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  • Winning

    Just sort of curious as to what folks like to use as a win condition, its been a real issue for me so far in my CIV games. I've started out on a pretty chump difficulty level because I'm trying to get a feel for the game, and am obviously steamrolling out to huge leads, and then reaching "endgame" without any clue how to win. On these levels, I could build the spaceship every time, but it seems so lame, so I've been removing it as an option.

    A little background, I played a lot of the original Civ, and even more Civ 2. I bought Civ 3 but I could never get into in the same way (partly because my computer at the time couldn't really handle it) and I never got the expansions. Point being, I'm still very much of the mindset of build up your Civ to the point of having virtually every wonder, be almost at future tech, then go around the world and crush everyone with tanks, which is sort of how Civ 2 went. This will of course still work on lower difficulty CIV, but its mostly irritating and inefficient, I guess partly due to the fact that razing is mostly a better idea than taking cities due to resistance/maintenance issues.

    The other victory conditions I can quite wrap my head around. Domination is the same sort of issue, I can hit the pop goal pretty easy but the land area one is pretty much going to require taking out half the world, keeping they're cities and pounding culture... legendary cities seem too hard to obtain as far as cultural goes, and diplo victory seems absolutely impossible.

    I suspect my problems comes from my builder > sledgehammer mindset, I guess I need to be doing more in the early/midgame with rival civs to set up victory conditions, so if anyone wants to lay some tips I'm certainly happy to hear about it, but just as happy to hear how everybody else goes about winning the game.


  • #2
    The spaceship is fun when in a space race - move up the difficulty levels until you're in a genuine contest.


    • #3
      The Diplomacy and culture victories are both builder based wins, but usually diplomacy requires war (oddly enough) to get the votes, and culture requires planning from turn 1.. So at the end game if you don't want to kill any more you're only choices are spaceship and time.
      ~I like eggs.~


      • #4
        I've recently tried Diplomacy and managed to win on Emperor level, then I did OCC -- one city challenge on Prince and won again. Wars are not required. Each requires a very different strategy and both were extremely fun. Now I that I understand how to be a good diplomat, I don't avoid that win condition any more.


        • #5
          I never bother with the diplo victory because usually my closest competitor for the win is also my closest ally. Also, the cultural victory is extremely difficult. It seems that it would require ALWAYS building something with cultural value. When I do that though, I usually have war declared on me and my neighbor comes in and conquers my poor beatnik citizens.

          I almost always win with Space Race just because I don't want to wait for the Time victory...
          "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu

