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Ironworks does... nothing?

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  • #46
    I think what MattPilot says is right: you get a 50% bonus on iron and coal fields in the city radius, but that is nothing compared to the investment you made when building the IW.
    For sure this is not the intended behaviour and I hope and believe it will be fixed in an upcoming patch.


    • #47
      Don't you get +50% shield on all iron resource in your country or just in that city where Iron Work is built?

      Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


      • #48
        Originally posted by Saldrin

        Yep I'm postive, I've done it numerous time and it has worked. It was really noticable after I RRed the tiles.

        I can post the screenshots of the step by step process if you like.

        And its small: 50% added to each. So Iron give lets say 4 hammers, with IW it will give 6. Its nothing great, but its there.
        I fooled around with the IW ALOT in the world editior. I thought I saw the same small production increase as you when I built it with iron or coal in my radius, but actually it was just because I was able to add another engineer due to the IW.

        The bug has already been reported and one of the Firaxis team confirmed they'd be trying to fix it in the next patch.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Dida
          Don't you get +50% shield on all iron resource in your country or just in that city where Iron Work is built?
          Tested and approved. ALL Coal and Iron mines in my empire are generating extra two base hammers (not just the one extra from the resource itself). Not just the ones in the city radius where IW is built. The bug then is the display that there is a 100% increase in hammers on the city display and improper documentation (much like everything else). Or the bug is how its implemented. If this is the intended implementation I can live with it, you "should" have lots of iron and coal by the time you build the thing. However since it penalizes the city itself, I would rather the city receive the bonus (since I built it in a city with both there.. ). I suppose if you use the 3 engineer specialists, then its supposed to trade off.. but you won't get to since the city is shrunk by 2.
          Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth.


          • #50
            Originally posted by swat-spas2
            Tested and approved. ALL Coal and Iron mines in my empire are generating extra two base hammers (not just the one extra from the resource itself). Not just the ones in the city radius where IW is built.
            After running a test of my own, there were no extra hammers generated anywhere. All coal and iron mines provided the exact same number of hammers as they did before the IW was constructed. Do you have your mines railroaded, which provides +1 hammer to a mine?


            • #51
              I have all my mines RR whether they have coal or iron. So thats not an issue.

              However, .. as an edit to previous, I did not "test", rather just loaded the save game and calc'd the data. There is an extra 2 production on the coal/iron sites. There should be one from the resource tile itself. However there appears to be also an extra from the mine as well, which I missed out on which I looked at the data the first time. It appeared sensible in accordance with the conclusions coming up, but was not in fact doing anything. So its broken and does nothing at all. You get a couple extra engineers. Thats fun.
              Last edited by swat-spas2; November 15, 2005, 00:53.
              Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth.


              • #52
                Originally posted by LzPrst
                bah, another indicator to the not finished game released syndrome... maybe if it was explained properly in the civilopedia how it is supposed to work then maybe we could figure it out. but that doesnt work either. how quaint...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Saldrin
                  There is nothing to fix, and there is no bug.

                  Let me explain:

                  Iron and coal must be in the city radius. And you must assign workers to get the hammers. IF one of the resoruces are out of the radius, how can you get hammers?

                  IW can be built anywhere, but you are not going to see the benefit unless what I stated above is all true.

                  Don't beleive me? Start up a game, drop a city in a desert. Put nothing else there except coal and iron, use the editor to mine, road and RR it. Add 3 pop to the city so the tiles are worked. Exit the WB and look at the hammers. Now... go back in the WB, and add IW... exit again, and you will see the increase in production.

                  There is nothing wrong with the IW. There is nothing to fix.
                  You are right in that this isn't a bug. It is, however, a gameplay flaw that makes the IW worthless.


                  • #54
                    This is just brainstorming... I have read on what you have done and investigated... Somewhere I read that alot of the bonuses in this game were not going to be accumulative. (See Experience given to created units for example) It may be that the IW can give you the bonus compensating for other improvements being missing? My english sucks so maybe someone out there gets what I am trying to say... I am the MOTO alot of the time but I hope I am not here...
                    grazed by partyRick
                    AKA: The Enlightened One


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Kuciwalker

                      You are right in that this isn't a bug. It is, however, a gameplay flaw that makes the IW worthless.
                      Actually, I believe it is a bug, because I don't believe that was the original intention of the building. It doesn't fit with the bonus system that all of the other buildings use.



                      • #56
                        It could be worth the costs if it indeed gives +2 hammers for every iron or coal tile thropughout your empire and you have multiple of them being worked by your cities (after all these hammers are also modified by production enhancing buildings of the cities which work these tiles, probably turning these 2 bonus hammers into 3 or 4).
                        But of course it wouldn´t be worth the costs and the 2 sick people, if you only have few of these resources and as mentioned, after all, it doesn´t fit the description of this national wonder.

                        (and it also makes more sense to have this wonder give the effects which were expected by its description. After all it doesn´t matter where the iron or coal comes from, but where your factories are located which turn them into buildings and units.
                        It reminds me of Krupp-Stadt which would be something which resembles this wonder; a large area near essen, which from the 19th century toil WW2 was covered with lots of steel works and factories turning this steel inton products [like for example Cannons ], making Essen one of the most productive cities within germany.)
                        Last edited by Proteus_MST; November 15, 2005, 08:05.
                        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                        • #57
                          Ok, after reading all this I have a question.

                          Are Ironworks worth the cost time to build?


                          • #58
                            And its small: 50% added to each. So Iron give lets say 4 hammers, with IW it will give 6. Its nothing great, but its there.
                            If that's truly the intended use, why would anyone ever build it? Investing 700 hammers to gain +3 hammers/turn? 233 turns to recoup the initial investment?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Saldrin

                              There is nothing to fix, and there is no bug.

                              Let me explain:

                              Iron and coal must be in the city radius. And you must assign workers to get the hammers. IF one of the resoruces are out of the radius, how can you get hammers?

                              IW can be built anywhere, but you are not going to see the benefit unless what I stated above is all true.

                              Don't beleive me? Start up a game, drop a city in a desert. Put nothing else there except coal and iron, use the editor to mine, road and RR it. Add 3 pop to the city so the tiles are worked. Exit the WB and look at the hammers. Now... go back in the WB, and add IW... exit again, and you will see the increase in production.

                              There is nothing wrong with the IW. There is nothing to fix.
                              While this may not exactly fall under the category of a bug, I think that a 700 Hammer/Shield investment that will usually net you not much more than a few yuck faces isn't what was intended. So whether or not it was any good in Civ III, it should be better in Civ IV. From what I can tell it should be pretty easy to mod the XML for this and make it act as most people think it should. While it would be nice to try to get some words from the designers as to what their intent was (and fix it if different than implemented), for those playing SP the game is all about fun and I for one think it would be more fun to play with this building as useful. If noone posts the XML mod between now and this evening, I'll poke around to see what I can do, then post something.


                              • #60
                                Nope, it doesn't work...the only way in which the Ironworks increases the output of your cities is by the fact that it gives more engineers and that is all...
                                Speaking of Erith:

                                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

