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  • #76
    Racism is illogical in itself. That is because there is no logical reason to feel superior to anyone just because he has i.e. a different skin color. It is outright stupid.

    The underlying "reason" for people to be racists is a deep insecurity. Because you are so unhappy about your own weaknesses you have to at least feel strong as a group.
    I have met two outright racists in my life who I got to know well personally. One of them I met at highschool in the US (that was really ugly because he wanted to convince me the holocaust never happened) and the other one in Oxford.
    Both of those were extremely insecure people. They didn't have girlfriends, and they felt they always had to prove themselves. They always tried to be part of the "gang". Like you they would always work very hard to try to appear especially intelligent to hide the insecurity - that language example is just very typical.

    The funny thing is that both of them actually would have had a good life, in fact they both had an excellent education, if they would have just been more self assure.
    I very much hope that you - like them - will one day believe in your own worth so that you dont have to put other groups of people down just to feel better.

    Over and out.


    • #77
      no need to "justify" racists saying they are insicure. they are just f***ers who IMHO don't even deserve the right to vote and be called "adults" or "people" either. I'd happily send them all to death just like they did in Nazi germany with people they didn't like. drown yourselves, damn racists.


      • #78
        This thread is getting completely off topic
        "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu


        • #79
          Originally posted by djpsychonaut
          This thread is getting completely off topic

          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #80
            Originally posted by apingaut
            Racism is illogical in itself. That is because there is no logical reason to feel superior to anyone just because he has i.e. a different skin color. It is outright stupid.
            The poor economic conditions in African and Asia mean that people in those countries are malnutritioned and under-educated to people in developed countries (who are mostly white) lead me to think that, on average, a White person is more intelligent than a person of any other race.
            Check out the list of Civilizations in Civ. Is it a surprise that more than half of them are Caucasian?
            Also, see that Europe, America, Canada and Australia are not only highly developed, they also contribute a good portion of this world's research.
            Japan contributes as well, and China contributed much during its heyday back in ancient times - proving that all peoples have a capability for greatness when there's enough resources to fund their operations.
            But, at the moment, the main sources of funds are in the hands of Caucasian-dominated countries (Japan being a notable exception)

            While you might like to believe some crap about people being equal, and that opression has lead to the downfall of some races, know that if the other races were as good, they wouldn't have been enslaved in the first place.
            The evidence is clear - White people are the most successful, intelligent, cultured people on the planet. While I can't say that every white man is better than every black man, on average it is what the facts show, and to deny facts because they conflict with your beliefs is something I expect to see in the year 1000, not 2000.

            An additional gripe I have about meditteranean peoples is that their culture is strongly family-based. This was good until the various wars started ethnic violence, and without mixing outside families people are stuck in old (and destructive) beliefs.
            This also applies to Negros in Urban environments in America - if they want to improve their social status, they should abandon their brotherly respect and pride of who they are, and try to improve themselves, and to raise their children not in the most traditional or prideful ways to them, but in the best ways.

            The underlying "reason" for people to be racists is a deep insecurity. Because you are so unhappy about your own weaknesses you have to at least feel strong as a group.
            It may be the main reason, but it is not the only reason.

            I have met two outright racists in my life who I got to know well personally.
            Ah. You just haven't met enough racists to see the different reasons people would have these views. You're not arguing ad hominem, you just need more knowledge and experience. No big deal.


            no need to "justify" racists saying they are insicure. they are just f***ers who IMHO don't even deserve the right to vote and be called "adults" or "people" either. I'd happily send them all to death just like they did in Nazi germany with people they didn't like. drown yourselves, damn racists.
            Opressing people because their beliefs differ from yours is one of the most immoral, dictatorial things that has been done. Pol Pot and the execution of intellectuals in Cambodia, anyone?
            I appreciate your zeal, being a zealot myself, but this is blind, stupid rage brought on by the propaganda spam of the modern era.

            At least my own zeal against people who presume their emotions to be infallible, who think my opinions (or emotions) don't deserve to be voiced, or who think my opinions (or emotions) are absolutely incorrect simply because they haven't seen them before is based on self-preservation and self-righteousness, instead of today's propaganda machine.

            EDIT: To clarify, I don't think whites should be the only people on the planet, because such a proud race would never tolerate being paid $1 a day to make my sneakers.
            EDIT2: Going to include references to Ancient China and Modern Japan, seeing as they are also great contriubutors. Also edited out the falsehoods I tried to sneak past people in amongst the facts.
            Last edited by Enigma_Nova; December 23, 2005, 17:03.


            • #81
              uh-oh. time to back away from this thread.

              While some of that stuff may be true. I'll never mention it. Perhaps I am too politically correct.


              • #82
                Edit: off topic
                Last edited by Enigma_Nova; December 23, 2005, 21:26.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Enigma_Nova

                  While you might like to believe some crap about people being equal, and that opression has lead to the downfall of some races, know that if the other races were as good, they wouldn't have been enslaved in the first place.
                  How interesting.

                  So what genetic alteration occurred that prevented the mighty white 'races' from being enslaved ?

                  None as far I know, since white slaves were still being used by Muslim and Christian countries in the 17th and 18th Centuries, and conditions for white workers (including children) in 19th Century factories in North America and Europe were hardly an improvement on slavery.

                  The notion that there is a genetic basis for the relatively short 'superiority' (in terms of total recorded human history) of white/mixed race civilizations derived from Christian Western European cultures is farcical, and not one grounded in scientific or historical facts.

                  The evidence is clear - White people are the most successful, intelligent, cultured people on the planet.
                  Utter rot- one wonders what 'cultured' is doing in there- as if 'white' culture in all its myriad forms is superior to any other 'colour' of culture.

                  Yes, it's a tough choice- do I watch 'Raise The Red Lantern', 'Pather Panchali' or 'The Seven Samurai', or 'Jackass: The Movie', Paris Hilton and Nicole Simpson or 'Neighbours' ?

                  Clearly the white product is superior, so I must watch that to prove myself a more cultured, intelligent successful white person....
                  Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                  ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                  • #84
                    speaking of culture. That is my theory on the differences of success of races. Our genes are nearly identical. There is no genetical difference in intelligence. It all has to deal with culture.

                    Asia is my best example. They now have a culture of learning and perfectionism. And now it's paying dividends. Their countries are very successful. But you couldn't say this 150 years ago. They used to focus too much on tradition. But now they value education over tradition.

                    Next look at african american culture in the U.S. If you excel in school you are considered a nerd. If you do well in life, you are considered "too white". It's a lose-lose situation. This gang and hip hop culture does them no good. Until they focus on education, they will get no where. But this problem isn't excuslive to african americans. Americans in general do not value education. And we are falling behind the rest of the world as a result. It won't be long before America falls from grace. Immigration is what's keeping this country strong, but how long can it fill the gaps?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Dis
                      Americans in general do not value education. And we are falling behind the rest of the world as a result. It won't be long before America falls from grace. Immigration is what's keeping this country strong, but how long can it fill the gaps?
                      and ironically, it's those under-educated white americans that seem to have the strongest voices against immigration and at times are even racists against other cultures. All in the name of perserving "American" way of life. Obviously forgetting the past 50-100-150 short years ago where they themselves were the immigrants.

                      shameful. Even if you are joking E_N and just trolling to get a reaction - its really shameful. Well congratulations. You got me to respond. Big victory.
                      Haven't been here for ages....

