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A guide to city specialization (by Remconius)

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  • A guide to city specialization (by Remconius)

    I wrote this guide to share some ideas on how to make the most out of your initial cities through specialization. The advantage of specialization is that you can make the optimum of modifiers from specific buildings, like national wonders.

    Main specializations are:
    -Commercial Powerhouse
    -Production Factories
    -Great Person Cradle

    Commercial Powerhouse
    These cities are the commercial backbone of your civilization. They generate the most commerce that can be used for science, culture, maintenance, unit upkeep or cold hard cash. Typically you need one to three of these initially depending on your total size.

    The goal of these towns is to use as many tiles as possible, so these cities should be able to grow to 20. Commercial powerhouses are normally built near rivers or coasts with minimal hills/mountains. Look for flat terrain, and try to incorporate several resources in the process.

    In order to grow to 20 you'll need the following:
    ->40 food - Assuming a tile mix of 50% grassland/plains and one food resource this boils down to the 1 city tile (2 food), 1 farmed food resource (4 food), 6 grassland farms (18 food), 3 grass land (6 food), 10 plains (10 food). Every non farmed tile will get a cottage or windmill (for hills). Of course build the specific improvements required for resources in the city radius.
    ->20 health for the population plus a few for forges, factories, etc later on. Achieved from fresh water, resources mix, granaries, aqueduct, grocers, harbors, etc.
    ->20 happiness - which ever way is possible: resource mix, marketplace, military units, theater, temple, etc

    Apart from health and happiness buildings these powerhouses build improvements for commerce and science like banks, libraries, monasteries, courthouses, etc. Every spare scientist can put an Academies in these cities, you can have multiple so go for it. Oxford University and Wall Street are National wonders that can be put into commercial powerhouses. A useful world wonders in the city is The Great Library and for to have in your civ are The Colossus and The Great Lighthouse,

    Cities like this should be able to generate base income of 80+ which can be modified with all types of buildings.

    Production Factories
    Try to incorporate many hills and some grassland. Maximizing production will make great unit factories. They should grow to 20 to make the most shields possible.

    Similar to commerce powerhouse the should have enough capacity for 40 food through a food resource if available and 6/7 farms. Rest of the tiles should remain forest, be mined if hills, have workshops if flatland and watermills if on rivers. Similar to Commercial powerhouses they need to eventually have 20 happiness and probably more than 20 health to cater for production improvements like forges and factories.

    These towns should all get barracks, forge, factory and a power plant ; and of course all buildings to maintain health and happiness at 20. With regards to National wonders you have some options, Heroic Epic for +100% production of units, Ironworks (when it gets fixed), Red Cross for Medic I promotion, Scotland Yard to produce spies and West Point for extra experience. So HE and WP makes a good combo, the others can be spread across your Production factories.
    Other wonders to have in you civ are The Pentagon (+2 exp), The three Gorges Dam (free power)

    Great Person Cradle
    The goal of this city is to support as many specialists as possible as well as building several wonders to increase GP points. Usually a good city for this is the capital as it always seems to have several hills and lots of grassland. Typical starting positions for these towns are near flood plains or 10+ grassland with a few food resources.

    Farm all the flatland tiles, you need to support as many population as possible. Mine a few hills and keep some forest initially to have high production in the city. Linking stone, marble and copper is good for wonder production. Maximize health by all means possible and get the Globe theater to avoid unhappiness. Health is not so bad as you’ll have lot’s of food and getting a penalized a few should be manageable, if you can live with the unhealthy city graphics. Once you hit biology, this city should be able to grow to 30+ even 35+ generating lots of great people points.

    This town should get the Globe theater (no unhappiness) and the National Epic to increase GP points. Also the Parthenon helps GP points. Almost all wonders add GP points so get as many as you can get built in the city. So keep production as long as possible. Later on you can convert to windmills, farms, and get rid of all forest.

    You could also have several mixed cities. Reasonable production, enough farms to support 20+ population, a few cottages for extra income. These cities will typically have mixed terrain. They help production, provide some commerce and give a great person once or twice a game. Hybrids are typically frontier cities, which are not so bad to lose.

    A word on Ciivcs
    Government: Representation helps largest cities and specialists.
    Legal: Bureaucracy for capital, Nationhood for extra happiness, or Free Speech for more commerce.
    Labor: Caste System for Specialists
    Economy: Free market for more trade routes.
    Religion: Pacifism for GP bonus

    What does this mean
    I feel every civilization should have at least one great person factory with National Epic and Globe Theater. You could have a second if there is more fertile terrain around, with food resources and/or flood plains. Any city with lots of flatland or on the coast can be turned into Commercial powerhouse where you can add academies if you get Great Scientists. The more of these you have the better you will do in the area of Science and Finance. You should also have 2-3 cities near hills to provide the bulk of your military production, one should have the Heroic epic and West Point. As you expand you can assign more cities to production or commerce, or as hybrids.

