Originally posted by Azuarc
I'm going to make a very asinine and headstrong comment
I'm going to make a very asinine and headstrong comment
Originally posted by Azuarc
I know, easier said than done. But if I had a year to work on it with at least some crude game mechanics in place, I think I could do it. Am I being too cocksure? Probably. But I'd take the chance if someone offered it to me. For an hour, anyway.
I know, easier said than done. But if I had a year to work on it with at least some crude game mechanics in place, I think I could do it. Am I being too cocksure? Probably. But I'd take the chance if someone offered it to me. For an hour, anyway.
So, you must either think the CIV programmers are the most underrated geniuses in the world (who are just too lazy), or... actually I can't think of another explanation
