What is the most maligned/least useful civic?
The logic behind all the picks in my poll is:
Hereditary Rule: I view this civic as one that people select, much like slavery, as a stop-gap until something better is unlocked. Later in the game with numerous ways to combat unhappiness martial happiness isn't terribly effective.
Nationhood: Compared to the juicy commerce/hammer/culture/unit enhancing benefits of other legal civics this one seems sorely lacking, and arriving rather late on top of that. Drafting units for pop is a high price, like Slavery, and I'd only consider it in a dire emergency, facing invasion, though by the time one realizes this it may already be too late.
Caste System: In truth I find the Labor civics to be the least interesting, and they tend to be among the first unlocked to boot. Usually I just run Serfdom until Emancipation. For the poll I find Caste System to be a fairly useless civic; the buildings needed to assign Great People are available early and aren't terribly expensive to build. On top of this CS is the most expensive Labor civic. I can only fathom wanting to run this with a Super Science City or Super Shrine City that ballooned in population early in-game, with lots of spare workers. A rare scenario, in my opinion.
Environmentalism: A very late-game civic which, though employing some nice effects, I think somewhat pales in comparison to State Property and Free Market (or even Mercantilism run in tandem w/Representation). There are many ways to combat health problems without resorting to civics to do it for you, although if your empire-management style is total tree-hugger (read: there are a lot of tree tiles you've saved over the centuries) maybe this is feasible, or if your civ has a lot of flood plains in its terrain that are turning out to be liability late-game.
Theocracy: An anemic civic, in my opinion. +2 XP isn't much compared to +25% building construction bonus (like having a free forge in each city) and missionaries without monasteries, or a doubled Great Person production rate (who doesn't want more of these spawned?
that comes with other civics. And the all-mighty Free Religion civic is very handy for appeasing rival civs and boosting one's own research come late game. Theocracy prevents non-state religious spread. To me, that's a negative effect! I want to know as many religions as possible in my cities so that Free Religion is that much better to run, or it's possible I can switch faiths and still cull its boons. I can only fathom running this if one was in dire need of the XP boost, though for my money running Vassalage and building barracks is better.
Ultimately, while all are "strong' candidates I went with Caste System. What about you?
The logic behind all the picks in my poll is:
Hereditary Rule: I view this civic as one that people select, much like slavery, as a stop-gap until something better is unlocked. Later in the game with numerous ways to combat unhappiness martial happiness isn't terribly effective.
Nationhood: Compared to the juicy commerce/hammer/culture/unit enhancing benefits of other legal civics this one seems sorely lacking, and arriving rather late on top of that. Drafting units for pop is a high price, like Slavery, and I'd only consider it in a dire emergency, facing invasion, though by the time one realizes this it may already be too late.
Caste System: In truth I find the Labor civics to be the least interesting, and they tend to be among the first unlocked to boot. Usually I just run Serfdom until Emancipation. For the poll I find Caste System to be a fairly useless civic; the buildings needed to assign Great People are available early and aren't terribly expensive to build. On top of this CS is the most expensive Labor civic. I can only fathom wanting to run this with a Super Science City or Super Shrine City that ballooned in population early in-game, with lots of spare workers. A rare scenario, in my opinion.
Environmentalism: A very late-game civic which, though employing some nice effects, I think somewhat pales in comparison to State Property and Free Market (or even Mercantilism run in tandem w/Representation). There are many ways to combat health problems without resorting to civics to do it for you, although if your empire-management style is total tree-hugger (read: there are a lot of tree tiles you've saved over the centuries) maybe this is feasible, or if your civ has a lot of flood plains in its terrain that are turning out to be liability late-game.
Theocracy: An anemic civic, in my opinion. +2 XP isn't much compared to +25% building construction bonus (like having a free forge in each city) and missionaries without monasteries, or a doubled Great Person production rate (who doesn't want more of these spawned?

Ultimately, while all are "strong' candidates I went with Caste System. What about you?