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Cultural Victory: Discussing the basics

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Rancidlunchmeat
    Ok.. I tried it, and I even tried it as Saladin, just to follow exactly what you guys have been saying works..

    And.. Nope, failed miserably.

    In addition to the questions above... such as when do you found your additional cities and when do you start on building the early wonders, I've got additional questions..

    Following the science path of : Poly, Min, Bronze, Masonry, Mono, Moving to CS Slingshot (writing and CoL), theology, alphabet, lit, Philo, etc..

    Where's agriculture? Where's Animal husbandtry? I tried putting those off since they werent in the 'order' and my cit(ies) were still growing and producing without them.. you still get screwed and I've done much better researching them earlier.

    Also and maybe most important, where's meditation on your list? I've managed to pop out two prophets and neither can provide me with Liberalism because they always both want to give me meditation.

    Finally, on my last test, I only had one AI in contact by the time I finished the Pyramids, Stonehedge, the Oracle and the Slingshot... and he wouldn't give me JACK. Agriculture? 'We don't want to start trading this yet', Pottery? The same thing.

    I couldn't trade alphabet or CoL or CS or anything because all my options were just redded out. ARRRGH!

    I'm thinking I need to research meditation earlier in order to remove that from my GP's list of things to 'pop', but its not in you guy's lists anywhere.

    yes, I have been writing those posts from work so they are more just approximation from memory, than a precise guide ...

    anyhow just to chip in... Agriculture and/or Animal Husbandary I squeezed in after the slingshot, but in principle it is not "fixed" as I am still learning. I usually have enough forest to chop or mines to dig until than. Most important are cottages though for fast cultural victory. A full "town square" in the end game was worth 30 culture per turn in my last game, so 6-7 of those is about 200 culture regardless of buildings you have.

    I just managed to finish in 1795 today I played continents map with high water, so I was the only one on the continent. I just managed to squeeze 9 cities in, and acquired 5 religions in all which was good for 5 shrines or " cathedral type buildings" in each city. Apart from that I got 24 great people in total, some kind of mix between great prophets and great artists with 2-3 great engies. I only managed to get one great merchant and that was the free one with economics, so this part of the idea was not used.

    For great people, I never yet used the prophet for science pop. Greath prophet finished as an addition to the city boosting shield and money, and it is always useful so at the end you can be at 90 or 100% culture and survive money wise. Greath Prophet science rush always gives me meditation too, and I never bothered to figure out, or ask what is the way to get a science you actually need.

    I usually discover meditation on the path to Philosophy, or exchange it in the middle ages when other civs get to me.

    OK I am just blabbing, but perhaps sometime later I will actually bother to write up properly this style that I play. Now I got it to 1795 I am still certain it can be pushed quite a bit earlier at least on that level (Noble/Normal map etc)... A few regions I can see great improvement is actualy playing a diplomatic game withing lots of civs and thus getting the science much faster while avoiding war. In this game all of the essential ones I discovered on my own and I only filled in the gaps with tech trading somewhere in Middle Ages. I did get a benefit that I had almost no army in this 1795 game though. Still it can be better, trying to get great merchants early should speed up the finish as well, not to mention than now every turn is 5 years so only 20 turns to 1600's finish which should be doable under right conditions . In this game two cities finished in 1780 and the third one 1795, I think I could have pushed the first one to 1780, but highly doubt it that I could have finished earlier than that in this game, still 1700's technically I did have stone as resource which was kind of essential IMO for such a quick finish, hard to imagine finishing so early without both Stone and Marble. Still stone is better than Marble between the two as it gives a boost to wonders that I prefer and find more important

    Just to go back to world wonders. I do Pyramids - they are most important from my perspective for three reasons - science boost with Representation, ability to buy buildings with Universal Suffarage and generating early great engineers.

    So in last two games I spread early wanders out in the following way. First wander is Stonehenge and that is in second city. Chop rushed - 2 turns. So that happened when I found the second city next to Stone resource. Pyramids chop rushed in the capital city too. Switch to representaion imidiately, and by that time I can make a Library in the capital while I am finishing Oracle in the second city. So chop rush as required because the CoL takes quite a bit to create. In that game I did get Agri, and Anim Hus before going for Alpha and Literature. Great Library was built in second city. While slightly dubious decision it did help me offset the great prophet people generation in that city and not pollute the great engineer and great artist generation in the capital city. The capital finished having Parthenon (fairly important for 50% great people boost), Sistine Chapel, Notre Dame and Hanging Gardens, but it was the city finishing the latest at the end, as I did not pay enough attention to it towards the end. Still this was one fairly optimal game with regards to buildings I built (even on Noble). What I can improve I'd say is to generate a few great merchants if I mange instead of great prophets to enable me to buy required buildings earlier, plus earlier diplomatic science exchange could speed me up foir a few extra turns.

