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Diplomacy/Trade EXPLOIT (!!!)

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  • Diplomacy/Trade EXPLOIT (!!!)

    Ok here's how this is done. I know it 'may' be an exploit (duh), it is. This only applies for single player though.

    Step 1: Start a trade with a computer.

    Step 2: Make sure you trade some tech of higher value for something of lesser value. (Actually this can probably done with a reversal of things but I haven't tried it yet, but I will in a few hours). I will name the step that explains this "as "Step 2b, 3b, 4b, etc"

    Step 2b: Make sure you trade some tech of lower value for something of higher value.

    Step 3: Ask the computer what would make this trade fair (the second choice). Now the computer is gonna usually add in a sum of coin. The trade window is gonna have a technology, and money (in that order) on the computers side, and your tech on your side.

    Step 3b: Ask the computer what would make this trade fair (the second choice). Now the computer is gonna have his tech on his side, and your tech and some amount of money that it 'wants' on your side. The trade window is gonna have a technology on the computers side, and a technology, followed by money on your side.

    Step 4/4b: So remove the technology and money, and swap them. That is, make sure money is at the top of the trade window, and the technology is after the money.

    Step 5/5b: Add the money that the computer initially offered (on the respective side).

    Step 6/6b: Ask the computer again what he would offer for the deal. Now since you are really trading the same thing, the computer will say something on the lines of, "this is what I offer you, and nothing more".

    Step 7: Now simply change the cash amount and max it to whatever the computer can give.

    Step 7b: Simply change the cash amount that the computer asked of you, to the lowest possible while keeping the cash value at the bare minimum, that is, 10 gold.

    Example 'A': I ask Isabella to trade me, her 'The Wheel' (133 research) for my 'Polytheism' (223 research). Now I ask her what she would offer for this, Since Poly is a higher research, she will probably add in some little amount of money to her side of the trade. Now you simply charge her for all the money she has and hit "agreed"/first option. She will trade and give you all her funds which is probably not what she offered.

    Example 'B': I ask Isabella to trade my 'Polytheism' for her 'The Wheel'. I ask her what she would to make this offer fair. She will probably drop a big chunk of gold that you have to pay on top of the technology for her "polytheism". Now I remove the tech and gold amount, swap them, that is, the Gold goes first, followed by the technology, ask her again what would make the deal fair (she will say this is her final offer), you will now switch the money amount to the minimum (which is 10 gold). So now you are trading the 133 research tech and 10 gold for her 223 research tech. Hit agreed , and boom you are done.

    NOTE: edited out the last paragraph to confirm to all the happy people

    Last edited by Adderax; November 9, 2005, 02:56.

  • #2
    if you dont like the AI being harder on higher difficulties, dont play higher difficulties. I would have thought that that was somewhat obvious


    • #3
      I gave a step by step to an exploit, most bug reports would love that. But I am glad you are here to criticize me for it.



      • #4
        sorry, I agree it is a very good bug report. wether it should be posted in a strategy forum I'm not so sure.


        • #5
          Nice work Adderax.

          I agree that it would be better in a bug-reporting forum - if we had one, that is.
          Last edited by Skanky Burns; November 9, 2005, 02:40.
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • #6
            Yeah, not news to me, this bug and the demand stuff from AI bug are the only two game breakers I've seen in the AI diplomacy so far. Oh yeah and trading gpt, that seems broken as well.

            Good catch, nice write up on how anyone can do it, heh.

            I would've posted this and other posts in the bug thread in general, but that thread got immediately hi-jacked by people with troobleshooting issues so now I dunno where to report bugs too.

            But using this exploit to combat AI difficulty is not right. The AI is tougher diplomactically towards the player, but that's what higher difficulty means, I mean if you want it to be equal then play on noble or just open up the world builder and cheat that way. I don't really care if you cheat.

            Good post, but I sure wish you'd edit out that last paragraph.


            • #7
              Probably point Trip or some other Firaxian at this?!
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • #8
                There is a similar bug to this when the computer offer peace with you after a war. You can get free cities from the computer by following a certain series of clicks. I forget the exact sequence as I'm at work, but will post back after I get a chance to play again.

                Basically tricks the computer into accepting a deal it had previously rejected by getting it to reject another deal.

