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  • Barbarians

    OK, I give up. I've completely turned barbarians off after watching 16 or 18 of them come out of the woods and destroy about a dozen improvements, then knock 7 defenders out of my capital city. That's just ****ed up.

  • #2
    The only solution (aside from building strong enough defenses in your cities) can be to quickly expand and therefore reduce the fog of war (and maybe having stationed posts on hills outside of your cultural borders thereby further reducing the fog of war)
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      Use a different map style or number of opponents
      ... as alternatives (or in addition to) Proteus_MST's suggestions.


      • #4

        "The Barbarians are under complete control".

        And yes, that is a screenshot from a game I'm WINNING.


        • #5
          I guess I should play with less AI civs or larger maps to have the same amount of 'visitors'... darn, my comp doesn't support larger maps.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • #6
            You're two points behind and in second place. You lie.
            "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
            "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
            Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

            "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


            • #7
              Pffft I didn't say I was winning at the time I took the screenshot
              But you can guess the moment that Oracle completed I was terminally catapulted into first place.


              • #8
                I recently was in a multiplayer game where the goddamn barbarians just kept pillaging me mercilessly until I had half the score of the game leader despite having built nearly all of the early wonders.

                However, most of the time I like having the barbarians around because they allow you to fight battles, get promotions, and even take a city or two without messing up relations with other civs. Plus they make games where I am alone on an island more exciting.
                "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                Tony Soprano


                • #9
                  There's a 180*87 world map on Civfanatics. Want some real barbarian fun? Play as the Americans in that scenario.
                  Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.


                  • #10
                    huge maps and above always give me tons of barbs.. And the highland's map has more tiles than normal so it too...

                    Its hard to expand fast enough to choke the barbs to just a few spawn points on those maps, so be prepaired is all I can say.. keep 4-5 units on hills outside of your culture radius.
                    ~I like eggs.~


                    • #11
                      Mmmmmmmm highlands I loves them to bits, and I usually play with 1 less AI than reccomended just to make sure there is more land than anyone can reasonably expand into (except maybe Organized civs, especially Rome or Japan since they can fight barbs good).

                      My latest game the Barbs threw this at me when I thought the storm was over. I noticed my sentinels dying and my jaw hit the desk at the sight of a dozen barbarians incoming.

                      Fortunately the first stack washed up harmlessly against the Guerilla2 Drill1 Longbow, the second stack ran into further reinforcements - a Combat1 Shock Heal Axeman and Guerilla2 Drill1 Archer.

                      It's a Monarch game and I'm #1 , I have the 2nd biggest Military and it's ALL for barb-supression.


                      • #12
                        Hmmm... never encountered that many barbs at once...

                        Maybe I don't have the 'right' settings.
                        "You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
                        Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."

                        - Jack Thompson


                        • #13
                          Concidering the early game is the most fun for most gamers.. and barbs make you re-roll more often.. I say they were made stronger to keep people addicted. hmm?
                          ~I like eggs.~


                          • #14
                            Barbs make you reroll? maybe you don't bother with proper defenses...


                            • #15
                              Sometimes I don't. I take a 3-city or 4-city gambit.

