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  • #16
    Do you have the Permanent Alliances option enabled? If so, just ask him to enter a Permanent Alliance with him - this will make you share all techs and wonder effects, and allow for joint victory.
    The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
    - Frank Herbert


    • #17
      Originally posted by King Thor
      lol.. since he likes you so much, why dont you ask him to help you out with the techs a little.
      Well, regardless that we were buddies or not, he was still a selfish bastard! No actually I didn't have the ability to pump out units fast enough and concentrate on upgrading my cities, nor could I upgrade them that fast since I had to keep my research expenditure high just to keep up in the tech race. But, I'm gonna try again. Learned alot from this game even though I was rated a Dan Quayle.

      I only had seven cities. I think I'll try for more next time. Maybe be a little more daring on the war front too...

      Originally posted by Martinus
      Do you have the Permanent Alliances option enabled? If so, just ask him to enter a Permanent Alliance with him - this will make you share all techs and wonder effects, and allow for joint victory.
      Dang it! Didn't even think of that!


      • #18
        What surprises me is that i had the EXACT SAME MAP!!!!!

        WTF - i thought we had random maps?

        Whats even more odd is that most civs have the same freakin start location!!!

        Americans, russians, .... yea.. random map generator :/


        • #19
          Originally posted by MattPilot
          What surprises me is that i had the EXACT SAME MAP!!!!!

          WTF - i thought we had random maps?

          Whats even more odd is that most civs have the same freakin start location!!!

          Americans, russians, .... yea.. random map generator :/
          Hey, I've got that map as well! (I'm where the blue is currently) WTF?

          I'll post a screenshot later tonight (if I still have the match).

          Tom P.


          • #20
            Not as good as a +28 but I had a +12 with #1 civ Roosevelt and a defensive pact with him. Las tplace Bismarck declares war on me (with +2 and -2 balancing out and he's not even annoyed at me, just Cautious) So what does my buddy Roosevelt do?......cancels the defensive pact! Great, here come his ships to my isolated continent. Guess I should have built some units. Stupid Americans.
            .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


            • #21

              Anyone can explain to us why to they share the same maps??????


              • #22
                Is there a picture attached? If so, I can't see it.

                Odd about the maps...

                I've seen a +6 or 7 from religion before.

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #23
                  If you have permanent alliances enabled, you are set.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by cronos_qc

                    Anyone can explain to us why to they share the same maps??????
                    I remembered reading something about that, but haven't experienced it myself... I managed to find the thread:


                    • #25
                      I'm surprised you didn't get an "our close borders bring tension" malus. If I'm reading the minimap correctly, that is.


                      Yeah, I was a bit surprized by that too especially since my culture flipped tiles in his closest city.
                      Hmmm thats wierd, I always read that as "our closed border bring tension" as in, if you dont except his 'open borders' offer in the beginning of the game you get a -1 or -2 .... wierd, so its CLOSE borders... hmph.


                      • #26
                        /me bumps this ages old thread

                        In my current game (18 Civs, small map) for some reason everybody loves. I've never seen anything like this
                        Since the beginning of the game my religion was Judaism, and so was 3-4 other Civs at that time, so I quickly became good friends with them... but because there was so little space I had to attack the Civs on this small continent. After taking out the Civs who's now Jewish I went on to my friends (took over the holy city)... but the more Civs I destroyed, the more Civs converted, and I kept destroyed Jewish Civs (while taking out the few non-Jewish Civs). And hour ago there was 7 AI's back, 5 of them was Jewish, 1 had free religion, but the one with a different religion still loved me

                        So now I've destroyed them (the turn after they converted), but everybody still loves me... with 17 AI's from the beginning there have been no time where more than 5 have been less than cautious towards me
                        Other Civs should have a "You attacked a Civ of yours and our religion" in the diplomacy. I can keep destroyed Jewish Civs, but they keep loving me
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • #27
                          I've had that same map as well...