    1. For non-specialist cities build 6 farms and focus the rest of the tiles either on Production or Commerce.
    2. Production Factories build enough buildings to sustain 20 population in terms of happiness and health and then always build military units.
    3. Commercial Powerhouses build all commerce and science buildings as well as specific happiness/health needed. If they run out of things to build they can build science or wealth (to take advantage of all their modifiers).
    4. GP factories max food and some production for wonders. They should keep growing with 4-6 food surplus and make rest people to specialists

    Hope you enjoyed this guide and find it useful.

    Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.


    Version 1.0 (Start document)
    Version 1.1 (added wonders and buildings per type)
    Last edited by remconius; November 16, 2005, 05:58.
    You have now entered the Civilization IV era!
    A guide to City Specialization
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  • #2
    Cool guide. I'll definitely keep that in mind. My only problem is that every game my capitol seems to be my Wonder production city, and my Great Person cradle. It wasn't until last game that i made a military production city with Heroic Epic. THAT sure churned out the military units.
    I wish i could separate these cities, but it's not that easy. Especially early on, when i'm supposed to have a Great Person city that produces Wonders? How many GPs do you get early game while the Parthenon is being built anyways?

    So, with the TBC (Three Big City) method you propose, which city would i send GPs to if they aren't of use, and i want them to be Super Specialists? Does it depend on what type of GP it is? i.e, a Great Engineer goes to the production city?

    I must suck, cause i've never had a city go over 20-22, let alone 30-35?! Holy cow!


    • #3
      Originally posted by stormwriter
      I must suck, cause i've never had a city go over 20-22, let alone 30-35?! Holy cow!
      Naturally with a method like this, the specific numbers depend very much on how large your map is and how quickly you were able to expand initially. Im playing an Earth game as the romans but really only managed to get about 5 cities initially, and this took up most of Europe! I didnt really have the luxury to specialize all that much. I have one city that is my production city which has the Heroic Epic in it and its pumping out nothing but military. I also have my capital rome which is combined into a Great Person city, commerce powerhouse all in one. Often I find that my Capital plays the role of several powerhouses in one, probably should be trying to specialize it one way or the other so that I can use some of those national wonders more effectively elsewhere.


      • #4
        "These towns should also get barracks, Heroic Epic and Ironworks to increase (military) production. "

        Yeah, except Ironworks is currently bugged, so when ironworks gets fixed, that'd be a really great combo, but until then I love my Heroic Epic + West point.

        Also, bureaucracy changes things a little as it gives a substantial bonus to your capitals base commerce. So I usually slap in Oxford and an academy and maybe some super specialists and that thing is just amazing.

        Good post, using this combined with selective building can enable you to have a very strong, efficient empire and a large army at the same time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by stormwriter
          Cool guide. I'll definitely keep that in mind. My only problem is that every game my capitol seems to be my Wonder production city, and my Great Person cradle. It wasn't until last game that i made a military production city with Heroic Epic. THAT sure churned out the military units.
          I wish i could separate these cities, but it's not that easy. Especially early on, when i'm supposed to have a Great Person city that produces Wonders? How many GPs do you get early game while the Parthenon is being built anyways?

          So, with the TBC (Three Big City) method you propose, which city would i send GPs to if they aren't of use, and i want them to be Super Specialists? Does it depend on what type of GP it is? i.e, a Great Engineer goes to the production city?

          I must suck, cause i've never had a city go over 20-22, let alone 30-35?! Holy cow!
          For a Great Person's cradle make sure you are always maxing growth to be in line with what the city can currently handle health/happiness wise. If you're far from the limits, go max growth, if you are close hire some specialists and if you are at the limits (especially happiness limits) get all the specialists you can to halt growth. Always try to have a fair number of specialists (caste system). You should be able to have 2-3 specialists fairly early on with some wonders should give 10-15 GP points. Later on you should be able to produce 100 or more.

          Super specialists go whereever they make the most sense. Scientist goes in biggest science city (capital?)I would keep engineers for wonders. Prophets for biggest commerce producer, etc.

          Good post, using this combined with selective building can enable you to have a very strong, efficient empire and a large army at the same time.

          Good point, I'll make some adjustments with specific buildings.
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          A guide to City Specialization
          Building Elite Units
          "I pledge addiction to Civ4 of Firaxis Games in America, and to 2K Games which publishes it: one franchise under Sid, inescapable, with certainty of "One More Turn(TM)" for all!" - The Pledge of Addiction


          • #6
            More games I play, more I find very very interesting to specialize some cities to produce just one or two kind of great persons... so that where I build the Piramids I try to build also other great engeneers wonders like the Hagia Sophia, maximizing the chance output of that particular kind of person... where I build Stonhenge I try to build the Oracle or Chichen Itza (great prophet), where I build the Colossus i try to build also the Great Lighthouse (great merchants) and so on...
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            • #7
              There are 3 unit producing specifics National Wonders. West Point, Red Cross and Heroic Epic.
              Usually your capital produces most hammers, but is it wise to make it units producing?
              It is possible to have units with 10 XP without West Point, but you will have to sacrifice 2 civics for this.
              So maybe it is better to build Ironworks+Red Cross and Heroic Epic+West Point.


