Welcome to the "Vel's Workshop" series! The goal of this series is to demonstrate via step-by-step instruction and illustration, various types of "plays" that will enhance your game. In time, I envision that there will be a whole series of these mini-tutorials, that will focus in one one very specific aspect of the game, allowing you to concentrate on that piece of it, and practice it until you've mastered it, and then move onto something else.
All games in this series will be randomly generated maps. Unless otherwise noted, all games will be with defaults accepted, and with randomly selected civs unless the exercise in question revolves around a particular civ attribute or a specific civ itself. All games will be played on Monarch level, on the thinking that a) most players will play at or below this level, and as such, Monarch will "reach out" to the biggest audience, and b) Monarch represents the first big step up in difficulty in the game.
Finally, note that all games will be played on Marathon speed unless otherwise noted. This is because Marathon speed really puts the mechanics of the game "out there" in plain view, which is important to this kind of learning, IMO. If there's a request for it, we can set up other types/speeds of games as the series progresses.
I'll post a savegame file, and some objectives, followed by step-by-step instructions and illustrations on how I met the stated objectives, and the thought process that went on in pursuit of those objectives, and then invite you to download the game, and step through the exercise with me until you've mastered it (and perhaps even improved on it!). In this way, we can all practice "on the same page" as it were, and help each other refine our techniques on a common set of ground. Also, by replaying this same scenario repeatedly, not only will it help the learning, but it will allow several games to be played out in their entirity, experimenting with different techniques or shadings each time. Plus, I'm hoping that the shared conversations makes the learning fun!
Objectives in this Workshop
* Explore the strengths of Vertical Growth
* Execute a successful CS Slingshot ("Civil Service" Slingshot - a means of radically catapulting research to great heights)
Addendum: The goal, with the "CS Slingshot" is to maximize the number of beakers in the Capitol, via the following structures:
--> An early Library (+25% to research)
--> Two Scientist specialists assigned to generate G-Man points, which in turn, will give me an early Great Scientist
--> Use of the Great Scientist to found an Academy in the Capitol (+50% to research)
--> Research all the pre-requisite techs to Civil Service
--> Complete the Oracle (wonder), JUST AFTER I get Code of Laws (the last, and most expensive pre-req to Civil Service)
--> Take Civil Service as my freebie Oracle Tech, and switch to Bureaucracy as my form of Government (+50% to both hammers and commerce in the Capitol)
And thus, create a research engine that will drive the rest of the game.
It is important to note here that timing is of the utmost importance. If the Oracle finishes before I get Code of Laws, then I cannot take Civil Service as the free tech, and the whole operation depends on that.
Likewise, I MUST generate most, if not all of my G-Man points BEFORE the Oracle completes, in order to maximize my chances of getting a Great Scientist (because the Oracle, upon completion, will be generating points toward giving me a Great Prophet, and he can't create the Academy I need)
And here's our opening save file.....
(actually, the zip contains both the "before" and "after" saves, but don't worry over the "after" save just yet....
All games in this series will be randomly generated maps. Unless otherwise noted, all games will be with defaults accepted, and with randomly selected civs unless the exercise in question revolves around a particular civ attribute or a specific civ itself. All games will be played on Monarch level, on the thinking that a) most players will play at or below this level, and as such, Monarch will "reach out" to the biggest audience, and b) Monarch represents the first big step up in difficulty in the game.
Finally, note that all games will be played on Marathon speed unless otherwise noted. This is because Marathon speed really puts the mechanics of the game "out there" in plain view, which is important to this kind of learning, IMO. If there's a request for it, we can set up other types/speeds of games as the series progresses.
I'll post a savegame file, and some objectives, followed by step-by-step instructions and illustrations on how I met the stated objectives, and the thought process that went on in pursuit of those objectives, and then invite you to download the game, and step through the exercise with me until you've mastered it (and perhaps even improved on it!). In this way, we can all practice "on the same page" as it were, and help each other refine our techniques on a common set of ground. Also, by replaying this same scenario repeatedly, not only will it help the learning, but it will allow several games to be played out in their entirity, experimenting with different techniques or shadings each time. Plus, I'm hoping that the shared conversations makes the learning fun!
Objectives in this Workshop
* Explore the strengths of Vertical Growth
* Execute a successful CS Slingshot ("Civil Service" Slingshot - a means of radically catapulting research to great heights)
Addendum: The goal, with the "CS Slingshot" is to maximize the number of beakers in the Capitol, via the following structures:
--> An early Library (+25% to research)
--> Two Scientist specialists assigned to generate G-Man points, which in turn, will give me an early Great Scientist
--> Use of the Great Scientist to found an Academy in the Capitol (+50% to research)
--> Research all the pre-requisite techs to Civil Service
--> Complete the Oracle (wonder), JUST AFTER I get Code of Laws (the last, and most expensive pre-req to Civil Service)
--> Take Civil Service as my freebie Oracle Tech, and switch to Bureaucracy as my form of Government (+50% to both hammers and commerce in the Capitol)
And thus, create a research engine that will drive the rest of the game.
It is important to note here that timing is of the utmost importance. If the Oracle finishes before I get Code of Laws, then I cannot take Civil Service as the free tech, and the whole operation depends on that.
Likewise, I MUST generate most, if not all of my G-Man points BEFORE the Oracle completes, in order to maximize my chances of getting a Great Scientist (because the Oracle, upon completion, will be generating points toward giving me a Great Prophet, and he can't create the Academy I need)
And here's our opening save file.....
(actually, the zip contains both the "before" and "after" saves, but don't worry over the "after" save just yet....