    As for the culture buildings, in the three culture cities I build them all, and every one of the other 6 cities has all the temples built to enable me to get the "cathedral type buildings" in all three cities.

    Will see how it goes on again, I need to improve about 20 turn to gain another century ... It should be possible, but will have to see.. kind of doubt that I can speed it up even earlier, but you never know if the start would be exceptionally good than maybe.
    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


    • #92
      One Foot,

      I'm thinking of getting in on your action. I know you play normal speed/size, but I can't find what difficulty you're attempting.


      • #93
        Originally posted by mdbill
        One Foot,

        I'm thinking of getting in on your action. I know you play normal speed/size, but I can't find what difficulty you're attempting.
        just noble

        I played once more again tonight... and 1790... If I try to redo this one, I might be able to cut about 10-15 turns that I know how to do, so 1720-1740... is probably the best if I attempted and did a really good redo... at least I think so at the moment

        Isolated game again, now even more so :| ... I like isolation just to see how far can it be pushed, but some science exchange a bit earlier would speed things up considerably.

        The science path this game was

        Poly>Mining (hut -I got lucky)>Bronze>Mason>Monoth>Priest>Writ>CoL

        >CS (Sling)>Agri>Pottery>Alpha>Literature>Ani Hus>Theology

        >Ironwork>Fish>Sail (not needed this early really)>

        >Meditat>Philo>Math>Music>Nationalism>Drama>Divine Right than
        paper path to Liberalism

        than Path to Econ... all of that I had to do direct as no contact with other civs

        Plus the early nationalism was a mistake as free nationalism would have been better instead of useless free Constitution in this game... just experimenting at a wrong time, when I could have bettered my last finish time quite a bit more

        Democracy and Emancipation might be useful (if it was not so expensive, because of the Cottage>Town boost)... so that is a maybe useful last science...

        Furthermore I got 3 great merchants, but I utilized them quite poorly, as they came fairly late... Oh yes After Liberalism, and pre Economy, I had to squeeze in the path to Optics, as I needed the Carvel to get those GM's to make money.

        So overall I got at least 7 great scientists
        2 Prophets
        About 6-7 great arists and the rest engineers. The total at the end was 28 Great people... 5-6 great engineers, for what is worth, and not sure what was the rest as I did get a few great people more in total.

        So with better great people distribution I'd have got much better results. Ideally I'd have got 5 great artists instead of 4 scientists/ so many engies, as 2-3 of them I pretty much wasted on wanders I didn't need/want. I spent one on a "Hindu Mandhir" as I didn't hjave anything to do with him. That alone would have cut my finish by 15 turns, and was doable esp as the last great person I got was just about to be made in one city, but I just finished. But I think the science path would have to be better, and the game adjusted to make up for those "unplayed" 15 turns that got 2 Great artist created in meantime... but overall I'd imagine it would still be doable...

        So 1600's a possiblity, but I had easy stone again, and no wars... perhaps a little less isolated game, but still alone on an islad just off the coast of a big continent so I can trade with galleons .. a bit too much to ask for, but in that case 1600's are reality IMO.

        There are still probably many holes, that can be bettered with meticulous play (and I was sloppy too) but well it is an interesting bit of progress. I am sure not every game can be finished in 1700's with pure cultural victory, like you can with wargaming at this level, but at least it is doable, and if the setup is like I just had (ie, there is stone) a respectable finish time can be had with isolationist play only.

        I might just try this game once again, maybe next weekend ... just to see a different scenario. I did the world wander distribution like in the last game(previous post), but I think this time(the repeat) I will create Great Library in the capital (as opposed the second city), but than immidiately put as many great merchants as that would give me even more Great people points in the capital, and I might have been able to create different great people despite of huge scientist push great library gives. That alone could result in 10-15 turns gain at the end.

        I might just try it again.

        Just to confirm that I got 5 religions again so no difference there.
        Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
        GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


        • #94
          I see you did not mention Printing Press. I think this is very important.


          • #95
            28 great people? are you sure?

            There's one every 100 until you hit 1000. Then it's one every 200 until you hit 3000. So, if you had 2800+ gp points that's 19 people.


            • #96
              Originally posted by mdbill
              28 great people? are you sure?

              There's one every 100 until you hit 1000. Then it's one every 200 until you hit 3000. So, if you had 2800+ gp points that's 19 people.
              I guess that explains it .. than I overcounted engineers and great scientists (ehh two free ones with great lib) and there were two freebies great artist +(do they count?)

              so this is more correct

              5 scientists
              2 Great Merch + 1 for Economics
              2 great prophets
              4-5 great artists (one free Music)
              Rest is engineers

              Hmmm... still that great library in the capital idea seems good for speedup.
              Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
              GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


              • #97
                Originally posted by mdbill
                I see you did not mention Printing Press. I think this is very important.
                at least in my game PP comes after I got to Economics, and is one of the "slower" later tech developments. This might be a mistake though, but I don't see it adding more than 10-15 gold...

                *my brain switches on* Ehhh you are right, I should have done that to boost culture output - another tech to do before slowing down
                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                • #98
                  I tried your Noble, Normal speed/size, Balanced map cultural victory game.

                  I managed a 1585 AD win with plenty of poor choices. I think I could re-play that map and get sub 1500, maybe sub 1400.

                  I do quite a few things differently than you guys.

                  I played Qin from China. I think financial is the key to fast research. I usually do Liz for Phil. trait, but went with Industrial this time. Probably a good thing because I didn't have that many trees.

                  I built 4 major cities and then 1 around 1 AD and a sixth city around 500 AD just to make temples. Fewer cities keeps my slider at 100% science.

                  My start was pretty nice. I put my capitol on a gold hill and had one more gold hill to work. Other than that it had 2 clams. 2nd city had stone. Never got marble.

                  Great People

                  I got 13 GP. 2 prophet, 2 engineer, 9 artist (plus the free one) I should have skipped stonehenge and gotten only one prophet I think. I just used them for shrines. I skip the Great Library because I don't want any scientists. I built the Great Lighthouse which made my capitol put out another non-artist. Should have skipped that. Two of my 10 artists were super specialists the other 8 did the +4000 culture bombs.


                  I bagged 6 religions. everything except buddhism. This was also too many. Since I had no marble, I should not have gotten Divine Right/Islam. I didn't build any Hindu cathedrals either (no marble). I even skipped one christian cathedral. So 4 religions is enough if you get the right ones.


                  At the Noble difficulty it is not too hard to get Education with the Oracle Slingshot. I've found in previous similar attempts that you're better off just taking CS and switching to Bureaucracy.

                  I research Bronze, then I picked up myst -> Poly but should not have. I don't want that religion. Then I go straight to pottery and alphabet. Now I can trade for Ani husb, Medit, etc. Sadly, on this skill level there is not much to trade for. I had to get Masonry myself, then Mono for the religion. Then Priest -> CoL -> CS slingshot -> Theology for the religion -> Philosophy. I think I should go for drama next, but I did Paper -> Edu. I was hoping to trade for Literature or Drama, but again, not with the slow researching opponents. I did get math from them though (and currency eventually) Once I get math free, I grab Music before someone else does.

                  I research to Liberalism, (get Nationalism free) and then go to Printing Press--sadly I had to get Metal Casting and Machinery myself first. I stop at PPress. (or I should have stopped, instead, I got Divine Right).

                  I'm sure I forgot something.
                  I welcome your comments/questions.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by mdbill
                    I tried your Noble, Normal speed/size, Balanced map cultural victory game.

                    I managed a 1585 AD win with plenty of poor choices. I think I could re-play that map and get sub 1500, maybe sub 1400.

                    I do quite a few things differently than you guys.

                    I played Qin from China. I think financial is the key to fast research. I usually do Liz for Phil. trait, but went with Industrial this time. Probably a good thing because I didn't have that many trees.

                    I built 4 major cities and then 1 around 1 AD and a sixth city around 500 AD just to make temples. Fewer cities keeps my slider at 100% science.

                    My start was pretty nice. I put my capitol on a gold hill and had one more gold hill to work. Other than that it had 2 clams. 2nd city had stone. Never got marble.

                    Great People

                    I got 13 GP. 2 prophet, 2 engineer, 9 artist (plus the free one) I should have skipped stonehenge and gotten only one prophet I think. I just used them for shrines. I skip the Great Library because I don't want any scientists. I built the Great Lighthouse which made my capitol put out another non-artist. Should have skipped that. Two of my 10 artists were super specialists the other 8 did the +4000 culture bombs.


