #36
              As opposed to being an alternative pyramid grab I actually see it as the way to get them. Interestingly, the great engineer generated is Imohtep (sp?) the engineer of the great pyramid.



              • #37
                Well, about two hours after I posted that message I--er--lightbulbed the answer. PHI you idiot.

                SebP, the motive is to get the pyramids without tying up a city's production for such a long time.
                "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                • #38
                  This thread has got me thinking. It sounds like on higher levels and normal game speed, you stand a good chance of not getting your GE in time to get the pyramids.

                  However, what if your oracle assisted forge is built in the city where you want to chop for the pyramids? You'd probably need a lot of forests for this because you'd be chopping that forge too.

                  Also, does the forge increase the hammers generated by poprushing?

                  Let's see...for a happiness 4 limited city, you could conceivably grow to size 6 and have 3 citizens available for whipping. You'd need 12 total food for stagnation: 2 from city center, 2x1 from grassland hill mines, so 8 from two other tiles. That might be tough, but not never: two farmed floodplains or grassland pig + grassland forest or any two food resources would probably do it. If you had gold, silver or gems, the forge would up your happiness limit to 5 making it much easier to support 6 citizens, but you might have trouble hooking it up.

                  Hmmm. I guess it just seems easier to chop the pyramids and then the forge and use the great engineer for something else.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KerThud
                    Also, does the forge increase the hammers generated by poprushing?
                    I believe the answer to this is yes and no. The hammers generated by pop-rushing is simply the number of hammers remaining rounded up to the nearest 30.

                    I presume the forge will reduce slightly the number of population needed for the pop-rush

