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Leader personalities

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  • Right now, I'm playing a game with a handful of interesting leaders.

    I've allied myself with Mansa Musa and Washington, neither of them being very useful, but Mansa Musa is totally useless. He never helps me in any wars, always wants at least 100 gold for his map, never trades any technologies, builds near my cities to cut off my expansion, and STILL asks me to stop trading with other leaders and asks for resources and gold.

    He'll regret this all later when I get access to nuclear weapons...


    • Make him regret it now with the good ol' Stack o Siege.


      • Originally posted by Shaka II Hatshepsut is just plain adorable.
        Yeah, she wins for me on the 'cutest leader' award. Lacking any idea who I would try in my second game, I simply went for Egypt on those grounds.

        I ended up with Alexander to the north, and he tried to drop a massive army on me for new years in 1900 - with me having almost no standing army but very good production, I was able to turn the tide in time.

        That game also has Napaleon and Isabella, but they haven't very effective and have 'victory scores' that are half to a third of mine. Gengis Khan and Ghandi have been at war with each other in that game since I first encountered them in the early BCs, so at this point the game is effectively just a process of 'cleaning up'.
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        • The Mongols have a split personality

          The Mongels are an interesting play. I set up a custom game with only myself (Saladin) and both Gengas and Kubla. Kubla turned out to be a great trading partner after having open borders and trustworthy. Gengas however will cut your throat for a nickel. He will attack you the moment he thinks he has an advantage. Fortunately he is not a good judge of my strength. After 300 years I have gotten the upper hand and am pillaging his farms and towns, he begs for peace but only offers a 10 turn treaty. Very tough but get ahead in tech, forget culture and you can beat him.


          • i was wondering what leaders i should be allys with and which ones i should fight


            • Well I just had a time victory in the last game (Noble). Those bastard AIs united against my UN resolution of Free Market, preventing me from acomplishing a Diplomatic Victory.... GRRRR!

              About the AIs I played against...
              Isabella is a slut. Catherine declared war on me with no apparent reason and when I was on the brink of destroying her puny empire, Isabella stepped in, menacing my northern border. I had to quickly make peace to Catherine and turn my mighty armys around to face that Spanish treacharous ****. I didn´t ease the pressure until she was destroyed.
              I had a time of peace, making my trade relations with Catherine stronger, in hope to achieve a decent cultural level. Well she betrayed me again when she had a decent military power and declared war on me. Again I was on the brink of destroying her Empire. That´s when Tokugawa declared war on me and made me declare peace with Catherine (agaaaain!!) and turn to my eastern border to deal with the menace. I took some cities from him, and he was forced to make peace with me.
              All treacherous bastards. Tokugawa, Catherine, Isabella. Maybe it´s a game feature that when a civilization is menaced, others step in to help them. I don´t know...
              About the other AIs:
              Washington is a nice guy. Even though he could easily invade my unprotected borders, while I was at war, he allways adopted a neutral position towards my conflicts.
              Hatsupsetch or whatever is the name of the Egypcian guy, is a nice fella too. Easy to trade, reliable.
              Mao Ze Dong has a personality but can be easelly manipulated. Oiiiiiiil!!!!
              Ghandi is a nice guy too. I have trouble atacking an empire that´s ruled by such a puny figure. Easy to trade, reliable when you need his help.
              The same goes to that pompous ass Louis XIV. Easy to manipulate.
              Montezuma took some time to achieve a decent Empire, and when he did, he had the stupid idea of going to war with America. He was almost completely wipped out from the face of the planet. Washington spared him. Good man...
              Hayuan Capac, is a decent enough guy. He had a very cultured empire, backed by strong military, but didn´t see him going to war with no one. An easy man to please.

              Have fun U Guys!


              • Originally posted by crazyarm
                i was wondering what leaders i should be allys with and which ones i should fight
                The only short answer is 'it depends'. I assume you've already read this thread.

                Even mad dogs like Montezuma can make a useful ally. I once converted him to my religion when he was on another continent and just hired him to declare war on whoever. He doesn't care about getting his empire working - just attack, attack, attack.

                Isabella, another notorious figure can make an excellent ally if you adopt her religion and fight a war or two with her. It seems she doesn't backstab like Alexander. I've alllied with him too, as a buffer between me and the rest when going for a culture win.

                'Nice' allies like Gandhi & Osaka can actually be a PITA when you really need some help, and are less likely to go to war for you. This reluctance to fight often gets them a good tech position in the endgame, so credit to them.

                Things to seek in partnerships are tech, resources, trade routes and military co-operation. You also want partners who don't have too many powerful enemies, or your friends can get you in trouble.


                • Originally posted by A Henriques
                  Hatsupsetch or whatever is the name of the Egypcian guy, is a nice fella too. Easy to trade, reliable.
                  That's a female.


                  • I found myself in an odd situation last night: my closest friend is Ghengis Khan.

                    Granted, I've been a warmongering bastard (Caesar, with iron). I've also converted the great Khan to my religion and I agreed to his request that I gift him a tech. He's bringing up the rear in tech, so it actually wasn't that valueable a tech...Compass, I think. Then requested that he gift me back his 190 gold treasury, and he agreed. I've also joined in a war he was fighting (to prevent him from grabbing a couple of juicy cities I want).

                    Anyway, Ghengis is something like +6 with me... which I consider pretty darned good for him. Lucky for me, too. I was looking at the Power graph, and until quite recently, Ghengis was far and away the most powerful civ. But now I have riflemen and cannon, ho-ho-ho.

                    edit: come to think of it, the religions in my current game are rather odd. I founded Confucism. Hinduism was also founded on my continent (I think in Washington, which I now own), but barely spread. There were four civs on my continent (me, America, Mali, Mongols). I discovered another two-civ continent (Inca, Japan) which had zero religions. This means that every other religion was founded by crusader girl (Isabella), who has her own island continent and has thus was isolated until optics/astronomy. I'm pretty sure she used a great prophet for Philosophy (I normally found Taoism, but this time was handily beaten to it). So she's got Judaism, Christianity, Taoism and Islam. But couldn't spread a single one of 'em to anyone

                    Last edited by Arrian; January 4, 2006, 10:19.
                    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                    • Originally posted by sovietwaffle

                      That's a female.
                      Eheh... That´s right...