                    I bagged 6 religions. everything except buddhism. This was also too many. Since I had no marble, I should not have gotten Divine Right/Islam. I didn't build any Hindu cathedrals either (no marble). I even skipped one christian cathedral. So 4 religions is enough if you get the right ones.


                    At the Noble difficulty it is not too hard to get Education with the Oracle Slingshot. I've found in previous similar attempts that you're better off just taking CS and switching to Bureaucracy.

                    I research Bronze, then I picked up myst -> Poly but should not have. I don't want that religion. Then I go straight to pottery and alphabet. Now I can trade for Ani husb, Medit, etc. Sadly, on this skill level there is not much to trade for. I had to get Masonry myself, then Mono for the religion. Then Priest -> CoL -> CS slingshot -> Theology for the religion -> Philosophy. I think I should go for drama next, but I did Paper -> Edu. I was hoping to trade for Literature or Drama, but again, not with the slow researching opponents. I did get math from them though (and currency eventually) Once I get math free, I grab Music before someone else does.

                    I research to Liberalism, (get Nationalism free) and then go to Printing Press--sadly I had to get Metal Casting and Machinery myself first. I stop at PPress. (or I should have stopped, instead, I got Divine Right).

                    I'm sure I forgot something.
                    I welcome your comments/questions.
                    wow great

                    That is full 40 turns faster straight

                    What I am interested in is what buildings did produce the culture in your main cities... and how much

                    So 9 +1 Artists that is almost enough for one city, 40 thousand there straight, but what about the other two? Just the shrines * what?...

                    What were your culture rates per turn at the end. I think this is the next one I am playing

                    Would such a fast finish than be able to beat the war type game?
                    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                    • wheee... just tried a little bit today, and never really played industrious (and it really shows) Quin was a really good choice, if enough forest, you can chop rush all the wanders you want, heh 82 shields per chop for wander (never thought about the chop bonuses so far for industious) and financial gives a huge boost to science in those type of games. Wow... it seems that the cultural finish can really be pushed very early with this game style.
                      Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                      GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                      • Glad you enjoy the new style of play.
                        My two biggest culture cities were 800 and 900 culture at the end of the game. The capitol, for example, had 140 commerce, a few artist specialists and the rest from buildings. I build a few monasteries, library, theatre, and then temples/cathedrals no time for university. It has the Great Lighthouse, Hanging Gardens, Stonehenge. One city has only the artist wonders. One has Pyramids/Oracle.

                        By putting Hermitage and Cathedrals only in 2 cities, you save a lot of time/money. Then finish the 3rd city with culture bombs.


                        • @ rancid

                          Where's agriculture? Where's Animal husbandtry? I tried putting those off since they werent in the 'order' and my cit(ies) were still growing and producing without them.. you still get screwed and I've done much better researching them earlier.
                          I trade for them the moment I get Alphabet.

                          Also and maybe most important, where's meditation on your list?
                          Trade ^^

                          Finally, on my last test, I only had one AI in contact by the time I finished the Pyramids, Stonehedge, the Oracle and the Slingshot... and he wouldn't give me JACK. Agriculture? 'We don't want to start trading this yet', Pottery? The same thing.
                          Ok, this is pretty unusual I would say. Either it is because you play a Island map or low difficulty ?!.
                          Having contact with people has never been a problem for me.Maybe just very very bad luck ?

                          Following the science path of : Poly, Min, Bronze, Masonry, Mono, Moving to CS Slingshot (writing and CoL), theology, alphabet, lit, Philo, etc.
                          Cant say much to that, cause I dont do CS slingshot but Philo slingshot via drama route (on noble - above it is too hard to delay / pull off an reasonable Oracle grab).

                          I'm thinking I need to research meditation earlier in order to remove that from my GP's list of things to 'pop', but its not in you guy's lists anywhere.
                          tztz..blackmail =P....first page, my list regarding GP tech burn I listed it under things to trade after alphabet =P

                          As some points are made for other leaders/traits...
                          It is hard for me to not play PHI (and I still believe it is better than IND) but what do you guys think of these:

                          Washington ORG / FIN
                          He should really be teh Think Tank. I cant imagine a trait combo that allows better research (commerce in general).
                          His starting techs seem less than optimal though.
                          He could start with 12 beakers from turn 1 ..thats insane.
                          Another major drawback is that it would mean to lead America to a cultural victory...dont get me wrong ...I like McD and Hollywood movies but...well...=P

                          Elizabeth PHI / FIN
                          Ok, obvious choice...I guess everyone tried her, cause she is just great. Fishing/Mining seem to be solid starting techs and one really wants to have a coastal start with sea resource which would be 10 beakers at 90%science from the beginning (deity).
                          These starts are slow in production though (2 food via sea resource instead of average 2/1/0 which means worker first would be slower)

                          Mao ORG / PHI
                          He is my favourite atm (at least theoretically). I have to admit I wasnt able to pull off an 1AD save that was better than my previous ones - hadnt as much time though.

