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My favorite part of this game...

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  • #16
    1) I disagree.
    2) Cheer up!
    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
    Also active on WePlayCiv.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kassiopeia
      When I hit Modern Era tonight, The People Are The Heroes Now was the first song from the era soundtrack to play. I had to crank up the volume. Awesome.
      QFT. I just sat there and listened until it ended before I started playing again


      • #18
        jeffyen at CFC emailed Christopher Tin, Baba Yetu's composer, to ask for the lyrics and got the following reply:

        Hi Jeffrey,

        Thanks for your email. It's a pretty standard Swahili translation of
        the Lord's prayer, except that there are some mistakes. For example,
        the Swahili words for Jesus ('Yesu') and 'our' ('yetu') are very
        similar....and the text SHOULD be reading:

        Baba yetu, Yesu uliye
        mbinguni Yesu, Yesu, amina.
        Baba yetu, Yesu uliye
        Jina lako litukuzwe.

        The extra 'Yesu's', which mistakenly became 'Yetu's' in the final
        version, were inserted to make it work rhythmically. There were a few
        other syllables here and there that were altered, with a liberal dash
        of artistic license, to make it work musically.

        By the way....if you feel so inclined, I would love it if you would
        email the people at 2K games and tell them what you thought about the
        music, and what you thought about the song. I'm trying to get more
        video game work, and every kind word helps.


        Let's hope he gets more work, it's a really catchy song.

