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Styles of play

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  • Styles of play

    I'm trying to figure out the different modes people can play the game in. While I know that all things are conditional, and we are still experimenting and learning the game, I'm hoping to figure out exactly what "styles" there are to playing.

    Simply asking, point-blank, "how do you play the game?" is a worthless question. But I'm hoping maybe I can gauge the answer by posing a scenario and asking everyone to reply with how they would react. The scenario is intentionally broad, and I expect answers to be the same. Since I'm also half-interested in how popular a particular mode is, "me too" replies are welcome. If I'm not too lazy, I'm going to keep a tally.

    The scenario is this:

    The year is 500 BC. You started a game, expanded out into about four somewhat-worthwhile cities before running out of room. You have three neighbors. One is to the north and shares your religion. One is to the northwest and bears a different religion. The third is to the south, cut-off from the other two, and has no religion. They each have three or four cities as far as you can tell, but you don't (yet) no if there is any land or civs lurking on their far borders.

    The difficulty, which civ you and your opponents are, your current military strength, tech choices, etc., are up to you to choose. Where do you head from here?

    Gear up for war? Peacefully convert everyone to your religion? Start building boats and explorers? Quietly build your small empire upward?

    Which civics do you use? Which tech options do you pursue? Which wonders do you try to build?

    Make it up, but make it representative of your style of play. Don't need a novel, just a rattling off of your gameplay.

    For example, I tend not to be very militaristic. I would likely just work on the infrastructure of my cities, and picking techs that focus on helping my culture, notably Drama. I would try to avoid conflict, which might result in sending a few missionaries out, and I'll explore when I get around to it, but I am content not being bothered while I develop a few rather good cities.

    That's my answer. What kind of Empire Builder are you?

  • #2
    [reserved for tally, unless I'm lazy, at which point you will forever see this bracketed text]


    • #3
      I tend to try and take cities by culture when possible, so if there was a likely city to try and flip, I would start working up culture in the city or cities nearby and get working on a culture bomb.

      If no cultural take over is likely, I would see how my military compared. If I was in a good place because of techs, UU, etc. I would prepare for a quick strike to raze improvements with 1-2 fast moving units and a larger force to take one city. I would war against the civ who had the different religion if possible.

      Also, I would build a boat at some point and if I could get them to agree to open boarders, I would send a warrior or scout to explore past the distant neighboor. I probably wouldn't make another city somewhere far unless there was a resource I really needed.

      The other thing I sometimes do is not have a state religion at all. If I really wanted to avoid war, I would probably set it to no state religion and if I wanted to go back someday, start converting those arround me and flipping back once they saw the light. Or I might just coast on the religion issue and not worry about trying to convert.

      And of course all this is affected by my leader's traits. I have been tending toward financial lately because I love the extra money. But it is important to take advantage of whatever traits you have.

      In general, I am more of a builder who uses culture to conquer, but I try to keep enough military power to be able to take at least 1 city if someone attacks me or if I need a resource I can't get through trade.
      Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


      • #4
        In that scenario, I'd focus on culture and exploration. I really try and avoid wars if at all possible.

        National defense, for certain, is a priority, but not advancement via military.


        • #5
          I would want to know as much as reasonably possible about the resources and terrain of each civ before deciding.

          /me says theoretically... one more friggin' day CIV-less
          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


          • #6
            With only 4 cities and no worldly knowledge, i'd send out a couple explorers ASAP. I would try to co-opt my northern friend of the faith as a strong ally and probably try to convert the southern heathens. Then as soon as viable, i'd try to run roughshod over the NW civ with the wrong religion before they can decide they don't like me (hopefully with help from northern allies). With no immediate room for further settling, war is the next logical step for expansion especially with a couple potential allies. 4 cities just isn't enough for me to settle down for the long game.

            Of course, as others have said it would depend heavily on the further details of the situation.
            Last edited by krytonix; November 4, 2005, 19:31.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Theseus
              I would want to know as much as reasonably possible about the resources and terrain of each civ before deciding.
              Make it up!

              If you need me to decide for you, you have metals and a few basic other resources, but no horses. The people to the south have spare horses not terribly far from your border. Other strategic resources haven't come up yet.


              • #8
                Obviously, the more specific the scenario becomes, the less revealing of a player's general strategy the response must be.

                Anyway, in such a situation, my first priority would be conversion of the southern nation. Religion makes such a huge difference, and I abhor military engagements (even moreso in CIV than its big brothers, since it so much more accurately reflects the disruptive effects wars have). I'd mostly ignore the northwesterners who have yet to see the validity of the True Faith, and take pains to strengthen my relationship with the northerners and the southerners. Trading resources and open borders help a lot in this.

                I'd do what I could to curtail the growth of the northwesterners through whatever peaceable means I could. Cultural borders, control of chokepoints, etc. If they declared war on myself or one of my friends, then I'd get involved and switch to a war footing, but I'd consider that a last resort and something to hopefully be avoided through minor placation. A tech or two here, a few hundred gold there, are prices well worth paying to keep the peace in my opinion.


                • #9
                  I prefer religious conversion of their empire to a religion that I founded.

                  It's worth a fortune in gold!

                  Now, I wasn't able to actually get any border cities to culturaly revolt over to me even with lots of Great Works of art, but was able to take ownership of a lot of tiles these cities were working, including several tiles only one tile away from their cities.
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #10
                    I would also ally the civ with same religion and convert the one to the south. Later take out NW civ with NE and pos. south.

                    I heart wonders so I always build a lot of them esp. if i´m on an island or have a lot of coast/pos. coast citys. Gotta have Lighthouse and Colossus, only land : Stonehenge, Pyramids, Parthenon and Oracle is nice but not on my "must have" list.

                    Industrial trait is nice for city building esp. with Organized religion civic.

                    First or second city should be coastal (preferably second) so i can build land wonders in one and the coast in the other.

                    Techs i just pick to get wonders
                    and fill in what i need for resources and so on as i go along. Always try to atleast keep up in military so u don´t get caught out with a warrior against a archer barbarian if on island or alone, or in this case in a war against prolly NW civ.

                    Four cities is a bit to few for me so I would explore to find land or war against NW with allies.

                    Thats about it...

