Many cities in France are now in riots (angry faces). The response of the government is to send in musketeers (well, police actually, but as the game goes it's the same thing). This is, as we know, wrong - since France has the civic 'Universal Suffrage', where soldiers don't bring happy faces. Introducing 'Hereditary Rule' should fix the problem. +1 happy face per military unit, remember?
On the religious side France now has 'Free Religion'. A diversity of religions will bring more happy faces. Since the afflicted cities seem to be mainly dominated by christians and muslims, sending in some buddhist and hindu missionaries would do the trick.
If this isn't sufficient there's always the option to acquire more luxuries to boost the happy faces. Anybody who's taken a stroll along the Champs Élysées would comment that luxuiries is the one thing the French have in abundancy. But wait, what about hit movies from Hollywood and hit musicals from Broadway? Bring 'em on!

I'll forward these suggestions to the French president. Meanwhile I'm sure someone on the forums can make a quick fix on the Iraqi problems, and forward it to Mr Bush.
