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CD/DVD issues censored on Apolyton ?

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  • #16
    Honestly, the owners and moderators of this message board can do whatever they want with any thread on their board. Remember, you are guests here.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Disk Killer
      Honestly, the owners and moderators of this message board can do whatever they want with any thread on their board. Remember, you are guests here.
      I think it's more accurate to say that we are customers here. The site is not supported out of the goodness of Markos' heart. As customers, it's hardly wrong to give feedback on factors which might influence our use of the site, is it?

      As for copy protection... how many people on apolyton are going to have a ripped copy of Civ4?
      "The asteroid to kill this dinosaur is still in orbit."
      -- Lex User Manual


      • #18
        Originally posted by Aro
        Besides that, it will not work with Daemon Tools.

        /me almost open his mouth to start to speak, but all of the sudden noticed MarkG in the corner staring at him shaking his head

        /me leaves quietly

        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #19
          there is a program that allows you to use dae...

          *muffled sounds and a tumble down the digital stairs*
          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


          • #20
            Originally posted by Aro

            Besides that, it will not work with Daemon Tools.
            It works fine with daemon tools if you have made the correct settings to the program. For me it worked out-of-the-box with the latest verision of daemon tools.


            • #21
              Leuenberg, James M:

              From the Apolyton FAQ:

              XI) What can't I post?
              Insults, flames, hatred comments, spamming, advertisements are an abuse of your priviledge to post and can result to a penalty.

              Restricted subject matter includes anything deemed inappropiate or offensive by a moderator. If uncertain as to whether a particular subject falls under this category, contact the moderator(s) of the forum(s) you wish to discuss this matter in; where no moderator(s) is present in a forum, contact forum administrators.

              XII) The forums are moderated, someone has the ability to ban people and close and delete threads. How can you have such rules? Where is freedom of speech?
              Use of these forums is a privilege, not a right; in return for this privilege, you are asked to follow a few simple rules. The "freedom of speech" guarenteed by (for example) the U.S. Constitution only protects you from governmental intervention in your right to express yourself -- it doesn't give you free reign to use computer resources against the wishes of their owner.
              (revised in v.1.1, 26/July/99 and v.1.6, 27/September/99)

              XVII) Hey, I don't like these rules!
              We're always open to criticism, but noone is forcing you to post on our forums.
              (added with v.1.5, 7/August/99)
              We were a bit reluctant to say it in this past, but this a privately owned forum, not a public square. It is our right to accept or not accept certain kind of discussion or certain kind of users. We will be seting the rules and enforce them as we see fit. We believe in freedom of speech, but again, this is not a public square(there are laws that apply to public squares too, but that's another issue ). We hope that you understand our position

              In the past, the mods have stated numerous times that any discussion about downloading or cracking a game are banned on this site (even when it can be deemed legitimate). The only exceptions to that rule is when the gaming company itself publishes a way to work around the software protections.

              As a new member, it is normal that you don't know this habit (which doesn't figure in the FAQ), but maybe the mod who deleted your thread sent you a PM about it
              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


              • #22
                What we don't allow here are any pointers to where to obtain cracks or other tools for circumventing protection. I am not a big fan of copy protection myself, though!
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

