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Neat trick

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  • Neat trick

    Stumbled on a neat little trick to Take the pressure off on the higher difficulty levels

    I play all my games on huge maps with epic time scales. I also like to have archipeligo landscapes to keep oponents at bay at least untill the first critical moves are over. Later I ventured out to veiw the oponents. I wanted a city to use as a stagging post for a possible culture bomb or war on one of the more powerfull AI openents islands. Pretty soon it became clear that my city was going to be annexed and revolt. At the same time I knew Alexandria was going to attack me and I didn't have enough to fend him off. So I gave him the city I'd just built in enemy territory, which just happened to be Fredrick's. Now all the games I've played these two have been worst enemies. The upshot was Alexandria became very friendly since I'd just gave him a city and the two most powerfull oponents fought over this city for the rest of the game leavng me alone.

  • #2
    I was a little behind in tech one game and hadn't researched railroad, so I gave an outlying city to my good friend and coreligionist. The result was that she (Hatshepsut) railroaded all the way from her Empire all across mine to the little city lying on the edge next to the Romans, saving me a lot of hassle!

    Talk about cheap immigrant labour


    • #3
      Excellent! Good tip!
      Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
      Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
      One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


      • #4
        Crafty. I like it.
        "Here, take this toy, you kids.
        I want it!
        No, I want it!"

