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Hooked yet?

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  • #31
    Not at first. With so many techs and resources I was unhappy that they seemed to be trivialized.

    All the games I played in the past with lots of tech were disappointing. You could not really see the impacts and they had no lasting effect as you raced to the next one.

    The first two days I was able to walk away and do other things and not think about it. The last two days are like my other favs, I jump up during commercials from my favorite show and squeeze in a turn or two. I have to force myself to turn it off and stick to my normal bed time.

    I find I have not done some things I intended to do as I did not break away long enough.

    Will see how many games that last.


    • #32
      I wasn't sure for the first few games... I must admit I'm not too keen on the "improved" graphics of the game.

      But now I'm getting a better understanding of some of the features, I'm addicted! This game is way better (and longer playability) than Civ 3 I think.

      Graphics - thumbs down
      Gameplay - two thumbs up


      • #33
        Completely hooked and still learning so much with each game
        Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


        • #34
          Pretty overwhelming response in favor.

          Although the sample size is inclined to like a civ game, I believe it's counterbalanced by the vocal naysayer "i told you so" tendency at 'Poly. So, all in all, a fair poll
          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #35
            I like the game, can't say I'm hooked yet. At I'm posting here. I read the manual, but the game still is very strange in ways. I need to pick up on it. I've always hated learning new interfaces. I still have to poke around the screens to figure out what's happening. I'm not sure if I'm winning or not. I was like the last civ to found a religion (christianity), but the pop up came up that said I'm the most technological civ in the world. So I guess I'm winning. I'm not really sure.


            • #36
              so - the results to-date - from a remarkable 140 voters.

              Yes - immediately - 55%
              Yes - after a bit of playing - 22%
              Not sure yet - 15%
              No - back to civ2 or civ3 - 2%
              Banana option - (which really means "I would rather play The Sims but there is no waaaaay I am going to post that on a civ site." ) - 5%

              So, civ4 has won over 77% of the 140 who voted, with another 15% still thinking about it.

              What is remarkable to me, is that only 2% would want to retun to civ2 or civ3. Then again, I am a civ3 die hard, and am in with yes- after bit of playing group.

              Anyways, thanks one and all for voting. It might be interesting to have a similar poll about a month out which reads "Are you still hooked."

              Happy civin.
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • #37
                It might also be interesting to have a poll in a week or two for the rest of the world who don't have the game yet.


                • #38
                  I don't quite understand the distribution in Europe. Several 'Poly members living in Holland and Germany already have it (No, they weren't beta testers).

                  In Holland specifically, I'm told, the game release date was the same in the US.
                  Haven't been here for ages....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Cort Haus
                    It might also be interesting to have a poll in a week or two for the rest of the world who don't have the game yet.
                    Cort - yes - excellent idea. Maybe I will just bump this up then. T

                    hen again, a separate poll would be interesting to see how those who listened to all the discussion for a couple of weeks prior to playing reacted, and whether their initial impressions are different than the first wave.
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • #40
                      I'm just not hooked yet. This is why I'm posting here instead of playing. It's a fun game, and I'm impressed by all the work put into it.

                      The game seems slow. Yeah I know, I should go into the options and see if I can turn off unit animations. Maybe it's my computer. I hate my units moving so slowly. I think once I learn how to play, and learn the interface I'll be hooked. I read the instructions, but I forgot where to find certain things. Like where the health and happiness of my city is. I know it's on the city screen somewhere. I'm not entirely happy with the city screen, but oh well. And I'm still a little confused about religion. How can I tell what religions are present in my city? I know it's supposed to be in the city screen on the right side. And the way you change workers into entertainers/specialists seems confusing. I liked the old way better.

