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The Culture Bomb

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  • #31
    I'm new to Civ, really new, this is the first game in the series that I've played. Bear with me if this is something obvious, I just wanted to share my 2 cents, cause I lurrrve the Great Artist culture bomb thing, especially using it on new land on a continent map. After playing a few games on the easiest levels to learn the game, I'm playing one now on Noble, on a standard continent map. Here's a screen of the culture bomb thing on some newly settled land... when I used it, my city was just the new city culture size, just the 8 spaces adjacent to the city itself. But for some strange reason, even after 2 revolts, Musa's city won't join my civ.


    • #32
      How many troops does he have in there?
      The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

      Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


      • #33
        Just be patient, it takes a while.

        Recently the AI did this trick on my city (pretty smart one, I was impressed)

        The city rioted two times for a lot of turns without flipping, but after a few turns it suddenly flipped.


        • #34
          I have tried to figure out the culture flip.

          There have been cities that rioted for 6 turns, then never flipped. Then suddenly, flipped 20 turns later with no rioting. If one of your own cities begins to riot, what is the best way to stop the rioting.

          Also, besides using a "culture bomb," is there a way to speed the flipping process of another city?
          Early to rise, Early to bed.
          Makes you healthy and socially dead.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Unspeakable Horror
            How many troops does he have in there?
            Judging by the 3 white dots above the city, it looks like there are 3 units there.
            Let Them Eat Cake


            • #36
              Originally posted by Genghis Jon
              But for some strange reason, even after 2 revolts, Musa's city won't join my civ.
              It will, just be patient. When a city is surrounded like that, it's only a matter of time.

              And to speed things along, continue culture bombing them by building lots of culture improvements in San Francisco -- theatre, colosseum, temple, etc. and a wonder or artist Super Specialist would really help.
              Let Them Eat Cake


              • #37
                Originally posted by Unspeakable Horror
                How many troops does he have in there?
                Yup, 3. 3 tired longbowmen trying to squash the revolts

                Originally posted by Mace

                It will, just be patient. When a city is surrounded like that, it's only a matter of time.

                And to speed things along, continue culture bombing them by building lots of culture improvements in San Francisco -- theatre, colosseum, temple, etc. and a wonder or artist Super Specialist would really help.

                Funniest thing, right after making my post, I went back and ended the turn, and they switched over to my civ.

                I got another Great Artist a couple of turns later, was going to use him in the city on the other side of that island, and see how that'd turn out with the other cities on the island, but I needed him more in another city. Yup, I built theatres and libraries and stuff in those new cities, to make sure I'd keep/expand my borders.

                I've got a question for you guys... I know the Great People thing is new in this edition of Civ, but does anyone know if there's a maximum amount of turns you can keep a Great Person w/o using him? Or will he eventually die or what not? I know if you put him in a city as a super specialist he'll only last a set number of turns, just wondering if that holds true if you don't use him at all. If noone knows, I could try it out and tell you how it turns out.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Genghis Jon I've got a question for you guys... I know the Great People thing is new in this edition of Civ, but does anyone know if there's a maximum amount of turns you can keep a Great Person w/o using him? Or will he eventually die or what not?
                  They do not "die", at least I have not seen this. I have kept Great Persons around for a long time, to wait for a 2nd one to initiate a GA.

                  I know if you put him in a city as a super specialist he'll only last a set number of turns,
                  Huh? Where'd you get that? I think super specialists last the whole game.
                  Let Them Eat Cake


                  • #39
                    New term

                    What you need is a new term for the Great Artist effect.

                    A culture bomb is any way to explosively expand your cultural borders, right? So a Great Artist-assisted cultural expansion - judging by its area of effect - must be a Culture Nuke.

                    No need to thank me.

                    Move along.


                    • #40
                      Kewl, I had wanted to do the same thing, save a great person until I got another for a golden age. Now I know I can.

                      And, good question, I have no idea where I got to thinking that great people eventually, like, ran out of time after settling in a city. They definitely do stay there permanently. Maybe I should start using more of them that way then.



                      • #41
                        I had cities surrounding a stretch of desert quite a distance from my capital.. The AI decided to claim that desert by plopping down a city where it could. I thought that was rediculous since I was already at level 2 culturally in the other cities and started to take its territory pretty soon. About 20 turns later I just happen to catch an artist wandering across my country, and by the time I turned off open borders it was too late and I got bombed.

                        So I went to war and took the bombed city and another small border city while I was at it. Funny thing was after that I made peace and we were still best friends because of religion and civics.

                        My main use for bombs is to fight back on border cities that I took by conquest. I don't like them rioting and then flipping due to being surrounded by the other's border.
                        ~I like eggs.~


                        • #42
                          I've had the AI bomb cities that they found in the middle of my landmasses. I usually just leave them be.

                          One AI bombed a city twice! It was almost taken when he bombed it again and pushed the border out a tile.

                          The funny thing is he was too busy bombing the city in the middle of my empire to protect the ones in his empire-proper, a couple of his big border cities flipped to me .


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Datajack Franit
                            are you playing civ4 on your laptop?? does it work?

                            (sorry for threadjacking, I was considering not buying it as I only have a laptop)
                            Yep. works fine on my old Dell Inspiron 8200. It has a GeForce4 440 Go 64Mb card which needed a new driver update (or else game runs but terrain is black) but works smoothly otherwise.

                            Try this great website for checking out compatibility of any new games

                            Check your system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gamimg PC.


                            • #44
                              I usually find that a great artist is a very handy man to have on your front lines when you are waging war. Not only does his great work quell all resistance, but it expands the captured cities borders a bit for you too!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by -=John=-1987.2
                                I usually find that a great artist is a very handy man to have on your front lines when you are waging war. Not only does his great work quell all resistance, but it expands the captured cities borders a bit for you too!
                                They are also very useful for setting up an attack. I use them to push borders to the edge of a future opponent, which gives faster access to their cities on the initial invasion. If the borders are at their city edges, can even take them from your own territory.

