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A different view of building.

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  • A different view of building.

    One of the things that has frustrated me in each CIV is that you can only build one building per city at a time. I would much rather see a city have a production capacity (shields) like it does now, and have building have a set shield capacity (like now), but allow you to build multiple buildings at the same time.

    I know it's a game and not a historical simulator. However, if the Egyptians couldn't build a temple at the same time as the Pyramids in the same city, then they never would have been an empire.

    I know you can hold shift and tell it to build the next unit starting right after the current one, that's not the point. I just think a city should be able to produce say a grocery store AND a marine at the same time assuming it's large enough to do so.

    I have only played a few games of Civ IV and I am mostly enjoying it. Yet I have that same frustration about the limitation on buildings.

  • #2
    One thing you may or may not have noticed,

    If you're building the Pyramids, and are sure of your sucess in doing so, but you need a temple to appease the masses, you CAN change over to a Temple until the Temple is built.

    When the Temple is finished it should go right back to building the Pyramids from the same production point as it left off.

    In that way you can build two things at once. This comes in extremely usefull in the early game. You can start building an Oblisk until your city grows, at which point you start work on a Settler. Once the Settler is finished you can go back to work on the Oblisk.

    Dan O.


    • #3
      It is very handy.... I'm somewhat surprised that this useful feature is not really mentioned anywhere.

      Another thing you may want to be aware of is that if you right-click a unit or building from the palette it will replace what you're currently building instead of inserting at the top of the queue.

      If you get beaten to a wonder though, just Shift-click what you want to build next, you get cashback for your progress
      O'Neill: I'm telling you Teal'c, if we don't find a way out of this soon, I'm gonna lose it.

      Lose it. It means, Go crazy. Nuts. Insane. Bonzo. No longer in possession of one's faculties. Three fries short of a Happy Meal. WACKO!


      • #4
        And lemme tell you - I Personally am Loving that feature. Now on OCC (or anygame for that matter), You can start a wonder BEFORE you have perhaps all the defense units or happiness buildings or production buildings you want.

        Now, If I'm part way through with a build, and then I get FORGES, I can do the math.. is it faster to switch over and build the forge, then come back to the wonder, or am I better off finishing the wonder.

        This new feature ROCKS!
        ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----

