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The only way to play.... ;)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by hexagonian
    Having all that hardware doesn't make you a better player...
    No, but it sure makes it a lot more entertaining when I lose


    • #47
      That looks absolutely awsome!
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #48
        Nice setup... :drool: (must find something to look down on here...) But $5500 and you have all that wire spaghetti going on in the case?


        • #49
          I'm going to have dual monitors soon, and I'm wondering if you find it enhances gameplay at all... I haven't seen what it looks like in-game (not the intro menu), but I'm worried that it won't split between the screens well. Does anyone have a picture of what split screens look like during actual gameplay??


          • #50
            Don't have any pics, but it basically just expands the screen to fill out the width so that you have twice as wide a view. My bro played that way for a short while, but decided he didn't like the split down the middle. Me, I'm running different resolutions between my two monitors, so running the game on both of them wouldn't work very well.
            That it is wrong for a man to say he is certain of the objective truth of a proposition unless he can provide evidence which logically justifies that certainty. This is what agnosticism asserts and in my opinion, is all that is essential to agnosticism. ["Agnosticism and Christianity", 1889, Thomas Huxley]

            Gary Denney
            >>>-----The Archer----->


            • #51
              Really impressive , I recomend you only to perform the appropriate maintenance, you don't want the cryogenic liquid get in touch with the electronic stuff overe there



              • #52
                Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
                Wow. That's wildly excessive.

                Just added THAT to my FY23 home budget

                Come on Shogun Gunner, shame him with wall pics

                stand by everyone
                anti steam and proud of it

                CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Aeson
                  Nice setup... :drool: (must find something to look down on here...) But $5500 and you have all that wire spaghetti going on in the case?
                  Hey.. I said I just got my new PSU, and had to cable it all up... those pics are with a 500w PSU that couldn't power everything..

                  Gonna work on it this weekend.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Gunter
                    Really impressive , I recomend you only to perform the appropriate maintenance, you don't want the cryogenic liquid get in touch with the electronic stuff overe there

                    Fluid is non-conductive.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Platypus Rex

                      Come on Shogun Gunner, shame him with wall pics

                      stand by everyone
                      If I can cIV working on my laptop, I'll take one this weekend.

                      I'm getting a new laptop later this month...I'm sure cIV will work on the new one.

                      BTW, I don't think I can compete against SaintSinner's setup. That's seriously sweet
                      Haven't been here for ages....


                      • #56
                        size really DOES matter
                        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                        • #57
                          Post another IN GAME pic with those monitors- I'd like to see how the map looks with that- the title screen is nice, but I don't stare at that for very long...


                          • #58

                            I'll toss 'em up later today.



                            • #59
                              I don't have a picture, but let me put it this way:

                              I have a 52" DLP Mitsubishi HD TV, (WD52725) and it has a VGA input. Add in a wireless mouse, a wireless keyboard, my couch, and some beer.... You can probably guess where I am going with this......52 inches of CIV4 on the couch.

                              Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I have my sound going optical from my computer to my Digital Receiver, so it sounds great too. The biggest problem I have now is doing anything else besides Civ.


                              • #60
                                Have the pics, been too busy to convert 'em from .NEF and upload 'em. Will try tonight...

                                I haven't tried it on my TV yet... I've got a 72" Toshiba DLP 1080p... gonna have to run a line over to it

                                I'm building an LCD Projector, from using a 15" LCD... I'll post pics of that, when its done... few weeks.

