I have been playing on the Settler level after finding out I can't restore saved games. 
In one game I attempted a culture bomb stretagy by trying to grab all the religions. After I founded the capital I started researching Mysticism, which I got from a hut a couple of turns later due to cultural boder expansion. Then I when straight for Meditation. I got it after a few turns, but somehow I didn't get Buddhism. After the turned ended I got a message saying Buddhism is founded in a faraway land.
What on earth? How is that possible?

In one game I attempted a culture bomb stretagy by trying to grab all the religions. After I founded the capital I started researching Mysticism, which I got from a hut a couple of turns later due to cultural boder expansion. Then I when straight for Meditation. I got it after a few turns, but somehow I didn't get Buddhism. After the turned ended I got a message saying Buddhism is founded in a faraway land.
What on earth? How is that possible?
