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United Nations?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by mdbill
    trans123, You don't need those resolutions. Just the one Diplomatic Victory vote like before.
    but wont it make it easier with the other resolutions?

    will bribing them help?


    • #32
      Some resolutions help you some hurt you so it's nice to be Sec-General and control what gets voted on. But the point is these are completely unrelated to getting the Diplo Victory vote.

      Bribing will get you as much as +4 on the trade relations with a leader. That helps for the Diplo win vote, but I haven't found a way to bribe them to vote for/against a resolution.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Enigma_Nova

        World Peace is a crappy future and all the cynics know it.
        Part of our human nature is conflict, and world peace we're either living in a big police state where we can't express that part of our culture or we've been deprived of that by surgery, drugs or selective breeding.
        I think world peace is possible, but the inherent conflict in everyone needs to be turned into beneficial competion, maybe in an outward-focused direction, like, for instance, a space-race. There's a lot of room out there... And world peace isn't either Big Brother or censorship. World Peace is not killing each other over differences, not not having them.

        I'd consider World Peace to be very Dystopian. In fact, with the rising populations and great potential for a tech boom (if given funding) I'd say another world war would be good right about now.
        The more technologically advanced you are, the more prosperous you are. The more prosperous, the less population growth. Less population, more to go around, less conflict. But then one needs to watch out for a population that shrinks too much, like Italy or Japan. Also, globalization helps create stability by tieing everyone together. The US won't go to war with China, or they with us, unless absolutely necessary, because it would devastate China's economy and cripple our own.

