Originally posted by Willem
Editing the XML file that sets many of the conditions. I guess you can call it code I suppose. But you'd essentially be doing both too. Just copy the file to your Custom Assets folder then change that entry and the game will alway start at the date you select. If you begin at 4100 BC instead of 4000 BC, that gives you an extra 100 years at the end. Very simple to do, all you need is Notepad.
But then you might have to change the total number of turns as well, adding an extra 100. It's doable though I don't know which file it's in right now.
Editing the XML file that sets many of the conditions. I guess you can call it code I suppose. But you'd essentially be doing both too. Just copy the file to your Custom Assets folder then change that entry and the game will alway start at the date you select. If you begin at 4100 BC instead of 4000 BC, that gives you an extra 100 years at the end. Very simple to do, all you need is Notepad.
But then you might have to change the total number of turns as well, adding an extra 100. It's doable though I don't know which file it's in right now.
I would probably copy the orginal file somewhere jsut on case........
