How early does everyone start using specialists? I usually don't start using them until I either reach the happiness or health level of the city..usually to many things I want to build or tiles to be worked. However I don't really specialize my cities probably should start that...
As well which of the ancient level wonders are the most useful? I've stayed away from the pyramids since I usually run heriditary rule for most of the early game..thought that stonehenge was a good early one to build until I realised that it becomes obselete when ANYONE reaches the calendar not just me...(I"m comeing from AC where obselesence wasn't an issue what can I say
). Since the tech tree moves so fast now by the time I've built it, someone usually researches the calandar within the next 5 or ten turns. Could build it earlier but not sure if it is worth the hit to expansion now...Thinking the parthenon, and the oracle followed by the greatlighthouse are the most useful now..)
As well which of the ancient level wonders are the most useful? I've stayed away from the pyramids since I usually run heriditary rule for most of the early game..thought that stonehenge was a good early one to build until I realised that it becomes obselete when ANYONE reaches the calendar not just me...(I"m comeing from AC where obselesence wasn't an issue what can I say
