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Meaningless Poll #386

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dr,ape
    The Advisors in Civ2 were pretty useless in terms of actual gameplay, but they were HILARIOUS!
    Bring them back

    Originally posted by Skanky Burns
    Palace. Specifically, the civ-1 style palace.
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #17
      I did lose A trireme in my first game, just for tradition

      where was the sinking sound wave?

      how dissapointing
      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #18
        I went with overall simplicity/playability. Don't get me wrong. Most of the new concepts that have been introduced in Civ3 and Civ4 have really improved the game. However, as the game has become better and more complex, it has lost a bit of the elegance of the original. Civ1 was so simple (compared to what we have now), but every game was a different experience and even after months you'd find out new ways to play it. (That was, of course, before forums like this accelerated the learning process.)

        By the way, a close second would have to be the wonder movies. In a way, they are luxury version of the original idea where you saw the wonder appear on the city screen. It's very elegant, but I wish they had used it for three or four wonders and taken a different approach for the rest. As it is, they lack the variety of the Civ2 collection. (For some reason, I just remembered the Adam Smith Wonder - I really felt rich when I heard that music!)

        More generally, it's amazing how much nostalgia Civ4's release has created. On the eve of the 25th October I played an all-night-game of Alpha Centauri (which in my opinion was the best game so far) and the nights after that - before Civ4 was released in my country - I even played Civ1 again. Like Civ2, it's just two clicks away on my computer and it's still fun. (I can only play it with IBM sound, though. It runs unbearably slow with any other setting. Of course, s a matter of nostalgia, IBM sound is just perfect.)

        Thanks for the poll, Brutus. It's a welcome distraction from all those threads that tempt us to judge the new game just days after the release. I did another meaningless poll about Civ manuals the other day, but it quickly vanished.


        • #19
          Your poll is -very- Civ2-centric. You might as well have left out Civ1 from the description. (I don't see any items that aren't in Civ2!) Some of the Civ1-only items I might have checked aren't to be found.

          Where's the Banana option? I need to vote for the 'Ana.


          • #20
            Well, Civ2 didn't really "cut" anything important from Civ1. Even the "winner survives undamaged" rule remained as an option. Perhaps the top down map and the unit counters were Civ1's most unique features. (Of course, in a way the top down map has returned with Civ4!)

