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"Must Have" Buildings

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  • "Must Have" Buildings

    At the core, what are the most important buildings you think ANY city should have, regardless of how you specialize your civ\city, or what resources are available?

    So far, here's my list:


    Any comments appreciated!
    Last edited by its_chowder; November 8, 2005, 15:38.

  • #2
    I was going to post a listing of every building that can be constructed for each era, and have the people here rate the importance of each building.
    I can do it later, but if someone else wants to, they can load up a custom game and select the era, then post it.
    I think that would REALLY open up the debate about the must have buildings for each era.


    • #3
      I often don't bother with a bank in my production cities, a market/grocer yes if I have the spec. resources to benefit from them.

      Also no University in my non-research cities, unless they are on the outer edge and need the extra culture. Universities/Observatories only get placed in my research based cities.

      Walls/Castles, only on my outer-rim cities.

      At the difficulty level I'm at, for all cities that go over size 10 a colleseum is a must for happiness, unless I can gain more than one religion, then I build multiple temples.

      And an Aqueduct is by far one my most crucial buildings due to the +2 health gain.


      • #4
        I dont think "-Temple\Cathedral\Monastery" is a must have personally, maybe in the higher levels, but so far I havent found that I need all those points. Im sure at tougher levels I will, but Noble is pretty easy so far...

        Basically you need to specify which difficuly setting yer talking about.

        How come Harbour aint up there ?


        • #5
          Took out the temple, but I kept the monastery. It gives , a research bonus and culture for a relatively low production cost...I just like them, until scientific method that is!

          The happiness that one gets from temples could probably best be supplied by trading for luxury goods, then.

          Definately need the aqueduct!
          As regards the harbor....Its a nice bonus, and its pretty cheap it essential?

          So far all my games have been noble, but I would be curious how you guys adapt your building strategies to suit the different levels.


          • #6
            No Barracks? I guess you dont plan on going to war much..
            Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
            Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


            • #7
              Re: "Must Have" Buildings

              Originally posted by its_chowder
              At the core, what are the most important buildings you think ANY city should have, regardless of how you specialize your civ\city, or what resources are available?

              So far, here's my list:


              Any comments appreciated!
              Granary - yes
              Library - some cities produce almost no commerce, so no.
              Forge - yes
              Bank - see above commerce comment; I have cities that are production monsters (workshops/mines/farms) that produce almost no commerce
              Theatre- yes, by the late game, even if I have lots of luxuries
              Monastery - Almost never; I use the Organized Religion civic
              University - See above Library comment - why isn't Observatory on here?
              Walls/Castle - never on an inner city, sometimes not in an outer one, depends largely on my security and culture
              Aqueduct - Usually, but in extreme resource abundance, no

              My own additions:

              Factory - production is king
              Harbor - health and trade bonus? Thanks much.
              Friedrich Psitalon
              Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
              Consultant, Firaxis Games


              • #8
                Yeah, I'm an OR addict so I find monasteries utterly worthless. Even if I wasn't in OR, having just one or two monasteries would seem to be enough. The 10% science and paltry culture doesn't add enough for the build time IMO.


                • #9
                  Im not a huge Aquaduct fan, the +2 health can easily come from reources, other buildings or trees...


                  • #10
                    The only must have building is a palace. On later starting eras also things like forges and aqueducts are must haves.

                    Seriously though, you need culture through at least one building if you don't get it from other means. You need buildings that can push back the softcaps IF you need that city to grow. The granary ability (besides the +health) is generally minor and not worth much at all over the course of the game, in my opinion. +Gold, +science, and +hammer percent buildings are good to have at least in a few places.

                    City walls are situational as are monasteries, additional +culture buildings, and depending on the city +science buildings.


                    • #11
                      Forges and Factories.
                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #12
                        You know, it really says something about how polished the build options are when there is almost never a single right answer for the next item to build.

                        For me the only one that is close to an "always right" answer seems to be the forge/factory/power line of production. As long as there is more stuff you want to build in a city, and you're not approaching 2050 it seems like these are a good thing. Oh, and if you are having bad health problems it may not be a good idea. So many conditions on even the (IMO) closest to an always right answer.

                        When I'm playing I spend way too much time trying to figure out whats the best option, and generally decide on a city by city basis.

                        After a city is founded I usually try first to make sure I'm exploiting any specials near the city first thing. This may mean creating a worker or work boat, and often will include a culture building so that I can grow my borders to encompass the special.


                        • #13
                          I put banks and libraries in all my cities because I need them for the national wonders. Banks for Wall Street, and I think libraries are needed for universities, and with universities you can get Oxford.

                          I also go with temples everywhere I go so I can get the cathedrals. I think you need 6 temples to build a cathredral somewhere? If I don't have access to incense, I don't bother too much with the cathedrals. Plus evem with the free religion, you can't knock that added happiness for all religious buildings.


                          • #14
                            No to the following :

                            Forges in 2-hammer coastal/tundra cities.
                            Research buildings in production monsters.
                            Monasteries under Org Rel.
                            Walls/Castle away from the borders.

                            Somone said granaries are worthless, and I disagree with that, as maxing out productive pop is always the way to play Civ, but they are more worth it when half price. Same goes for other buildings - playing to your traits, building what's fastest for you and making best use of it.


                            • #15
                              You gotta have barracks to upgrade units, unless you pump them out constantly and ship them to the front lines...

