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Leader personalities

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  • Actually, Mussolini should get penalties for his newly created units!! The rest of your post fits.

    How about an incompetence trait that increases maintainence, construction time and lowers combat efficiency by 10%?


    • What do you think winston churchill could be then - expansive(british empire)/Organized?


      • [QUOTE] Originally posted by Jerx
        Actually, Mussolini should get penalties for his newly created units!! The rest of your post fits.

        Well, if you look at the quote that went with the post and the reference to today's British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who's in an "alliance" with a certain somebody to fight an unwinnable war; you will then see I wasn't talking about Mussolini at all, but a modern leader who somewhat resembles him in his military incompetence and chaotic laizzez-faire attitude toward commerce.
        Actually, there are some old Italians who insist that Mussolini is the only modern leader who "made the trains run on time."
        You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


        • I realize that, but how could one fit W in?

          He is fiscally irresponsible, but the economy hums (on a macro level). He is aggressive and claims to be spiritual.

          anyway I do NOT want to pursue this any further.


          • Originally posted by Jerx
            I realize that, but how could one fit W in?

            He is fiscally irresponsible, but the economy hums (on a macro level). He is aggressive and claims to be spiritual.

            anyway I do NOT want to pursue this any further.
            Yeah, it spoils the fun and does lead off-topic. I just got W on my mind this season, got people a little testy on another thread same way. Hey, I think Churchill would be a great addition, but they already got two Brits. Ditto for Stalin. I think getting another Italian involved, like that Medici who was such a big shot in Florence for awhile during the Renaissance, or some Venetian Doge. (Aggressive and Financial,) would be a trip. Maybe bring back that Viking from Civ3, I liked playing him, but then, I'm part Norwegian and loved the Berserkers.
            You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


            • Originally posted by spikeyperson
              What do you think winston churchill could be then - expansive(british empire)/Organized?
              You've got the British Empire in the wrong half - managing a huge overseas empire is for the Organized trait, not the Expansive one. Besides which, the British Empire was mostly gone by the 1940s.

              Churchill was a wartime leader who was voted out in the first post-War general election. That suggests the Agg trait, although it doesn't necessarily require it.
              Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.


              • I really like the leaders so far in this game, but I think Firaxis still has a long way to go in making them human, in making dealing have better flow and more natural, and also more civilizations and more leaders would, I say, be the best improvement you could make. For instance the British could also have Lloyd George, Churchill, the French could have de Gaulle, and just think of the variety you could have with the Americans. You can have a left wing progressive president like Roosevelt, and then a war-mongering religious leader like George W. Bush. More leaders would rock.


                • And GWB could have those awesome monkey-impressions for happy/angry/confused etc.


                  • Regarding Tokugawa, I know that the Japanese were very isolationist for about 200 years (1600-1800 I think). I wonder if this is why Tokugawa and other leaders act as they do? Maybe the game designers tried to mirror history when they designed the leader personalities.

                    Just a thought


                    • Originally posted by madinkan
                      What troubles me is the fact that they rarely have guys like Hitler and Stalin as an available option. Maybe because some people might find that offensive, but still a nice idea being able to play as the Fuhrer or Commarade Stalin.
                      The funny thing is that Mao (who they DID include in the game) is responsible for more violations of human rights than both Hitler AND Stalin. But hey... we never fought a war with China...
                      "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."



                      • Originally posted by Feyd

                        The funny thing is that Mao (who they DID include in the game) is responsible for more violations of human rights than both Hitler AND Stalin. But hey... we never fought a war with China...
                        I don't think its going to happen. Look how they kept the kid gloves on with religion. And every time Hitler's name comes up, somebody objects.

                        Remember that movie two or three years ago that depicted Hitler as a young art student in Vienna; with a Jewish benefactor yet? I was lucky enough to see the thing (and didn't think it too believable a depiction; I'm pretty well read on Hitler but I bet very few other people did; the firestorm of criticism over the subject matter was horrendous. "Humanizing" Hitler was a frequent comment. (They had to rewrite some of the script just to get it shown.)

                        With Stalin, I can vouch there is a huge Russian emigre population in this country; and a good many Poles too boot, who find every reference to him that isn't in every way depracting and deploring; to be objectionable.

                        I also think they aren't going to go with more than two leaders from any one nation. Remember, in Civ3, we had only one per.
                        You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


                        • I honestly have found it extremely easy to get along with both Catherine and Izzy.

                          Napoleon, Montezuma, Tokugawa and Peter all bastards. (Somehow I'm always sharing borders with them! )


                          • This thread is a very enjoyable read. Anyway, I just want to add that while I think leader traits are a funny thing and add much flavour to the game, it also makes the game a tad easier than I care for when the AI can be pacified simply by adopting their state religion or favourite civic. What I am saying is that the AI cares too much about the 'roleplaying' and too little about winning.


                            • Use Random Personalities?


                              • Not what I meant. A human trying to win gives a jack about the state religion of others. To some extent they also give a damn about loyalty (at least I do, I am a backstabber - heh). The AI is concerned about you razing a city or having the wrong civics. I just think it should concentrate a bit more on winning instead.

