If I[nfinite] C[ity] S[prawl] isn't still the dominant strategy in CivIV, then I'll eat (at least part) of the cardboard box! And if combat isn't as dull as ever, I'll eat more parts!
On December 22nd, Yin26 confirmed that a video of him eating this branded cardboard had been shot and was in post-production. Not long after, he elaboarated somewhat in saying that it was filmed with a friend over a period of several hours.
The completed production was submitted to the ACS administration earlier today. It is a 11 1/2 minute documentary entitled "Yin Eating Cardboard", and is now being exclusively released and hosted by ACS. It is available in both MOV and AVI formats:
http://apolyton.net/download/civ4/vstagesciviv.mov (65.5MB)
http://apolyton.net/download/civ4/vstagesciviv.avi (95.5MB)
http://apolyton.net/download/civ4/vstagesciviv.zip (zipped avi, 85.7MB)
Yin26 himself provides the following background and description for this movie:
Swiss-born psychiatrist Dr. Elsabeth Kubler-Ross has documented "The 5 Stages of Grief" that human beings often go through when confronted with tragedy.
In this movie, Yin undergoes The V Stages of CivIV after realizing that his bet against [developer] Firaxis [Games] is looking bad (very bad) for him. And for anybody who wonders why it was so hard for Yin to eat his "dinner," let's just say that cardboard on a very cold English muffin makes the most horrid sensation in the back of the throat.
Congratulations to the Firaxis team and its horde of talented beta testers on a job well done!
In this movie, Yin undergoes The V Stages of CivIV after realizing that his bet against [developer] Firaxis [Games] is looking bad (very bad) for him. And for anybody who wonders why it was so hard for Yin to eat his "dinner," let's just say that cardboard on a very cold English muffin makes the most horrid sensation in the back of the throat.
Congratulations to the Firaxis team and its horde of talented beta testers on a job well done!
Let's just say the last scene uses no special effects to create the, ummm, uncomfortable feeling you might get watching.
Dan; Apolyton CS