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Air Units - Promotions

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  • #16
    Maybe they should allow the sinking of ships by planes, but only by fighters/jetfighters.
    The Bombers always remind me of strategic bombers like the B14 or B52s, whereas the fighters seem to be more close to the small dive bombers and torpedo bombers which japanese and americans used to attack and sink ships (of course modern Bombers would probably be able to also carry Anti Ship missiles and therefore sink ships, but for gameplay purposes lets assume they can´t ).

    This way they also wouldn´t be too powerful, as fighters only have a strength of 12 [against a strength of a battleship of 40] and you´d therefore very probably have to send several sqadrons against an enemy battleship before you are able to sink it.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #17
      just played,,,need to vent....

      nothing more frustrating than having your stealth fighters get shot out of the sky by regular fighters

      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #18
        I find it a real blessing that bombers (and ships,
        for that matter) don't inflict damage anymore on
        ships and air units in a city.

        For me, the whole point of bombing cities is to
        weaken the defenses. Ships-in-port and resting
        air units don't contribute to defense in any way,
        they get destroyed once you capture the city.

        In Civ III, it was real frustrating that any bombardment
        FIRST took out the air units, THEN the naval units and
        only then, if you had any bombard units left at that
        point, would they actually damage the city defenders.
        "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
        - Spike


        • #19
          I will wait to buy civ IV until an editor will be produced.

          I can't tolerate airplanes that can't disgregate enemy units and cities and in addition you are telling me that they don't even receive promotions ???

          I can't really believe Sid has raised white flag to the marketing rules that annihilate the appealing of civ favour of 3D graphic cosmesi

          In this game it seems Sid put the face and Fireaxians the contant because it has NOTHING to deal with Railroad Tycoon,Gunship,civ 1 and so on........



          • #20
            Originally posted by Timmer
            I find it a real blessing that bombers (and ships,
            for that matter) don't inflict damage anymore on
            ships and air units in a city.

            For me, the whole point of bombing cities is to
            weaken the defenses. Ships-in-port and resting
            air units don't contribute to defense in any way,
            they get destroyed once you capture the city.

            In Civ III, it was real frustrating that any bombardment
            FIRST took out the air units, THEN the naval units and
            only then, if you had any bombard units left at that
            point, would they actually damage the city defenders.
            I would like a little direction to where you bomb. It's not like the Japanese set out to bomb honoululu and missed and ended up bombing the battleships. They knew what they were going for.


            • #21
              Yep, a third button (aside from "Bomb units" and "Bomb city defenses") for bombing ships (either n harbor or out there on the ocean) would be nice.

              After further thinking about it....
              maybe Fighter/Bomber-Attacks on ships should be resolved in a completely different manner than normal bombardments.
              On the one hand (as already mentioned) bomber/fighter units should be able to sink ships,
              on the other hand defending units (destroyers or fighters on CAP) should get a higher chance than normal to intercept attacks by planes in Air-to-ship-attack mode (and damage/destroy the attacking plane/s),
              reflecting that planes (at least during WW2) had to take higher risks to take out ships (as they had to dive bomb them or to fly at slow speed just above the water surface til they got very near to the enemy ship and then release a torpedo).
              Probably you could also have planes attacking ships in harbor haviong a greater chance to damage sink the ships there (as they normally aren´t very mobile there and often not even have the full crew on board [for damage control and manning the guns to defend their ships])

              Maybe you could even have a "Kamikaze attack" Option as fourth button where the attacking plane would be destroyed with 100% probability, but it also had a much higher chance than normal to damage or sink an enemy ship
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


              • #22
                in the thread in the civ4 strategy section there is the argument about bombers being too powerful. But I think Civ4 AI has proven it's ability to keep up in tech. If you are using bombers against longbowman and musketman you are playing too low of a level.

                And lethal bombardment of ships would make carriers more useful. As having a carrier escort your transports and battleships would be crucial.


                • #23
                  I think having a carrier in your fleets is a must. Not for attacking, but as defense against enemy bomber/fighters.

                  I usually have 2 carriers in my bigger fleets. One primarily dedicated to Intercept, and one to use in an offensive manner.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Timmer
                    I find it a real blessing that bombers (and ships,
                    for that matter) don't inflict damage anymore on
                    ships and air units in a city.

                    For me, the whole point of bombing cities is to
                    weaken the defenses. Ships-in-port and resting
                    air units don't contribute to defense in any way,
                    they get destroyed once you capture the city.

                    In Civ III, it was real frustrating that any bombardment
                    FIRST took out the air units, THEN the naval units and
                    only then, if you had any bombard units left at that
                    point, would they actually damage the city defenders.
                    I'd agree with first taking out the air units and the SAM defences, as this would limit the damage done to your attack force, however it should be an option. I dont get why you can choose to bomb either city defences or the units within the city, but you can't then differentiate between individual targets.

                    I'd like to take out defending fighters over tanks; i'd like to target factories but ignore "defences". Ever since the beginning of aerial warfare specific targets have been selected.
                    "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez

