Hmm, lots of junk here, largely from people who posted to correct others 'misconceptions'. 
If as the first post suggests it has been tested with 50 iterations with a true 50/50 situation and the AI won 80% of the fights then clearly there is a problem somewhere.
A string of odd results can occur by chance, as several have posted, but anyone with sufficient skills to crank through the binomial calculations can see that winning 40 out of 50 in independent bernoulli trials with fixed probability of 0.5 is incredibly unlikely, certainly unlikely enough to warrant further investigation.
A control is unnecessary in this case, as there is a clear counterfactual to use in the distribution (both mean and variance moments) that occurs under Bernoulli trials with probability .5 carried out 50 times.
I really don't understand the hostility some have showed against the original poster. If his test is fair (which it might not be, for some reason we don't know) then he has identifed a problem, period.
Clearly Soren has no incentive to hide anything. However the possibility of a problem with the random seed or even an unintended combat bug can't be ruled out. Nor, of course, can the fact that the original poster did not conduct a fair test by accident.

If as the first post suggests it has been tested with 50 iterations with a true 50/50 situation and the AI won 80% of the fights then clearly there is a problem somewhere.
A string of odd results can occur by chance, as several have posted, but anyone with sufficient skills to crank through the binomial calculations can see that winning 40 out of 50 in independent bernoulli trials with fixed probability of 0.5 is incredibly unlikely, certainly unlikely enough to warrant further investigation.
A control is unnecessary in this case, as there is a clear counterfactual to use in the distribution (both mean and variance moments) that occurs under Bernoulli trials with probability .5 carried out 50 times.
I really don't understand the hostility some have showed against the original poster. If his test is fair (which it might not be, for some reason we don't know) then he has identifed a problem, period.
Clearly Soren has no incentive to hide anything. However the possibility of a problem with the random seed or even an unintended combat bug can't be ruled out. Nor, of course, can the fact that the original poster did not conduct a fair test by accident.