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Traits and starting techs

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  • Traits and starting techs

    Earlier today, I did a little table. It detailed all the starting techs and traits, showing which leaders start with what.

    As a result, I found out that 44 of the 48 trait-tech combinations exist. The only missing ones are:

    No Aggressive leader starts with Mining.
    No Creative leader starts with Fishing or Mysticism.
    No Organized leader starts with Hunting.

    In addition, there are two real "overkill" trait-tech combos:

    Five Spiritual leaders (Asoka, Gandhi, Isabella, Montezuma and Saladin) start with Mysticism.
    Five Financial leaders (Catherine, Elizabeth, Mansa Musa, Qin, Victoria) start with Mining.

    Not sure why I did this, but I suppose it's useful to know if you want to make reasonably different choices for a tribe's second leader. (A Spaniard with the Creative trait, for example, would fit the bill.)
    Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.

  • #2
    Hey on a related topic, I know there's no Ind/Philo, because it was found to be overpowered.
    I've also noticed there is no Creative/Organized, I assume because it's a bit of a contradiction (Creative/Chaotic is more natural), but I suppose it could be ovepowered too, as the ultimate low-expenses empire, I know I'd play that trait combo for sure.

    Are there any other trait combos that don't exist?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blake
      Hey on a related topic, I know there's no Ind/Philo, because it was found to be overpowered.
      Is this fact or rumour? Just interested to know because if so, it means that individually they must have been found to be at least somewhat powerful in comparison to others.
      "You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
      Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."

      - Jack Thompson


      • #4
        The Great People Points from wonders multiplied through Philosophical would mean that you'd pump out Great people a lot better than anyone else, at least outside of your specialist cities.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blake
          I know there's no Ind/Philo... I've also noticed there is no Creative/Organized... Are there any other trait combos that don't exist?

          With 8 traits, there are 8*7/2 = 28 possible trait combos.

          There are 18 different civilizations.

          Eight of these civilizations (America, China, England, France, Germany, India, Mongolia, Russia) have two leaders.

          That makes 26 different leaders. No two leaders have the same pair of traits, so only two trait pairs are missing.
          Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.

