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Default Unit Cycling vs. No Unit Cycling

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  • Default Unit Cycling vs. No Unit Cycling

    I am curious to know how many people use the default automated unit cycling versus the "No Unit Cycling" option.

    Personally I use "No Unit Cycling." I resorted to this option since often I found that the camera tends to jump rather haphazardly around the map from one active unit to the next. This became frustrating when I would notice something important near the focal unit that needs to be dealt with, but once said focal unit is given an order the camera jumps to another area of the globe to the next active unit in queue, and by the end of the turn I forget all about dealing with the thing that I had noticed.
    Default automated unit cycling
    No Unit Cycling
    Cycling? You're bananas!

  • #2
    Just turn Cycling off. I know I have units and cities, no need to yank my view away from the warzone or from the micromanaged Super City to inform me that 2 workers have finished building roads in the middle of nowhere.


    • #3
      I get irritated by all the jumping around, but without cycling I'd forget to move half my units.


      • #4
        Never thought of NOT using it by the by the way...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mergle
          I get irritated by all the jumping around, but without cycling I'd forget to move half my units.
          Well, No Unit Cycling is a bit of a misleading name. It actually doesn't do away with unit cycling. It simply makes the whole process more manual. You cycle through active units by hitting the enter key, which means that if a new unit is ready in Rome, and I simultaneously notice that some nasty barbarian is about to burn down a farm on the outskirts of town, then I don't hit enter until I have dealt with the barbarian.

          With the default method of cycling I would invariably forget about the barb until the beginning of the next turn when I would read the nice little message politely informing me that, "A Barbarian has pillaged a farm in Rome!!!!"


          • #6
            "The enemy has been spotted near Rome" would be warning enough for me.


            • #7
              Originally posted by polarnomad

              Well, No Unit Cycling is a bit of a misleading name. It actually doesn't do away with unit cycling. It simply makes the whole process more manual. You cycle through active units by hitting the enter key, which means that if a new unit is ready in Rome, and I simultaneously notice that some nasty barbarian is about to burn down a farm on the outskirts of town, then I don't hit enter until I have dealt with the barbarian.

              With the default method of cycling I would invariably forget about the barb until the beginning of the next turn when I would read the nice little message politely informing me that, "A Barbarian has pillaged a farm in Rome!!!!"
              oooh - I must try this then. Thanks!


              • #8
                It's never occurred to me to shut off unit cycling, but I do agree with you that it's annoying when you have a war going on and just because some crappy worker is done building some stupid improvement, I get ripped away from the action.
                "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu


                • #9
                  Thanks for the tip. I will try the option next game.