                          My thoughts on IND:
                          I think IND is an interesting and ok pick but I think it has its greatest benefit when it comes to the ancient era wonders. I would say it allows one to get stone+pyra+oracle instead of just 2 of them.
                          The moment GPs enter stage I can have engineers and I dont use IND anymore , which would mean I waste one whole trait slot. Thats why I regard PHI as better than IND when it comes to wonders (GreatLib, Parthenon and following ones are all GP wonders for me).
                          IND might be interesting though if one skips the pyramids and Oracle grabs Metal Casting for forges ?
                          Could be a decent move for IND / FIN Qin ?! (pottery = cottages are prereq for metal; seems fitting to me)
                          Last edited by gentle; February 14, 2006, 16:53.
                          e4 ! Best by test.


                          • I am playing with non-mysticism starters atm (Mao and Elizabeth) and have coped with research a bit.
                            The main problem I had on deity was that I couldnt really keep up with science, which was partially the fault of the upkeep costs early that pressed science% down.
                            So, my approach to that is to use other civics that have impact on commerce like FIN and ORG, but the interesting leaders dont start with mysticism which means that getting one of the early religions is pretty unlikely (tried some games but always failed by several turns).
                            Furthermore I was not quite pleased that I miss out Oracle most of the time when I build Stonehenge and Pyramids and I also needed to redesign my GP techs for deity difficulty.
                            A good approach as far as I can tell up so far is the Farseer Slinghot.
                            Going for Pottery and Priesthood and grab Metal Casting.
                            Building a Forge instead of Pyramids is significantly cheaper to get Engineer GPPs and also an expensive tech to trade.
                            Also, there is another beauty hidden in not going for Pyramids which is that one doesnt need Masonry...which means one cannot discover Monotheism...which means a Prophet can grab Code of Laws.
                            It gets interesting here because if one has Code of Laws there are two nice options:
                            1. a Great Scientist would grab Philosophy
                            2. a Great Prophet would grab Civil Service
                            Chances are very good that one will be the first to discover CoL and found Confuscianism.

                            I have tested Elizabeth and was able to get comfortable tech lead til 1200BC when I discovered CoL (had Alphabet and Metal already - was about 3 techs ahead). It also seems that the Forge is fast enough (it comes later than Pyramids) to make the second GP an Engineer (35:75 were my odds but as you know....=P ) who can rushbuild the GreatLibrary.
                            Atm testing Mao looking if he can hold up against that strong science start Elizabeth did. I had coastal start with fish resource for her and focused on commerce to play her strength out (FIN). Wondering atm if ORG can keep pace.

                            What I noticed while comparing FIN and ORG is, that FIN requires activity , using tiles where the +1 bonus would kick in. Ok, me Master of the obvious but this simply means you cannot use hammer-squares and production is very very low. ORG on the other hand works passively and does not interfere with your city micromanagement.
                            This effect even gets stronger when one keeps in mind that the city will soon have a forge in it.

                            so far....will update soon I guess with some more precise stuff. Have to test some things yet.

                            deity, terra, me+4civs
                            Last edited by gentle; February 16, 2006, 12:10.
                            e4 ! Best by test.


                            • Originally posted by mdbill
                              I skip the Great Library because I don't want any scientists.
                              Wait...why not? Along with giving you a ton of science, acadamies do give you culture as well...


                              • Originally posted by Yosho

                                Wait...why not? Along with giving you a ton of science, acadamies do give you culture as well...
                                I wouldn't cry if I got one scientist for an Academy, but every non-artist GP I get is 4000 less culture. I'll take an engineer or two to get a quick Sistine Chapel or Taj Majal. The Great Library adds +8 base scientist birth rate (that seems like a mistake...did they really mean for that to happen?) Super Specialists don't add to the birth rate, maybe the free GL ones shouldn't either?'s hard to compete with that birth rate and get enough artists.

