I am an old Civ player. I played a lot the Civ I and I liked it, (especially when my spearmen was killing enemy bombers); I played a lot the Civ II and liked it - and especially liked the combat system. It was the best combat system from all the 4 games. And I played a lot the Civ III and liked it - especially when after the first addon it became playble at last
But now I don't feel this Civ IV... Because it is too much luck dependant. Why this?
Let's start with the terrain. There were tundra, deserts, snow and mountains in the previous games, but nevertheless there were enough terrains to play normally. But in this game you often have just a place for a town and a half. What you can do? Even the techs don't help, so you must start from the very beginning...
The resourses - before you expanded quickly and you usually could get all the needed strategic resourses. And you could always find a good enough trade to purchase somthing if you don't have it. But now getting a resourse if a matter of luck. And the AI rarely trades it.
Speaking of AI - I guess there are some 14 years from the first Civ - but AI didn't get better at all. Instead the awful AI is compensated with VERY VERY HUGE bonuses. What do I mean? And it get them even at the noble level, which should be fair level if we have to beleive to the devs. And already on the next level the AI get not just "huge", but "tremendous huge bonuses". Just to mention for the measly 8 turns of a Golden Age, it usually researches 5-6 techs (talking about prince level). Not to mention the raging barbarians attacking only human player and such...
Starting techs and traits. Obviously some of the starting traits are very unbalanced. And they are compensated by giving better starting techs. Like spiritual and mysticism, giving the possibility to grab the early religion. This way there is no reason to go for the later religions and can spend the research for something usefull. Not to mention the possibility to earn very early in the game relatively big money, to befriend and to spy all the nearby civs. Luckily the AI grabs the religions, but doesn't look actively to benefit from it.
So if you want to start with certain nation/leader you are sentenced to research the same over and over again wihtout a chance for something better. And besides why this? Someone knows mining and someone knows mysticism and someone knows wheel and someone knows farming... The great secrets - how to bury some potatoes in the soil...
The space race, the diplomatic and the culture victory are becoming more and more politicaly correct and more and more stupid. Why? About the space race - read somewhere in the forum the topic "because of my ally I lost the space race". But this is not the most important - more important is the game ends for the AI when it starts to "smell" the space race. The AI stops any play except building feverishly the space parts. And the player must do the same if don't want to lose already won game.
The diplomatic victory? Most stupid and annoyng thing, including the laughable UN wonder. No wonder most players swith it off agter the first game.
The culture victory? Again politicaly correct game killer! Why? Read the forum for the ways to win culture victory. I don't think putting the slider to produce culture only turn after turn and pray to win before the AI has something in common with the enjoyable gameplay.
And not to mention the culture doesn't win in the human history, but quite the opposite - the most cultured nations easily perish from the barbaric warmongers...
Let's proceed with the diplomacy... Obviously the devs tried to make the AI diplomacy more "dumbproof" putting those red flags on the different trades. But there is no diplomacy AI at all. So the AI don't attack his most dangerous enemies, don't trade the resourses it needs, makes stupid demands and gives away tributes which no one asked from them. Instead you can manipulate it as you like just because you are friendly with them (which often means because you grabbed an early religion and the AI took the religion from you)
Probably there are other things too, but that's all from now. I played a lot this game and probably will play it a lot more, but... as I said I don't feel it and frankly I like it less then all the previous Civ games.

But now I don't feel this Civ IV... Because it is too much luck dependant. Why this?
Let's start with the terrain. There were tundra, deserts, snow and mountains in the previous games, but nevertheless there were enough terrains to play normally. But in this game you often have just a place for a town and a half. What you can do? Even the techs don't help, so you must start from the very beginning...
The resourses - before you expanded quickly and you usually could get all the needed strategic resourses. And you could always find a good enough trade to purchase somthing if you don't have it. But now getting a resourse if a matter of luck. And the AI rarely trades it.
Speaking of AI - I guess there are some 14 years from the first Civ - but AI didn't get better at all. Instead the awful AI is compensated with VERY VERY HUGE bonuses. What do I mean? And it get them even at the noble level, which should be fair level if we have to beleive to the devs. And already on the next level the AI get not just "huge", but "tremendous huge bonuses". Just to mention for the measly 8 turns of a Golden Age, it usually researches 5-6 techs (talking about prince level). Not to mention the raging barbarians attacking only human player and such...
Starting techs and traits. Obviously some of the starting traits are very unbalanced. And they are compensated by giving better starting techs. Like spiritual and mysticism, giving the possibility to grab the early religion. This way there is no reason to go for the later religions and can spend the research for something usefull. Not to mention the possibility to earn very early in the game relatively big money, to befriend and to spy all the nearby civs. Luckily the AI grabs the religions, but doesn't look actively to benefit from it.
So if you want to start with certain nation/leader you are sentenced to research the same over and over again wihtout a chance for something better. And besides why this? Someone knows mining and someone knows mysticism and someone knows wheel and someone knows farming... The great secrets - how to bury some potatoes in the soil...
The space race, the diplomatic and the culture victory are becoming more and more politicaly correct and more and more stupid. Why? About the space race - read somewhere in the forum the topic "because of my ally I lost the space race". But this is not the most important - more important is the game ends for the AI when it starts to "smell" the space race. The AI stops any play except building feverishly the space parts. And the player must do the same if don't want to lose already won game.
The diplomatic victory? Most stupid and annoyng thing, including the laughable UN wonder. No wonder most players swith it off agter the first game.
The culture victory? Again politicaly correct game killer! Why? Read the forum for the ways to win culture victory. I don't think putting the slider to produce culture only turn after turn and pray to win before the AI has something in common with the enjoyable gameplay.
And not to mention the culture doesn't win in the human history, but quite the opposite - the most cultured nations easily perish from the barbaric warmongers...
Let's proceed with the diplomacy... Obviously the devs tried to make the AI diplomacy more "dumbproof" putting those red flags on the different trades. But there is no diplomacy AI at all. So the AI don't attack his most dangerous enemies, don't trade the resourses it needs, makes stupid demands and gives away tributes which no one asked from them. Instead you can manipulate it as you like just because you are friendly with them (which often means because you grabbed an early religion and the AI took the religion from you)
Probably there are other things too, but that's all from now. I played a lot this game and probably will play it a lot more, but... as I said I don't feel it and frankly I like it less then all the previous Civ games.