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Global Warming

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  • Global Warming

    Hey folks, new guy here.

    I added coal plants and airports to a few of my cities and decades later I started getting global warming. That is, entire squares of the map that once were grass/forest/whatvever appear to now have permanently become desert.

    I'm assuming adding coal plants and such contributed to this, but is there anything I can do to reverse the greenhouse effect? I'm pretty advanced in time now, having played well past my diplomatic victory (I'm now in the 23rd century), and most of my cities are starving now because former farmland has become barren and unuseable. Any ideas? Is there any way to replenish the lost lands?

  • #2
    No way i know of to replenish farm lands

    Pollution was removed when as far as pollution generated by various sources except one.

    NUCLEAR WEAPONS or super banana bombs i just can't remember which

    Has there been a nuclear war?


    • #3
      Nope, I got everyone to sign off on an Nuke Ban Treaty as soon as I was made SG of the UN. The only thing that's happened nuke-wise was a meltdown in one of my cities, but that happened long after global warming began.

      Is there a way to delete buildings out of cities that I don't know about? Maybe that would help?


      • #4
        if 2 civs had a nuke exchange you would not necessarily see it .

        Also NPT does not destroy existing nukes

        i am pretty sure that coal plants don't generate pollution
        coluld be wrong though

        during global warming does tundra become grass land or plains ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by unamablebuiler
          during global warming does tundra become grass land or plains ?
          I also think that "nuclear weapon" carries too bad connotations and they should euphemistically be referred to as terraform units

          e4 ! Best by test.


          • #6
            I got sick of Global Warming and the Nerf Bat used on ICBMs so I Fixed a Few Things.


            • #7
              Nah, I'm absolutely positive there was no nuke exchange. I always had either "Pleased" or "Friendly" relations with everyone in the world.

              So, in conclusion, there's absolutely nothing I can do to halt or reverse global warming?


              • #8
                ummm were there any wars between civs since manhat was built then there may have bee a nuke exchange. but if not then i'm a bit stumped.

                nothing can be done a bout global warning sorry


                • #9
                  Nope, there were only 4 computer players and none of them actually ever went to war... I was watching them closely the whole game. It is very odd, indeed... thanks for responding anyway man.

                  Maybe one of the game developers would be kind enough to shed some light on the subject? (chuckle)


                  • #10
                    I've had global warming when I was the only civilization with the technology for nuclear weapons. There is definitely another cause for global warming besides nuclear weapons.


                    • #11
                      Hmm. Coal plants always USED to be a major contributor to pollution in previous CIVs.

                      Seeing as you don't get a pollution "splodge" to clear up with your worker teams any more, perhaps your global warming is the end result?

                      If they have modelled airports (and the abstracted air traffic generated) into global pollution, then thumbs up.

                      In my personal opinion, it would take a fairly major nuclear exchange to out-do all the world's current "civilian" pollution in the real world as it stands now.


                      • #12
                        I agree, but I think it isn't so wonderful that you can't do anything about it once it starts (laughs) Ah well, I'll just save and halt that particular game until I figure out what happened... and then not repeat it. I'm going to not build coal or nuke plants in my next game and see how it goes.


                        • #13
                          I thought that polution was put in this game by the unhealthyness.

                          Coal plants = +2 unhealthy
                          Forge = +1

                          Ive never actually had global warming be an issue in any of my games.
                          Early to rise, Early to bed.
                          Makes you healthy and socially dead.


                          • #14
                            The game I was referring to originally was the second game I've played where it was a problem. Literally, every turn I'd have two or three tiles somewhere in my territory turn into desert.


                            • #15
                              I guess some kind of indicator would be in place... i remember that at least civI and III had one - i personally liked the newspaper in civI, giving you additional warning - maybe in a future patch the indicator could go where the national flag leading to your capital is located now (which space/usefullness ratio is really poor IMHO) - along with other things - i would like it SMAC style with alternating graphs giving you info about various in game stats...