              • #8
                I prefer to have 2 cities focus on units. One gets Heroic Epic + West Point and pumps out my offensive units. The other gets Red Cross and pumps out my defensive units.

                On the subject of GPs, I tend to try and build as many of the "Great Artist" wonders as I can in one city and devote any specialists I have in that city to Merchant, Engineer, or Scientist. I find Great Artists to be by far the least useful GP so I don't want any of my other cities to have even the slightest chance of producing one. Once I have all the shrines and academies I want I find Great Engineers to be the most useful GP with Prophets being #2 on the list so I tend to assign the majority of my specialists to those 2 specialties.

                IMO it's not worth it to switch to Vassalage/Theocracy/Police State unless nearly every city in your empire is going to do nothing but build military units and even then it's only worth it if you have a spiritual leader.


                • #9
                  You dont like the culture bomb?

                  Excellent for peaceful land grab. Securing tight borders near the enemy and during war time they can get rid of resistance in one turn.
                  You have now entered the Civilization IV era!
                  A guide to City Specialization
                  Building Elite Units
                  "I pledge addiction to Civ4 of Firaxis Games in America, and to 2K Games which publishes it: one franchise under Sid, inescapable, with certainty of "One More Turn(TM)" for all!" - The Pledge of Addiction


                  • #10
                    This is a great guide. I tried it, until now I didn't do much with the GPP because I was warmongering and couldn't really combine it.

                    In my current game (Prince, epic, normal size) my capital is a GPP/wonder building monster (flood planes + mines). At 1000 AD I already got 4 Great Engineers, a Prophet and an Artist. More succesful than trying to separate the different GP, that way you have to make specialists in other cities as well and your growth goes down the drain.

                    One city at a river and one at river+coast are the Commerce cities and I have a couple of cities specialized in unit building.

                    It works a lot better than just putting the same buildings everywhere. Now I need so invent some Universities and I can just go and conquer everything. I hope.
                    Last edited by baboon; November 17, 2005, 04:20.


                    • #11
                      Great Artists are often about as useful as tits on a bull. On the other hand sometimes you REALLY REALLY could use a great arist or 10.

                      It's the great Prophets that annoy me. Sure, I REALLY need one for a Shrine, and maybe I can build a couple more shrines for other religions, but after that they are just a decent specialist (or some research).

                      The Scientists are always nice. Can never have too many acadamies (build acadmies in cities with 70+ total beakers in preference to making super scientists in your oxford city).

                      The great merchants are kind of annoying because they take work, altough it's hard to complain about the trade missions returns, a merchant at the right time can pay for a lot of upgrades (like Galleys -> Galleons at astronomy).

                      Engineers are tasty, they're great for rushing wonders (like Sistines) in fringe bases that could use the culture and would take 600 turns to build the wonder - it's criminal to make Super Specialists out of them.


                      • #12
                        The Prophet does give some nice commerce if you make him a super specialist, so it doesn't seem much, but if you add him to right city it's pretty nice. Although I do agree you'd hope for something cooler.

                        The artist is sometimes the best you can get, but usually always useful, just to push the border a little back.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blake
                          Great Artists are often about as useful as tits on a bull. On the other hand sometimes you REALLY REALLY could use a great arist or 10.
                          I almost never run into any situation where I wish I had a great artist. Usually I build a theatre, library, and castle in my fringe cities and the problem takes care of itself.

                          As for the rest of them it sounds like you use them primarily for their special projects and one time uses rather than adding them as super specialists so i can see why you like engineers so much. I like engineers as well but IMO you get more bang for your buck adding them to your main wonder building cities. It may not sound like much at first but a city with 2 or 3 great prophets and 2 or 3 great engineers is one hell of a production powerhouse without having to build a bunch of workshops. I do use my first few prophets and scientists for shrines and academies but rarely more than 3 of each.

                          I do prefer engineers to prophets but as super specialists prophets are almost as good. I don't go out of my way to get merchants but they're still nice for giving a population boost to your main GP cities. I never use them for trade routes because money is never a problem for me past the early part of the game.


                          • #14
                            Great artists are excellent not only for the cultural bomb, but also for cultural victory. If you produce 30 of them, you've won the game. philisophical+parthenon+pacifism+national epic+ 10 specialists+ 10 wonders (yes, it happens) 175 GPP
                            Ok, so even with some other cities helping it won't work. But produce some more culture, and you could be looking at an early win. Also, when in doubt as to what to do with a GP, think light bulb.


                            • #15
                              Great artists are one of my favorite "military" units. I'll "bomb" a city near a future military target to push the border either near or even next to a couple of the neighbor's cities. Then, if have railroad, will build rails right along the border. Frequently can then attack one or more cities from my own territory and can quickly move units back and forth along rails as needed.

