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Do you think the game plays too fast on 'normal' speed?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Nikolai
    So, there I probably just destroyed your image of me being clever and all, didn't I?
    I must admit, I was being a sarcastic bastard (as is sometimes my way).


    • #32
      Originally posted by Spiffor
      I don't like Epic actually. The units take as much time to build, and the only difference, in the end, is that your units move faster (vs. the timescale).
      The only difference that matters (to me at least) is that you get to use units of an era for a longer period of time, no going obsolete before they even get to the front lines!


      • #33
        My vote is for Just a little too fast, maybe

        but no "maybe" about it. So, I play epic
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #34
          One funny thing about multiplayer is that everyone always clamors for "quick" gameplay (which I dislike, personally). I like epic and normal for single player and normal for multiplayer. With blazing turns, a multiplayer game on normal is usually resolved in four or five hours, although they can take longer if its close and gets to the modern era.

          It seems like games on "quick" are invariably decided by early rushes and people quitting en masse in two or three hours, which is one reason why I dislike them.
          "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

          Tony Soprano


          • #35
            Re: Re: Do you think the game plays too fast on 'normal' speed?

            Originally posted by Solver

            You're taking the fun away from yourself. The reason why Civ4 has a load of settings and why it has the XML files is for everyone to be able to customize the game to their own preferences.

            They made the default speed what it is to better appeal to the part of the audience that thought Civ games are alright, but take too long. Now these people can get shorter games on the default settings.

            The Epic mode has always been intended for many of the hardcore fans who prefer longer games, who don't want to play a game in 9 hours, butwant it to take 20 hours. So if you think Normal is too fast, do yourself a favour and play on Epic!
            I still find epic too fast.

            an epic game on a huge map still took me less than 10 hours!


            • #36
              Late game goes very fast. So fast that I don't consider building many units as they become near-immediately obsolete.


              • #37
                I don't think the game takes too many or few turns, I would just like to see units (and maybe buildings) build faster so that we would have more units and bigger wars for longer.

                I can't imagine doing a game in 2-3 hours. My first ever complete Civ4 (only civ I ever played) game took me 18 hours. I think I am down to about 8-10 now (on normal). Of course I am up to Monarch and that takes lots more involvement in warring as opposed to Noble that requires no war.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Son of David
                  The problem with 'Epic' is that early units are agonizingly slow to build (I seem to recall waiting 17 turns for a warrior once), so you just have large periods of time sitting there pressing return while waiting for things to get going.

                  I want more to happen in the BCs. The first three thousand years just disappear as quick as a flash.

                  I find it somewhat disconcerting when I'm still using ancient-era units like spearmen in the 1000's because the pace of years was too quick. Techs like Pottery were not discovered in 2000 BC (the time that they are often researched) but instead were discovered much earlier. The warrior is expensive. There are not enough units.

                  I think the way to fix this is with an Ancient Era mod. This mod could do one or more of the following:
                  • Start the game at 5000 BC.
                  • Add 100 to 150 turns in the BC's.
                  • Make the game move at 20 years a turn from the start. (Civ 1 moved at that pace and CIV1 was a quick game).
                  • Reduce the cost and power of warriors.
                  • Split the Ancient era into the Neolithic and Ancient eras.
                  • Add more units. Spearman could have spear heads made from stone, copper or iron, so could be 3 different units. The same with the Archer.
                  None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                  • #39
                    I think Mylon's mod got it right. It takes longer to get new techs whiles builds remain at the same speed.

                    Haven't really tried it, though
                    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                    • #40
                      Lots of people are calling for more, cheaper units, but moving hundreds of units around every turn of a late-game war is a bit tedious for many players.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by star mouse


                        I find it somewhat disconcerting when I'm still using ancient-era units like spearmen in the 1000's because the pace of years was too quick. Techs like Pottery were not discovered in 2000 BC (the time that they are often researched) but instead were discovered much earlier. The warrior is expensive. There are not enough units.

                        I think the way to fix this is with an Ancient Era mod. This mod could do one or more of the following:
                        • Start the game at 5000 BC.
                        • Add 100 to 150 turns in the BC's.
                        • Make the game move at 20 years a turn from the start. (Civ 1 moved at that pace and CIV1 was a quick game).
                        • Reduce the cost and power of warriors.
                        • Split the Ancient era into the Neolithic and Ancient eras.
                        • Add more units. Spearman could have spear heads made from stone, copper or iron, so could be 3 different units. The same with the Archer.
                        I like this. This could actually qualify as a possible expansion. "The Dawn of Civilization" But I´d like such a mod/expansion to start much earlier. At the real dawn of human civilization. Say 10, 000 B.C. Then you could go all the way from discovering farming in the Mesolithic age through Neolithic, Bronze age and Iron age up to the birth of Christ.
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Cort Haus
                          Lots of people are calling for more, cheaper units, but moving hundreds of units around every turn of a late-game war is a bit tedious for many players.
                          ahhhh... the bitter-sweet tradeoffs
                          Haven't been here for ages....


                          • #43
                            My friends and I play multiplayer on epic only.

                            We're even considering disabling tech trading to slow things down a bit.


                            • #44
                              That's a good point, but I tend to spend an inordinate amount of time in the late-game war. I think what I want is more mid-game time to play around with units. Last game I don't think I built anything after spearmen until I got to cavalry. Then I had a fun war with about 7 cavalry and afterwards didn't build anything else until modern armor and mechanized infantry.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Dr Zoidberg
                                Say 10, 000 B.C. Then you could go all the way from discovering farming in the Mesolithic age through Neolithic, Bronze age and Iron age up to the birth of Christ.
                                What for? I mean, what do you have to do before that? Moving a unit randomly around the map?
                                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

