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Favorite Civ, overall

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  • #46
    I voted India - Asoka, the forgotten Indian.

    This is mainly because of how much he rocks on Emperor+ difficulty.
    Organized dramatically lowers expenses, making research faster.
    This enables Asoka to found Buddhism.
    Organized makes Organized Religion nice and cheap to run, for a +25% production gimmie (which works with chops) and being able to build those missionaries to spread Buddhism everywhere.
    Between org Religion and fast workers, chopping wonders is easy.
    Spiritual makes for cheap temples, organized for cheap courthouses. Cheap expansion is the name of the game.

    Basically, Asoka can do an amazing amount of stuff on the cheap. He's the true king of efficiency. Save some coins here on civic upkeep, some hammers there on courthouses & temples, some worker turns everywhere because they move faster, some turns with every civic switch. It all compounds into a civ that is a joy to play.

    Gandhi has NOTHING on Asoka.

    My other favorites are Tokugawa (agg/org), Alexander (agg/phi), Mao (org/phi) and Elizabeth (fin/phi).


    • #47
      True, patch was really essential in making Organized trait worth.


      • #48
        Americans The UU is swweeet late inustry unit with decent attack and anti gunpoweder and machinegun bonuses

        Washingtom is one of the best builders i reckon plus his UU doesn't go obsolete.

        The germans are also good too

        yet to play much of the others though


        • #49
          Washington, the Financial and Organised traits ensure that no matter how large the empire you won't haemorrhage cash.
          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


          • #50
            Random usually - but my favourite draws are Elizabeth from the builder civs, Tokugawa from the warmongers and Hatshepsut from the spirituals.


            • #51
              I usually play Random, and my favorite trait in general is Financial.

              Asoka for Emperor and above.

              Napoleon for Multiplayer, especially in team games where I don't know if I'm going to end up on the front lines or in the rear on wonder duty.

              Musketeers make great medics to support a Knight or Grenadier rush; they are the ONLY 2-foot unit in the game that can get double medic promotions with only 5 promotion points (barracks plus vassalage or theo, obviously)
              Last edited by Gherald; January 29, 2006, 18:07.


              • #52
                I think I voted for Liz (English) because I do like her specialisations as well as the unit...

                ...the unit does come pretty late in the game, but on the other hand - when you reach rifling (and your opponent hasn't) you allready have a huge bonus and if this unit is your special unit as well all the better... I have tried with the French Musketiers but you can upgrade nearly every unit to Redcoats (except cavalary and bombard units) which makes them a lot better IMO...

                I think Saladin is a good choice as well... Mystic gives you a good chance to found an early religion while the ability to switch goverment in the wink of an eye + the ability to produce great persons (or is it great people then?) just rocks... I didn't have so much use for the camel rider Uu yet, but it might be a very effective unit... haven't tried it...

                Another choice would be Asoka I think... but haven't had much experience with it, yet...


                • #53
                  Indians are my favourite.

                  I always do best with Asoka - do you remember the Ramayana wonder from a previous Civ where a voice said: "There's a hidden truth in everything - find it and win!" ... Asoka knows this truth and has already won from the onset of the game, it's up to *you* not to spoil it for him.


                  • #54
                    I have tried with the French Musketiers but you can upgrade nearly every unit to Redcoats (except cavalary and bombard units) which makes them a lot better IMO...
                    Eh? Who in their right mind would want to upgrade medieval units to a pathetic strength 9 ?? Better to use your old macemen as fodder or to stay behind and garrison captured cities.

                    Non-UU Musketmen are useless. I _always_ research chemistry directly after gunpowder, especially in multiplayer games.

                    Double medic Musketeers, on the other hand, can keep pace with your knights, defend them reasonably well if they stop on a hill/forest, and also support grenadier rushes very well.

                    Multiplayer games typically don't last for very long after someone gets steel (usually with liberalism) but in the rare event that they do your musketeers can live on to support more modern units.

                    I typically build no more than 10 musketeers when playing Napoleon. As Louis I might build a few but would rather focus on knights or cavalry instead (since he doesn't get the combat I bonus for gunpowder units).

                    But as any non-french leader I _never_ build a single pathetic musketman.
                    Last edited by Gherald; January 30, 2006, 13:10.


                    • #55
                      Roosavelt - American

                      I like to build a lot of wonders fast early game and expand in spurts.


                      • #56
                        Commando units are scary. With agressive civs, you get them only for 17 xps.


                        • #57


                          • #58
                            Aggressive civs get Combat I for free.

                            2 - Level 1: Combat 2
                            5 - Level 2: Combat 3
                            10 - Level 3: Combat 4
                            17 - Level 4: Commando


                            • #59
                              If you are running Vassalage and Theocracy, and have built Barracks, Pentagon, and West Point, your units start out with 14 xps.

                              Can you imagine how powerful Mechanized Infantries with commando upgrade are?


                              • #60
                                Sali al-Hadin is rising on my charts now that i really gave him a go. The spiritual really makes fine tuning your civics such a non-thought. Switch to what you want when somethin is happenin. Oh building the great library? organized religion instantly for 25% bonus. Greeks invade, Oh insta armies in a flash.

                                On marathon this is almost TOO good.

                                And have I mentioned how much I LOVED phi civs?

                                The UU is only worth anything at all when you lack resources. wich at that stage of the game, is kinda rare.
                                The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...

