i'm trying to figure out how the tile property formula works but so far have not spent enough time to try it.
clear is:
- undisputed land that gets added within your culture border immediately belongs 100% to you.
- capturing a city and growing the culture border after the resistance is gont will add 1% of "belonging" each turn. so probably after 50 turns if the other civ recaptures a neighboring town, you will keep the influence.
- culture bomb will take all undisputed tiles and all tiles around the city with no culture (usually a size 1/2 city). if the city has 0< x <10 culture (so some culture, but not yet grown borders), it will be able to keep it (at least for a while)
- you can steal tiles from other civ through cultural pressure.
this is where i am not sure. sometimes i see you winning back tiles thanks to closeness even without huge culture production. sometimes the changes seem very very slow. maybe it is a historical average? so eg. calcutta posessed a tile for 100 turns. you come along, build a city and lots of culture. i have not tested, but i expect you'll need 51 turns of local cultural superiority to get that tile.
but these are assumptions... how much does time matter? how much does distance matter? i guess with the world builder cheat option i could find out but i won't do that before i have had some decent playing time
clear is:
- undisputed land that gets added within your culture border immediately belongs 100% to you.
- capturing a city and growing the culture border after the resistance is gont will add 1% of "belonging" each turn. so probably after 50 turns if the other civ recaptures a neighboring town, you will keep the influence.
- culture bomb will take all undisputed tiles and all tiles around the city with no culture (usually a size 1/2 city). if the city has 0< x <10 culture (so some culture, but not yet grown borders), it will be able to keep it (at least for a while)
- you can steal tiles from other civ through cultural pressure.
this is where i am not sure. sometimes i see you winning back tiles thanks to closeness even without huge culture production. sometimes the changes seem very very slow. maybe it is a historical average? so eg. calcutta posessed a tile for 100 turns. you come along, build a city and lots of culture. i have not tested, but i expect you'll need 51 turns of local cultural superiority to get that tile.
but these are assumptions... how much does time matter? how much does distance matter? i guess with the world builder cheat option i could find out but i won't do that before i have had some decent playing time