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What Do You Want To See Added To Civ 4?

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  • What Do You Want To See Added To Civ 4?

    First of all Civilization 4 is a great game but I always like to think of whats next?

    What do you want to see added to Civ 4?
    01) A Patch (Thats a given)
    02) Regicide Mode
    03) "Flavor" Units (American riflemen don't look exacly the same as Egyptian riflemen)
    04) More unique units
    05) More units in general (Paratrooper?? Cruise Missles? Partasins? More naval units)
    06) More leaders (Winston, Augustus, Stalin, De Gull)
    07) New Civs
    08) Improved Navy Function (Coastal and ranged bombardment, like in Civ 3. Submarines improved.)
    09) More UN Resolutions
    a. Create your own resolution
    b. UN peacekeepers could be dispatched to prevent a civ from losing a town unless the attacker wants to declare war on the UN
    c. Can choose to be part of the UN and reap its benifits or not
    d. Some benifits of being in UN
    10) Special Ops Units (Expensive and covert units that are weak, cant capture cities, and have a 50% withdrawl rate)
    11) Multi-Civ meetings for diplomacy and treaties
    12) Expanded diplomacy (more treaties and agendas)
    13) Future expansion (beyond 2050: high firepower troops, lasers, low alt space ships, some sci fi stuff)
    14) Dangerous R&D projects
    15) Military Heroes and Leaders
    a. attach to units or cities to add bonuses
    b. adds more of a RP element to the game with heroes that can move around an add bonuses to where they are for all areas: military, science, art, economy, engineering
    c. Like mobile great heroes who act like units
    16) More civics, more civics (I'm sure we'll see this in future expansions)

    Hopefully this will be a breeding ground for future mods and development. What else do you guys want?

  • #2
    Babylonians, Zulus..

    The rest of the leaders that didnt make the publishing deadline...

    The ability to turn on the music in he begining

    More visually interesting terrian graphics
    Lincoln's Gettysburg address has 226 words, The Ten commandments has 296 words. The US dept. of agriculture's order setting the price of cabbage has 15,269 words


    • #3
      * A garage as city improvement. The garage should come very late in the techtree because the intention of the garage should be to convert car-engines in clean engines, so that the pollution of the city can be reduced furthermore.

      Now I think you are not able to reach "status quo" in pollution when you build a factory, airport and so on. But in the "future" we should be able to resolve those issues!

      * You should be able to transport military units to a fort when you have airports. To move them just between cities is lame, because fort's do have airports too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by enoeraew

        The ability to turn on the music in he begining
        For sure. I'm not too sure who made that design decision. For a while there I thought that my sound wasn't working properly because there was no music playing.


        • #5
          I want more civs and at least two leaders per civ
          I would also love to have more civ traits, and a few "levels" of the different traits:
          By that I mean that if you have e.g. the agressive trait, you can also get agressive level 2 trait (instead of one of the others), which gives you some more military bonuses
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            Abillity to get to the city screens from the domestic advisor.


            • #7
              Also I'd like to be able to scroll around the map while talking to the other civs (when they offer a city I want to scroll around to see it's location)
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #8
                Functional (useful would be an added bonus) military advisor :P

                The ability to access any screen from any other screen - ie, Joe the Incan contacts me wanting to trade X for Y - and I can't access diplomacy to see who that will anger! I can't remember all of that stuff offhand. You can go to 'what do you think of X' each time, but that's a terrible kludge, and that only applies to that one situation. This is similarly annoying for city structure buildup and other unskippable popus that don't allow you to access advisors, the map, or other data as you might wish.


                • #9
                  I would Like to make 3-D Leader in my own making.


                  • #10
                    I just want the game to consistently get "a/an" right. "You have created a Archer" is illiterate. This is not rocket science, either.


                    • #11
                      some new civs (like Israel....we have their religion, now how about the nation?)

                      would like more units, but not go overboard

                      be able to go beyond 2050


                      • #12
                        - A "Random" option when choosing a tech - sort of blind research, but with a choice to over-ride as normal

                        -1/2 religion's role in diplomacy!!! It is far too much of a consideration by the AI in determining relations.

                        -(diplomacy again) I want to tell the AI "YOU have traded with my worst enemy" (and all the other "modifiers"), just as they do with me, and have them incorporate that in their future dealing decisions. For example, if they trade with Mali (the weakest nation in this hypothetical game and I am the strongest nation in this game, while they are second to last) and I tell them Mali is my worst enemy, they should most likely seek to avoid relations with Mali to avoid a confrontation with me.

                        and, of course:
                        -More civs!!! 31 in civ3, now only 18?!?!?! that's just wrong.
                        -All the options we lost from civ3 (not design changes like pollution, but "abandon city" for example)

                        Why is it with every new version of civ, we take several steps forward, but a few steps backwards as well? It's been happening since civ2-civ3 (not sure about civ1-civ2, it's been too long). In new (future) versions, please always keep all the features, unless they've been replaced or removed due to design changes, not just 'because'.

                        PS, I haven't actually played the game yet (it's still in the mail), this is just from seeing other people's gameplay on the forums and reading other threads.

                        Originally posted by MythicalMino
                        some new civs (like Israel....we have their religion, now how about the nation?)
                        had to reply to this... I hate how people are linking Israel to Judaism like this. It was the kingdom of Judea (~2000BC) where the religion started, not Israel (1949). Israel is about as useless as a full diaper (in civ terms of course). It is the only jewish state in existance, but without US money, military and political backing, it would have been destroyed in 1967 or never even created to begin with.
                        Last edited by alms66; October 30, 2005, 21:08.


                        • #13
                          -more civs

                          -THE ABILITY TO ABANDON A CITY!!!
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #14
                            CN Tower

                            The Canadian National tower deserves a place among the wonders. Built in 1976 it is 553 metres (1815ft) high and not only can you travel a good 3/4 of that distance to the top, you can eat there! 2 million people visit it yearly. Perhaps most importantly it of all, it is responsible for giving Torontonians and the outlying suburbs some of the clearest television reception in the world! Why then, is there not at least a "small" wonder for it in any civ game? Yes im a Canadian, so yes I have more desire to see this in the game. But ****, it wouldnt hurt, after all it is 'only' the WORLDS TALLEST free standing structure - wonder enough I'd say

                            the intrepid nemesis - the original cool


                            • #15
                              that's not the worlds tallest free standing structure
                              To us, it is the BEAST.

