Playing as Japan, on a marathon huge world, Noble difficulty with the default barb setting (didn't pay it any attention in the setup). I had a nice little empire clipping along early, with recently founded Tokyo making three cities and putting me one border expansion from horses. I had also founded Judaism and had fur, wheat, deer, incense and cows within my empire, with marble and silver each just one settling away and iron showing up during the events to be described. Lots of rivers and forests, started one city layer from the coast, and had made contact with seven or so other civs. I had a settler a turn away from finishing and a handful of decently promoted warriors on the homefront. All in all, I was in pretty good shape, then it happened.
First Tokyo gets razed when I get a bad combat result (Combat I + Shock + 10% fortified warrior loses defending to barb unpromoted warrior). I started seeing a stream of barbs, alternating archer, warrior, archer, etc., each about two spaces behind the last, come at Kyoto from the west. No big deal, as one of my warriors is Woodsman II and there's a perfect intercept point that keeps them from being able to do any real damage. The only problem is they keep winning just enough fights, and I have to keep replacing warriors. Then a couple come from the east. I get a little help from a Roman warrior on that side, but now have another spot to protect. I'm furiously pumping out warriors in both cities and racing to IW, and finally the western stream trickles off and stops. I send a warrior out and find not one, but two barb cities right off my borders on that side. Assuming there's a third on my east, I managed to get squeezed between three barb cities simultaneously. Yippee.
Even though aside from my wheat farm being razed and some dead warriors, I haven't suffered any damage, it got to the point that I just had to put the game down and walk away for a break. Taking inventory, I realize that the worst damage is that this has completely immobilized me with respect to my competition for the last several turns. I do have iron, so if I can ever get enough breathing room to get it hooked up, I'll have a couple of well-promoted swords right off the bat, and properly played, this could be a really good situation once I'm out of it, at the very least a fun one in which to play catchup after some early setbacks, so I'm not packing that game in by any stretch. I just find it amazing that the barbs can affect a game so much. Never in a previous civ have they been implemented this well.
First Tokyo gets razed when I get a bad combat result (Combat I + Shock + 10% fortified warrior loses defending to barb unpromoted warrior). I started seeing a stream of barbs, alternating archer, warrior, archer, etc., each about two spaces behind the last, come at Kyoto from the west. No big deal, as one of my warriors is Woodsman II and there's a perfect intercept point that keeps them from being able to do any real damage. The only problem is they keep winning just enough fights, and I have to keep replacing warriors. Then a couple come from the east. I get a little help from a Roman warrior on that side, but now have another spot to protect. I'm furiously pumping out warriors in both cities and racing to IW, and finally the western stream trickles off and stops. I send a warrior out and find not one, but two barb cities right off my borders on that side. Assuming there's a third on my east, I managed to get squeezed between three barb cities simultaneously. Yippee.
Even though aside from my wheat farm being razed and some dead warriors, I haven't suffered any damage, it got to the point that I just had to put the game down and walk away for a break. Taking inventory, I realize that the worst damage is that this has completely immobilized me with respect to my competition for the last several turns. I do have iron, so if I can ever get enough breathing room to get it hooked up, I'll have a couple of well-promoted swords right off the bat, and properly played, this could be a really good situation once I'm out of it, at the very least a fun one in which to play catchup after some early setbacks, so I'm not packing that game in by any stretch. I just find it amazing that the barbs can affect a game so much. Never in a previous civ have they been implemented this well.